Wild Virgin Chapter 36
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Wild Virgin Chapter 36 Of Wild Virgin by Blessing Adewusi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Wild Virgin CHAPTER THIRTY SIX: ????
Laura’s POV
Laura’s reaction to the news put her parents and Priscilla in a tensed mood.
They wondered if Dracole had cast a spell on her or something. Her parents and Priscilla were surprised when she asked to be left alone. At first they were reluctant to leave her alone but since Laura wouldn’t stop shouting they had no other option than to leave her room.
Laura wouldn’t stop sobbing. She stood up and paced round the room. It was while she was pacing round the room she felt something in her pocket.
She took the item out and realized it was a pendant. It was Dracole’s own. Dracole had put the pendant Into Laura’s pocket before releasing her.
Laura was too engrossed in thoughts to notice. She checked her pocket to see if there were any other thing In it.
And yes! She found a note.
It was written..
Keep the pendant lolita it’s yours. It’s a present from me to you. Darling I am afraid the end is near so I want to use this medium to say sorry for the hurt I have caused you. I appreciate your kind heartedness towards me. Thanks for saving my life. I love you and will never forget you. I can’t assure you by the time you get to read this I won’t be already dead but if it happens that way I Know I will leave this world a happy man reminsicing on the good times we had. From your admirer.
Laura stared at the note countless times. She didn’t know if she should keep it or discard it.
Eventually she kept the note and the pendant in her wardrobe. She resolved within her heart that she would find something to do with them later.
Charles’s POV
Charles eyes were swollen like that of someone suffering from eyes inflammation. He had almost cried his chest out because of his loss. He couldn’t believe Dracole was gone. It was a harsh reality he found difficult to accept.
He pondered on how he would escape the penalty that would be melt out to him on a couple of days. He didn’t have connection like Dracole. He could only boast of ill gotten money in his bank account and that was unreliable because he knew it wouldn’t take too long for the authorities to freeze his account because of the way he acquired his wealth.
Charles cleaned his face with his Palm. He was thirsty. His throat had dried and was getting sore. He felt choked he was gasping for breath when he saw a figure that looked like his twin brother.
He looked at the direction the figure was heading to. He was amazed when he saw the person was Steve his twin brother. Charles bowed his head in shame. He thought his brother had come to chastise him.
When Steve came closer to Charles, he smiled and spoke.
“Hiding from your best friend? You know you shouldn’t be doing that.”
“Quit the pretense what did you come here to do Steve? To mock me? Or to chastise me like a kid?”
Charles asked.
“Nope I didn’t come to do any of the things you listed. I only came to sympathize with you.”
“Sympathize who the hell died?”
“ Dracole. I heard Dracole is dead.”
“And who the hell told you that?”
Charles frowned his face.
“You should already know bad news spread like wild fire.”
“Oohhh ohhh ! where are your flowers bro? You shouldn’t come empty handed to sympathize with the family of a deceased.”
“Dracole was never your family.”
Steve blurted out.
“And you are right? You make me laugh.”
“Listen I know you are hurt but you shouldn’t be blinded by hate.”
“Do you even have an idea of how I feel right now? I guess you don’t.”
“I do. Of cos I share in your pain. I know how much you relied on Dracole. He was the fence you rested your back on afterall but he’s gone now and you need to think straight.”
“So you came here to tell me how to think . Bravo! You are doing well Steve.”
“I didn’t come here for unnecessary arguments. I only came here to amend things.”
“Too late bro. You neglected me when I needed you most. You kept me in the dark . You didn’t let people around you know I was a part of your life. I am nothing but a plague to you.”
“I won’t fall for your emotional blackmail. Heavens know I tried my best to convince you to come with me but you refused. You stayed back despite my several warnings . I had no other option than to cut you off because your way didn’t tally with mine.”
“Then are you here doll face? I don’t need you here so just get out. I don’t need pity from an hypocrite like you.”
Steve sighed.
“Just so you know, The penalty of your crimes are heavy. You need all the help you can get now and I am here to offer you my unconditional support at least if I get the best lawyer in the city your term of imprisonment will be reduced.”
“Of what use is that? My crimes are way too many. Even if my year of imprisonment is reduced there won’t be much difference. You probably would already be a Grandpa by the time I come out so what’s the use? By the way who would want to associate with an ex convict? Not to talk of marriage.”
“It’s never too late Charles. If you are still alive there’s hope. See this as a second chance to amend your way. I will check on you later. I got to go . Take care.”
Steve looked at his twin brother in the eye before taking his leave. His words had effects on Charles. Charles wouldn’t stop reminiscing on what he said.
Louis’s father was cracking jokes with Louis when suddenly a call came in on his phone. He checked the screen and smiled when he realized it was Laura’s father. He picked it up.
Laura’s father spoke.
“Hello good evening sir . I trust you are doing great?”
“Sure I am. My son is getting better he now smiles with me and we play a lot these days.”
“Woow that’s a great news. I am excited to hear that.”
“Thank you. How’s home? I hope the private investigator and his team are closer to finding Laura?”
“Well that’s the reason why I called. Can you guess who’s back home after such a long time.”
“Wait don’t tell me. I don’t believe it. You mean Laura has been found and is already home?”
“Yes my daughter is home. My heart is beating fast as a result of joy. Is Louis there with you?”
“Yes he is. But I doubt he can relate with what you want to say. Once Laura is ready she can come and visit him. I know with time Louis will remember her.”
“I have high hopes Louis will. I sure do.”
“Yeah. Where is Laura right now? Is she in her room?”
“Yes she is. She’s refused to talk to any one of us. I just hope she will be fine soon.”
“Sorry that’s expected. I guess she’s still in shock. Please take it easy with her.”
“Thanks. We are already doing that.”
“Alright then.”
“Ooops before I forget. How’s Nicodemus? Hope he’s preparing for his trial?”
“Dude is sad and filled with guilt. He feels he’s unworthy of being given a second chance.”
“Eiishh. I guess he’s feeling unworthy of himself and afraid of what to tell Louis once he recover his memory. You know the truth can’t be hidden forever.”
“Yeah I know that. My wife and I don’t intend on hiding the truth of what happened to Louis once he recovers . Afterall we can’t tell him his brother died cos he will definitely ask of him.”
“Yes that’s true. Do enjoy the rest of the day sir. The private investigator is here already. I have to attend to him.”
“Alright thanks for the call I appreciate.”
“Don’t mention.”
Laura’s father cut the call and offered the private investigator a seat.
“I am glad you are here.”
Laura’s father said with a smile on his face.
“Yeah I am happy you are. How’s your wife and daughter?”
“My wife is doing great she’s asleep as we speak. I can’t say the same for Laura though. She’s been acting weird.”
“It’s expected. What she went through wasn’t easy. I would act same way if I were in her shoes.”
“That guy Dracole. Have you figured out why he didn’t ask for a ransom? I have
A lot of questions in my head. My daughter seems to be affected by his death.”
“Yes she does.”
“Well from my investigations I figured out Laura and Dracole attended the same university. Daramola is
Dracole’s native name. Dracole is just a street name.”
“So does it mean Laura and him were friends on campus?”
“I can’t say for sure all that happened between Dracole and Laura on campus all I know is they were a bit close before they had a clash. Laura should be able to tell better once she’s recovered from the shock.”
“Ohh yeah thanks man. I appreciate your efforts. Do you care for a drink. Have got chilled fruit drink you would definitely like.”
“Alright Sir. I am thirsty already.”
“Give me a seconds.”
Laura’s father took a chilled fruit drink from the fridge in a bottle and offered the private investigator in a glass cup.
“Woow this taste great.”
The private investigator said with an enthusiastic voice.
“You want more?”
“Nah am full already. Another day.”
“Alright. I would like you to celebrate with me on my birthday. I am going to celebrate it in this mansion. I intend on using the opportunity to celebrate my daughter’s return as well.”
“Ohh wow I can’t promise you I will come but if your event doesn’t affect my schedule I will definitely show up. What’s the code?”
“20th of this month. Sunday precisely.”
“Wow that’s just five days left to the great day.”
“Yes dear. My joy is complete because my daughter is here. I had told myself I wouldn’t celebrate it I didn’t know my daughter would show up soon. It’s all thanks to you I can’t stop being grateful.”
“It’s okay sir. I only did my job.”
The private investigator smiled.
“Sorry what’s that your name again?”
Laura’s dad asked the the private investigator.
“Kenneth. My name is Kenneth. Although my dad calls me Zion junior. He does that playfully though.”
“I think I love the Zion Junior.”
Laura’s father teased.
Priscilla who wanted to thank the private investigator for his efforts was dumbstruck when she heard Zion junior.
She had left her room when she heard his voice . The private investigator had come to pay a visit in the mansion once so he recognized his voice.
She opened her mouth in awe.
“No it can’t be.”
She soliloquized.