Wild Virgin Chapter 9
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Wild Virgin Chapter 9 Of Wild Virgin by Blessing Adewusi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Wild Virgin CHAPTER NINE: ????
Louis’s eyes were fixated on his laptop. He had a lot of files on his desk.
He was trying his best to meet up, yet Laura’s thoughts wouldn’t stop playing in his head.
He was contemplating whether he should give Laura a call or not.
He had asked himself several times about who the man he had seen her with was.
“Could he be her elder brother?
No, her brother can’t hold her in that kind of way.”
He soliloquized.
“He must be her fiance”.
He finalized his thoughts.
He continued with his work and covered up a large area. He only had a few files left to work on.
When it was break time, he confided in his colleague at a restaurant.
The following conversation ensued
“Steve, have you ever fallen in love with a lady at first sight?”
“Guy man why you dey ask? Has your bait hooked a new fish? Or the hooker is hooked this time around.”
“Common stop this. I am being serious here .”
“No worries. I was just pulling your legs. Well, I haven’t experienced such before.”
Louis sighed.
“I think I am in love. I mean I can’t get the lady’s thoughts off my head.”
“Which lady bro?”
“The lady I told you I almost dented her car.”
“Oh! How far with her sef? I thought you said you gave her a call, and she responded well.”
“Yeah I did but..”
“But what? You had better shoot your shot bro before someone else does it for you.”
“That’s the problem. I think someone was faster than me.”
“Speak clearly to me bro, you are cutting through the corners.”
“Well, I saw her on Saturday with a guy in a restaurant. The guy held her closely, I was extremely jealous. My looks betrayed me.”
“Eeyah, did she say hi to you?”
“She didn’t. She was even avoiding my gaze. Like she didn’t expect we would meet again. I could see the shock on her face .”
“Well, she owes you no explanations.”
“I know she doesn’t. I wish I could give her a call.”
Louis’s friend grinned.
“But wait, what assures you the guy you saw her with was her lover? He could be her brother nah.”
“The way he held her closely, confirmed he isn’t her brother. Moreover, I know a man’s looks when he is in Love. That guy could be anything, but not her brother.”
“So what do we do now? Why don’t you give her a call.?After all overtaking is allowed.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah give her a call right away. You never know what will happen unless you try.”
“Okay, I will give her a call now.”
Louis took out his phone from his pocket and gave Laura a call.
Laura picked at once.
“Hello, Louis.”
“Hello, babe good afternoon. How’s work going?”
“It’s been boring. I feel choked here.”
“Sorry about that. How about we meet today after work? That’s if your fiance doesn’t mind though.”
He said In a hushed tone.
“Fiance you say. You are extremely funny. “
Louis clears his throat.
“Isn’t he?”
“Let’s meet, you can find out that yourself. Please text me the location of where you want us to meet as soon as you can. I am bored here.”
“Alright, babe. Take care.”
Louis cuts the call.
Laura jumped up and shouted. “Yesssss”.
She had forgotten she was in the cafeteria.
Love could do a lot.
Louis on the other hand couldn’t stop blushing.
His friend kept on teasing him.
After work closed for the day Laura drove herself home and changed her clothes.
She illuminated herself with the body spray she had in her wardrobe.
She was just too excited.
Louis had sent her the location he wanted them to meet earlier.
She went into her nanny’s room to bid her farewell.
Her nanny smiled at her She could sense through Laura’s smile she was excited about meeting Louis.
She could only wish Laura well. She didn’t like seeing her gloomy.
When Laura arrived at the location Louis had texted her she became nervous.
The feelings she had once had with Nicodemus ran through her bloodstream.
She felt alive once again.
“This was peace knocking at her door.”
Louis was sitting down on a chair beaming a smile at her.
She wiped her face with the back of her hands.
“Could I be dreaming?”
She soliloquized.
She pinched herself to be assured she wasn’t in a Dreamland.
Truly she wasn’t.
Louis was staring at her closely. He was struck by her beauty.
She tapped his shoulder and spoke.
“Hey, handsome.”
“Hi, sweetest thing in the world. You look more stunning than ever tonight.”
“Really? You look good too.”
“Me good looking? Well if you say so.
Laura chuckled.
“Well, you are. So tell me how long have you been waiting for me.”
“30 minutes, 12 and the half seconds.”
Louis pointed at his wristwatch
“Really? Silly you.”
Laura winked at him, and they both bursted into laughter.
Louis clears his throat.
“So what are we ordering? I have coconut rice and fruit juice in mind. What about you?”
“Well, I think I will go for that too.”
“It’s sealed then.”
Louis called the waiter and he ordered two plates of coconut rice with two cups of fruit juice.
After the waiter served Louis and Laura, they began eating.
Soon they were through and they started gisting.
Louis hated to ruin the moment, but he had to ask Laura who was the guy he had seen her with the other day.
He knew she owed him no explanations so he carefully composed his words.
He spoke.
“Laura, can I ask you a question?”
“Alright go ahead. I am listening.”
“Well I don’t know how you will take this, but I need to ask. Babe please, do you have a guy in your life?”
Laura sighed before responding to his question.
“Well, to be honest, I don’t. I only have an admirer, and I haven’t given him a yes yet.”
“So the guy I saw you with the other isss. Issss heee..?”
Louis stammered.
“Doorh, Kunle is my admirer. I haven’t given him a yes yet.”
“Do you intend to give him a yes later?”
“Well, we aren’t here for questioning right?”
“Obviously not. Sorry I just couldn’t hide my excitement. Sorry I meant amazement.”
“It’s okay. Have you got any gist?”
“Not really. But I think I have a confession.”
“Oops hope it isn’t something serious?”
“It’s a bit serious, cos it’s a matter of the heart. “
Louis frowned his face, to get Laura’s attention.
“Then spit it out.”
Laura clamored.
“Well babe, my thoughts today were centered on a lady. She’s been the center of my thoughts since I met her. I think have fallen. I just only wish she would accept me.”
“Well shoot your shot, you can never tell, she might be dying for you as well.”
Laura smiled.
“Babe. Please can you look into my eyes?”
“Why should I?”
“Please just do.”
“Alright, no worries.”
Laura looked into his eyes. She felt shy she could feel her Adrenaline pumping faster.
Louis broke the silence, after seeing he had gotten what he wanted.
“Babe, who do you see in my eye balls?”
“I see me silly.”
Laura answered amidst thoughts.
“Babe, it’s you I am talking about. You are the lady that has been the center of my thoughts .Please can you be my woman? I promise to make you the happiest woman on earth.”
Laura couldn’t believe her ears. She shook her head several times.
Louis who was afraid of rejection already had tears laid up in his eyelids.
He was awestruck when Laura shouted
He carried her up not minding he was in public.
Although the area was discreet, they were not the only ones in the building.
“This calls for a celebration.”
Louis shouted.
Laura nodded her head, and Louis asked the waiter to serve them a plate of goat meat pepper soup.
After Laura and Louis had finished discussing over a plate of goat meat pepper soup, Louis settled the bill, and they set to take their leave.
At an aisle Louis gave Laura a huge hug.
Laura who couldn’t hide her excitement kissed him in return.
She didn’t know if that was way too early, but she couldn’t conceal her feelings.
Louis was waving at her when her eyes caught sight of the bracelet in his hand.
“Come to think of it, I have seen this bracelet somewhere before.”
“But where could that be?”
She soliloquized.