Wild Virgin Chapter 35
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Wild Virgin Chapter 35 Of Wild Virgin by Blessing Adewusi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Wild Virgin CHAPTER THIRTY FIVE: ????
Dracole and Louis tried to take a cover but it was too late. Their game was up.
Angrily Dracole stabbed himself till death when he saw that Charles and him were surrounded without giving it a second thought .
He preferred rotting in hell than staying behind bars for the rest of his life. The thought of being taken behind bars made him develop nausea. Moreover he had taken justice for his parent’s death and Laura had been taken away from him already so nothing worth fighting for was left.
While Dracole’s soul was leaving his body he remembered the good times he and Laura had. He wished he would be a better man if he came into the world a second time so as to stand a chance of being the man with key to Laura’s heart.
Even though him and Laura had clashes during her stay in the hideout he knew deep down Laura cared for him. His only regret was that he left the world without a seed. He would have been happy if Laura had granted his request but what could he expect from a lady he had damaged several times.
Charles rested his head on Dracole’s chest. Dracole’s blood stained his face and shirt.
Charles shouted into the thin air. Charles knew it was over when Dracole laid still with his closed eyes. He wished he could summon courage and stab himself too but he couldn’t bring himself to do that .
He hit his chest several times like a beast. He cried heavily like one that was mourning for his mother. His heart felt like it had been shattered to a million pieces. The pain was unbearable.
“You are a true friend. I will never forget you buddy.”
That was Dracole’s parting words to Charles.
Charles dropped the gun in his hands as commanded by the authorities. He felt empty and weak without Dracole by his side. The good times the bad times. The days Dracole comforted him and assured him all would be fine. The days he wanted to give up on life and Dracole reaffirm his feet. He couldn’t forget those moments. “Dracole didn’t deserve to die that way nah not like a coward.”
Charles thought.
“Anyways if he didn’t kill himself blood cancer would have done it later.”
Charles consoled himself. He shook his head when he was handcuffed. His eyeballs were red shot ready to spit out venom.
“Where are the rest?”
The private investigator asked Charles.
“You guys came late. If you were brave as you claim why didn’t you join in the party after all you guys have been trailing us for so long .”
Charles responded with a high tone.
The private investigator ignored Charles and went closer to Dracole’s lifeless body. He touched Dracole’s heart to feel his pulse. He sighed when he realized Dracole was dead.
He saw the knife on Dracole’s chest and asked Charles what had happened.
Charles responded Dracole had stabbed himself.
The private investigator checked Dracole’s body to ascertain what Charles had said.
He and his team were only lucky they had almost lost sight of Dracole and his gang.
Charles spoke after the private investigator finished examining Dracole’s lifeless body.
“Do you intend on making meal with his body. Why checking him out like that. Your eyes would have been popped out of your eye balls if Dracole was alive when you did that to him.”
Charles thundered.
“Seems you are deeply pained.”
One of the women in the private investigator team mocked.
Charles hissed and spat on the woman’s face. She cleaned her face with a handkerchief and slapped Charles on the face.
“You don’t need to do that Nhadia.”
The private investigator intervened.
“Sorry boss. He spat on my face.”
“No worries let’s move out of here. I already took pictures of this crime scene. Let’s go straight to the Station. The rest will be attended to later.”
He smiled victoriously.
“Yes sir.”
The team replied at once and they left the crime scene.
Even though Laura was saved she had mixed feelings She didn’t know if she should be excited or sad. It was crazy she felt she was sick in the head because of the several thoughts running in her mind. Dracole had been badly injured and the thought of how he was going to survive kept on ringing in her heart. One thing Laura didn’t want for sure was Dracole’s death. She didn’t want Dracole to die without been given a second chance atleast not without him confessing his crimes before leaving the earth.
A part of her knew Dracole wasn’t the beast he had portrayed himself to be. “Or was he? And she was only blinded by pity.”
Laura thought.
When they arrived at Laura’s mansion Laura bursted into tears when she sighted Priscilla outside drying some clothes.
Priscilla opened her mouth in shock when she saw Laura. She dropped the bucket containing washed clothes in her hands and ran to hug Laura.
“I can’t believe my eyes.”
Priscilla shouted.
Laura couldn’t speak she kept on crying. Despite how her nanny tried to make her talk she wouldn’t respond. Priscilla led the way for Roy, kola, Thomas and John to go in. The private investigator had assigned them to take Laura home so as to keep her from harm. They were provided with effective arms to protect themselves against all forms of threat on the way.
Priscilla held Laura closely and sat her down. She ran into the kitchen to meet Laura’s mom so as to announce the news. Laura’s mom opened her mouth in shock. She couldn’t believe her ears. She felt Priscilla was playing with her emotions.
She ran out of the kitchen perplexed. She opened her eyes widely like that of a frog eyes.
“Laura oh God! My daughter.”
She gave Laura a hug. Laura’s mom felt something was wrong when Laura didn’t speak. She called her husband who had went to the shopping mall to tell him the exciting news. Her husband left the items he had selected and drove home with speed. People in the shopping mall thought he had run mad.
Laura’s dad almost had an accident on his way home. He was way too excited. Luckily for him he only suffered a scratch on his forehead. His tyres went flat so he had to board a commercial bus to return home. Before he board the commercial bus he called his mechanic to inform him of where his car was. Immediately the mechanic came over Laura’s dad handed over the key of his car to him and dashed into the commercial bus in a hurry.
His attitude was strange but the mechanic didn’t ask him questions since he was in a hurry. However he pondered what went wrong because he had knew Laura’s dad for long and he was never in such a hurry.
When Laura’s dad returned home he hugged Laura and pecked her cheek.
“Laura I can’t believe it’s you.”
He beamed a smile at her. He was expecting Laura to smile or atleast say something to him but Laura kept mute. She looked dazed like someone that had seen something strange.
“Sir I will advise you let her rest. She’s been through a lot. Maybe that’s why she’s acting this way.”
Roy said.
Laura’s dad patted her on the back and Priscilla led Laura to the room.
Before Roy , kola, Thomas and John took their leave Roy informed the private investigator on a phone call that Laura was home sound and safe. The call was put on speaker as instructed by the private investigator.
“Mission accomplished.”
The private investigator said with an enthusiastic voice.
“Give me the phone I want to speak to your Boss.”
Laura’s dad said.
Roy smiled and handed over the phone to Laura’s dad .
“A good day to you sir. I trust you are doing great”
“Yes I am thanks. I appreciate your efforts sir. My daughter is home safe and sound.”
“It’s nothing sir. My team and I only did our job. The efforts were successful thanks to cooperation. It’s all good.”
“I know still yet I appreciate. I look forward to seeing you again in my mansion.”
“Alright as you wish sir. I hope your daughter is doing good?”
“Yes she is. She is only dazed I guess it’s as a result of the shock or probably she’s scared. I hope the criminals have been confined already?”
“Regarding that your daughter has absolutely nothing to fear. Dracole is dead and as for Charles he will put to book soon.”
“Who’s Dracole?”
“The one who masterminded the kidnapping.”
“Ohh God! May his soul rot in he.ll”
“It’s okay sir. I believe he is where he ought to be already. I got to cut the call now. I have somethings to attend to. I might pay your mansion a visit later today.”
“Alright. I will be expecting take care sir.”
The private investigator cut the call and the men took their leave. Laura’s father offered them a chilled fruit drink but they refused.
They went off speedily. After they left Laura’s dad went into Laura’s room to check up on her.
Priscilla and his wife were there. Priscilla was trying to feed Laura but Laura refused to eat.
Laura’s father went forward and collected the meal from Priscilla’s hands.
He spoke.
“I know you are afraid darling. You don’t have to be I assure you your source of worries are over. Please try and eat something to regain your strength. Even if it’s just a little please eat.”
“I don’t want to eat anything.”
Laura said while placing her hands on her head.
“Well I have good news that will cheer you up daughter. Preharps you won’t be afraid anymore if I spill it out.”
Laura shook her head and her mother urged her husband to go on. She couldn’t wait to hear the good news either.
“Well the good news is that the master minder of your kidnapping is dead dear. Be rest assured you are safe .”
“Who did you just say is dead?”
Laura asked impulsively.
“Dracole. Your nightmare is gone.”
“Dracole what?”
Laura screamed and opened her mouth in shock.