Wild Virgin Chapter 42
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Wild Virgin Chapter 42 Of Wild Virgin by Blessing Adewusi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Wild Virgin CHAPTER FORTY TWO: ????
Five Days Later…
Kenneth was dumbstruck when he found out the child Priscilla had when she was younger wasn’t dead. The nurse that attended to Priscilla in the labour room had made it look convincing that the child was late.
He couldn’t believe his eyes when the results of his investigations pointed out that Priscilla’s parents were aware the child was still alive.
The truth was unfolding right in front of him. Every single day he awaited more surprises .
Kenneth pondered where the child Priscilla had was. The whole thing was complicated than he thought. To worsen things his father wouldn’t speak up no matter how he pestered him.
After so many thoughts Kenneth decided to find out the reason why Priscilla had left home when she was younger In anger. He had a strong feeling the truth was lying there.
When the result of the investigation as to why Priscilla had left home in anger surfaced. Kenneth became more worried. His father helping Priscilla out with an amount to leave the place she was living before was a twist to him.
If his father loved Priscilla so much he would want her near. “Or could it be because his father wanted to move on.”
Kenneth soliloquized.
Nevertheless it was suspicious Priscilla would agree to leave her residence to another place if there wasn’t something up.
He was still trying to balance his thoughts when a text message pop up on his phone.
Kenneth checked the location sent to him . He jotted it in his notepad and left his room. He lied to his father that he wanted to have a chic chat with one of his friends.
Zion bid his son farewell and Kenneth dashed into his car. He was shocked when he discovered that Priscilla’s parents had suddenly gotten rich after Priscilla had left. Their wealth was sudden according to the information he got within the neighborhood. He was also told Priscilla didn’t inform her parents before taking her leave which means they did something that hurt her.
Kenneth gathered the results of his investigations so far and summed everything up.
It was either Priscilla’s parents had sold their daughter’s son for money or they didn’t approve of Priscilla and Zion’s relationship so they decided to cut any thing that could stand as a form of bond between them.
“ But wait.. why didn’t Priscilla bother to ask for the body of her child? Was she happy with what happened? Or the child reminded her of a scar she wanted to heal from? Was she was glad that the child was still birth?”
Kenneth soliloquized.
From Kenneth’s results so far it was evident Priscilla didn’t have any other lover apart from his father.
“ Oh noo..”
Kenneth exclaimed. He shook his head out of his thoughts.
“ Is it possible that my father was the one who impregnated Priscilla? “
Kenneth battled within himself.
Kenneth followed up the record of the children that had left the hospital within that year. One of the baby caught his attention. Kenneth calculated the age Priscilla’s son ought to be and he was surprised when he found out it was exactly his age.
He dug deeper and realized his father knew of the child’s whereabout. He found that cruel. Priscilla’s child didn’t die as she was told. His father had not gotten Married to Natasha before he had his first child which was him. The sudden wealth Priscilla’s parents had. Everything was making sense to him.
And yes! The truth was pointing out to him. He only needed a DNA and a confirmation from his father that the results he had gotten so far was true.
Kenneth had plan b incase his father didn’t want to talk. He was going to conduct the DNA test with Laura’s help. That was the second option in his mind.
Kenneth decided to make his father speak out first. He got the perfect opportunity during the weekend. His father was studying in the library when Kenneth approached him.
He stood behind his father without speaking so as to get his attention.
“Son why stand behind me with a face like that? What’s wrong?”
“Everything I mean everything.”
“I thought we’ve talked about this. I already told you what to need to know about Priscilla.”
“This. Did you tell me about this?”
Kenneth brought out a picture and a document in his pocket .
Zion collected the picture from his son’s hands in disbelief.
“A baby? This baby looks like you.”
Zion said perplexed.
“And this? When were you going to tell me Priscilla had a son for you ? And the child is precisely my age.”
“Son wait it’s not what you think?”
“What should I think? Priscilla’s parents suddenly became rich after she left. Priscilla left home in anger without telling her parents anything about her movement which means they offended her. It isn’t the sudden wealth Priscilla’s parents had that got me worried but the fact that you had a son precisely Priscilla’s son age. The gap between me and my siblings is exactly that of Priscilla’s son and since you know of the child’s whereabout it only proves the child is me. Or what should I think?”
Kenneth shouted.
“Son it’s complicated than you think. I don’t know how to break it down to you.”
“You don’t need to. I already did the findings myself. I just need you to clarify me on something. Is Priscilla my mother or Natasha? Because everything have gathered points out Natasha isn’t my mom.”
“Priscilla had a son for me when we were younger and…”
Zion stammered.
“And the child is dead right? That sucks.”
“Sorry son. I didn’t know you would find out this way. Your findings are right. Priscilla is your mom the mom the world deprived you of her care.”
“God! When did you intend on telling me that? I can’t believe you could took part in such evil. You betrayed the one you claimed you love. You don’t deserve Priscilla because you are nothing but a coward.”
“I admit I am nothing but a coward. But I swear I wasn’t aware of my parents’s plan at first. When I found out it was too late. Moreover Priscilla’s parents conscience were already sold by money. It was me against the Crowd. I lacked the confidence to do what is right. I know that’s wrong but I just couldn’t change a thing about the situation.”
“Why didn’t you tell Priscilla her child wasn’t dead yourself why did she have to find out herself? You could have done what is right by telling Priscilla the truth but you chose to remain silent for reasons best known to you. You acted like a coward and not a father figure.”
“I deserve every insult you hurl at me right now. But I swear I didn’t mean any harm. I just didn’t have the power to change the situation.”
“My poor mom . How she felt when she realized she was betrayed by her family and you whom she trusted the most keeps ringing a bell in my heart. You aren’t deserving of Priscilla. It didn’t even take long before you got married to my supposed mom. The situation was to your advantage wasn’t it?”
“It was never to my advantage.”
Zion said in tears.
“You know what your tears don’t move me a bit. Hypocrite. You claim you love Priscilla yet you couldn’t stop her when she wanted to leave. Of cos I forgot you were already a happily married man.”
“Please don’t speak like this son. Priscilla threatened she would kill herself if I didn’t give her the money I had no other option.”
“You had other option. You just chose the wealth your parents had to offer over love and truth. Right now I feel like a garbage. I thought I was wanted, dignified and distinguished. Not knowing my whole life was staged and full of lies. I was just a property your parents had to acquire with wealth. But no more I am out to seek more truth.”
Kenneth said while setting to leave.
“Where are you going son?”
“To the woman who gave me life. The one you damaged.”
Kenneth said and took his leave.