You Belong With Me Chapter 22
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “You Belong With Me Chapter 22 Of You Belong With Me by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? You Belong With Me:
????(Stuck In Between)????
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“Everything is going to be alright”
Harry has been in jail since his mother didn’t have the money to bail him out. The only thing they did for him was to come give him food and tell him what they have been telling him since day one; They tell him everything will be alright but a week has passed and nothing happened.
“I’m never going to get out of here am I?” Harry sighed out of tiredness.
“Don’t say that to yourself, mummy is going to look for a way to get you out” Amanda said softly.
“Well mummy has been saying that for a week now not nothing has happened!” Harry snapped and everywhere turned silent.
Amanda was surprised that her son could get angry. She had always seen him with a smile or tried to be funny even in the worst situation now he was..
“I’m sorry” Harry’s voice came out as a whisper. “I’m just angry at myself. Ten years of work from this family can’t provide ten thousand dollars and you know that mom so why should I bother myself. I’m pretty sure my mates would have helped their way out of here within thirty minutes but not us mom not us”
A teardrop fell from Amanda’s eyes but she wiped it off.
“I will get you out of here Harry, just wait huh?” Amanda smiled at him and nodded, as if to assure herself that she was capable of taking her son out before leaving.
Harry sighed and rested his head on the wall, he only closed his eyes for a minute when another footstep was heard.
“Hi.. Harry”
He immediately opened his eyes at the familiar voice only to see Tessa.
Amanda was in a lot of thoughts as she found her way to pick Barry up from his school. Harry was right, would she ever get her son out of there? She didn’t even have any friends so where could she get that amount of money from?
“No way that’s possible, are you sure of this?” A man dressed in a tattered shirt asked another man.
“I’m telling you, I got really lucky at that gambling house last night. I was able to use a hundred dollars to make up to five hundred thousand dollars” the other man said.
“That’s crazy, where is the place again?”
“D gamble zone, just across the first street”
And their voices faded off as they left.
“D gamble zone?” Amanda thought to herself. Maybe if she tries this then she might be lucky enough to get money and take Harry out of the station.
Amanda nodded, coming to a conclusion that she would gamble and take Harry off the station. She proceeded to pick Barry up from school.
“What are you doing here?” Harry stood up to ask, he was surprised to see her here. She hasn’t showed up since a week of his arrest and he was starting to think she doesn’t care.
“I know how this looks Harry, I know how you might be thinking but I promise it’s not how it looks” Tessa started.
“What are you saying Tessa? You don’t have anything to do with me here?” Harry asked with his eyes raised up.
“Do you think I had something to do with it?” Tessa answered his question with another question.
“How am I supposed to think, what am I supposed to know? You’ve never liked me even when I try to be close to you. We opened up that night and I confronted you about smoking then coincidentally the next day I ended up in prison for drugs” Harry shrugged simply as he spoke.
“So you don’t trust me? You think I had something to do with this. I’m that heartless to frame you and get you locked up? I thought..” Tessa sighed to herself and looked the other side.
“I might be so stupid thinking that among everyone in this world, you saw me differently” She added but lowered her voice when she said that part.
“So you’re trying to gaslight? Emma saw you smoking and you spoke to her in a rude way!”
“And if I am that person you think I am then I would have had her locked up earlier!!” Tessa yelled back at him.
And there was silence for some seconds, just the both of them exchanging angry looks.
“What are you doing here!?” An angry female voice was heard. Tessa and Harry looked to see Emma storming towards them.
“Get out of here Tessa you’ve done enough! Don’t listen to her Harry! All she’s ever done was to use and manipulate you!” Emma told him then faced Tessa again.
“What are you still doing here? If you don’t leave now I swear I’ll make it known to the officers that you’re here to cause trouble so leave!” Emma gave her a warning look.
Tessa fist was folded tight but she nodded and left as asked then Emma faced Harry. “Don’t mind her or listen to anything she says to you. Remember she’s the reason you’re here in the first place, it’s all because of her! She’s what people think she is! She’s pure evil!”
Tessa who was leaving could still hear all what Emma was saying. She clenched her fist even harder as she stepped out of the prison. There was a white familiar car waiting for her.
The screen rolled down and Chad’s head popped out.
“Want me to give you a ride back?” He asked.
Tessa didn’t answer, she kept leaving. Chad rolled his eyes and followed her.
“Believe it or not but you need someone to talk to. Get in” he said.
Tessa sighed and stopped moving, Chad opened the car for her to enter which she did but didn’t say anything.
“It sucks that they blame you for what happened, I mean you don’t even smoke. Sometimes I wonder how the retard thinks” Chad said as he started the car.
Tessa didn’t reply, she just looked out the window.
“You shouldn’t trouble yourself for that boy Tessa, he’s not worth it and not worth making you feel the way you do” He added.
“You don’t know anything about me or how I feel so you don’t have any right to lecture me about my feelings” Tessa muttered.
“You’re right, I don’t know anything about you but I know you care about what Harry thinks of you” Chad scoffed painfully then Tessa didn’t say anything, his face clenched even more and his grip on his wheel tightened.
The place was just like what Amanda pictured a nightclub to look like. The music was loud and the light was dimmed. When Amanda stepped in, she covered her nose because the place reeked of alcohol. There were various men sitting and playing cards.
“What are you looking for here?” A huge man stopped her. “Women are not allowed!”
“And the last time I checked, gambling isn’t for men alone” Amanda twitched her lips as she retorted.
While she was arguing with the bouncer, she didn’t know she was being watched by someone.
“Look around ma’am, did you see anyone woman here? You look like you have kids so can you go home and take care of them!” The bouncer argued.
Amanda was about to say something when a man putting on an eye mask walked towards them. The bouncer bowled his head immediately.
“Did I ever say a woman can’t play?” He crossed his arms as he faced the bouncer, his voice filled with authority.
“I’m sorry boss” the bouncer didn’t dare raise his head.
“My dear, you can go ahead” the man’s lips curved up to a smile.
Amanda didn’t give him any expression as she went to sit with the other men.
“Woman, what are you looking for here?” One of the men asked.
“I’m here to do what everyone one of you are here for” Amanda dropped ten dollars on the table.
The men only laughed to themselves as they knew they would take all her money. Then the game started, Amanda gave her a card to play and she began playing with the other men.
After some minutes of shouting and arguing.
“Last card” Amanda said and played.
The men were shocked to see she just won the first around, using five dollars to win five hundred dollars.
“Who’s the man now?” Amanda smirked, she was still being watched by the mask man unknowingly.
“It’s just five hundred dollars, there’s nothing to brag about” the man rolled his eyes.
Amanda smirked and played again with ten dollars this time.
This time she had one thousand dollars.
At the end Amanda had up to five thousand dollars with her.
“Do you still want to compete?” She asked with a smirk as she stared at the men who had the look of defeat on their faces.
Harry was getting out of jail tonight.
“Let’s bet $5000 for$500,000. If you’re so good then let’s see if you’d be able to top this” the man with mask came to sit with them.
“What do you say ma’am?” He asked, his lips lingering up to a smile.
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