You Belong With Me Chapter 13
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “You Belong With Me Chapter 13 Of You Belong With Me by Rhema J Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? You Belong With Me:
????(Stuck In Between)????
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Harry slowly opened his eyes. He met Navy and Emma standing close to his face and it took him some seconds to remember he was drowning after attempting to try swimming class.
“Finally, I thought you’d never wake up again? What the hell were you thinking joining the swimming class when you can’t even swim?” Emma scolded him.
“He wasn’t even thinking at all” Navy rolled her eyes.
Harry nervously rubbed his neck.
“I know it might be the best time to bring it up but is Tessa into guys that ride scooter?” He slowly asked.
“HARRY!!!” Emma angrily shouted his name. Why was it always about Tessa? Why was he going extra all for her sake when she don’t even give a fûck. If he needs a girl that can like him for who he really is then what happened to her? Why was he always ignoring her signs?
Emma took a deep breath.
“I don’t know if all these are worth, I don’t get, I mean I really don’t” She muttered before leaving the clinic.
Navy only watched her leave before looking at Harry and looking back at Harry retreating figure.
“Are you acting dumb or are you really clueless?” She asked.
“Clueless about what?” Harry creased his brows in a confused way.
“Nevermind but your best friend is mad at you. She don’t appreciate you risking your life for a girl that couldn’t care less” Navy told him.
“Come on guys, stop painting Tessa like this. She’s a human too, she has a heart so she can’t bad as bad as what you guys have pictured her to be. I will never give up” Harry scoffed then continued.
“I know Emma is mad at me but she will forgive me later on because she cares about me. You can’t stay mad at your best friend for too long”.
“Don’t talk like that,you need to apologize to her she was really worried” Navy said then the class bell rang.
“Oops I have to go to class now, rest well” She smiled at him and left.
Harry released a deep breath before closing his eyes.
After class Emma went to her locker to drop her books. When she was done, she turned back and almost bumped into Dean.
“You almost scared me!” She glared at him before eyeing him from head to toes. “If you’re here because you want to threaten that you’ll make my life a living hell for embarrassing you at your party then I’m not afraid of you” She added and huffed.
“No I don’t wanna threaten you, I came to thank you because after you splash that drink on my face, I realized that I shouldn’t play with girls feelings that way” The way he talked and looked serious, anyone would believe him but Emma isn’t anyone.
“Okay if you came to tell me thank you then you’re welcome” She gave him a kind of smile before walking past him.
Dean ran after her and blocked her path.
“Your action changed me Emma. Can we be friends?” He asked.
“No and please get out of my way Dean” she rolled her eyes and walked past him again.
Dean only smile as he watched her leave- The smile was mischievous, it carried a lot of gravity. “You think you can just get rid of me easily Emma?” He laughed and shook his head.
Tessa sat in front of the piano as she played it with her eyes closed. Miss Gracia sat opposite her with a smile, she might look tough outside but when dealing with music especially when she’s piano.
The sound of someone clapping erupt the class. Miss Gracia and Tessa turned back to see Chad leaning against the door. Tessa secretly rolled her eyes.
“That was the best thing I’ve heard today” He proceeded to entering as soon as he spoke.
“Chad what brings you here?” Miss Gracia asked.
“To register music class, I’ve always been into music since I was a kid and a friend of mine thought me how to play the piano. Do you wanna see?” He asked.
Tessa rolled her eyes and looked elsewhere.
“Okay then show us what you’ve got” Miss Gracia ushered Chad to use the other piano which he obligated.
He sat in front of the ground piano and took a deep breath before placing his slender fingers on the keys then he began to play. The melody was good and soothing- it could generate this kind of peace from no where, it’s like the fresh breeze after a sunny day, the type where people would just love to lay on the ground with their arms and legs bread and enjoy this unknown peace.
The melody sounds familiar to Tessa. It sounded like the one she use to play for him when they were kids, when her mother was still alive. Tessa angrily stump her fist on her piano desk which made Chad stop and before he could say anything, she stood up and ran out of the class.
“Excuse me” Chad stood up and followed her, leaving Miss Gracia confused on how kids acts nowadays.
“Tessa wait!” Chad grabbed her hands before she could go far.
Tessa angrily turned to face him. “What is it Chad? Were you trying to push my buttons in there or what!?”
“I just wanted to see you smile again Tessa, you thought me how to smile so I’m trying to return your favor” Chad replied.
“You should keep the favor, I didn’t ask and besides there’s nothing to smile about anymore” She said coldly before turning to leave.
“I still keep the locket you gave me Tessa!” Chad shouted and she halted her movement, staying still for some second before turning to look at him through her shoulders.
“Throw it away” she muttered before going out of sight.
Chad only looked at her retreating figure as she left. “I still think of you every time” he muttered and released a deep sigh.
It was Saturday and it was also Barry’s birthday. The little boy would be turning six today.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…” Harry carried Barry on his shoulders as he sang him the birthday song.
Amanda was in the kitchen making breakfast. She couldn’t help but smile when she heard her kids voice.
“What is mom making for birthday boy” he walked over to the kitchen to take a look and his eyes lit up. “burger chicken, that’s my favorite!” Harry exclaimed.
“She’s making it for me, I’m the celebrant!” Barry glared at Harry as he was sitting up there. If smacking his brother’s neck was possible then he’d do it too.
“Whatever” Harry rolled his eyes. “Mom can I take Barry to amusement park later, I already asked my boss for a leave and he said it’s okay” Harry asked his mother.
“Yeeye!! Amusement park!!” Barry began jubilating.
“You guys should be careful” Amanda muttered.
“Is that a yes? You’re approving for me to take Barry to amusement park?” Harry asked happily.
“Just be careful, that’s it, watch over your brother and don’t stay there too late” Amanda rolled her eyes as she carried the tray of chicken to the living room.
Harry and Barry happily followed her in.
TO Be Continued