Wild Virgin Chapter 17
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Wild Virgin Chapter 17 Of Wild Virgin by Blessing Adewusi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Wild Virgin CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: ????
Laura slowly opened her eyes, she had blacked out as a result of shock.
She looked all around her. Everywhere appeared dim and strange.
“Where am I ?”
She yelled in pain.
She didn’t get a response except her own echo.
She sobbed after realizing what had happened to her. She never imagined a beautiful day she had envisioned in her mind for weeks would turn out to be a day of sorrow.
Sighing she tried to stand up but that was impossible. She was all tied up from head to toe like an animal.
The flashback of how her driver and her friend (Alexia) had been wasted came into her head. It kept on playing in her mind no matter how she wanted to keep it away. The scenery was horrible.
She wondered if the one who held her hostage was going to serve her the same cruel fate as them. At a second thought she pondered why phinna wasn’t murdered or harmed.
She remembered the trigger had been pulled in Alexia and her driver’s skull. She knew she was the target and no one else but the reason why Phinna was spared was what she wanted to know.
“If she didn’t have anything to do with what had happened why was she not held hostage alongside with me?
Come to think of it if she had a hand in what happened she would have asked the criminals to harm her or inflict injuries on her that way she won’t be suspected at all. She wouldn’t even follow me if she had a hand in it in the first place. I don’t think phinna would be that stupid to showcase herself if she knew anything about it.”
Laura soliloquized.
She looked at the window and observed it was tightly secured. Whoever ordered her to be taken had carefully schemed it out she thought.
Laura’s heart throbbed the moment Louis’s face pictured in her heart. She wondered what kind of pain he would be in at the moment. She had been deeply worried and carried away .
Now that the thought of Louis’s pains surfaced in her heart, she felt more miserable. The worst part was there was no sign of a single soul in the building except her.
“My mom my dad Priscilla and others must be worried about me. Do they even have an idea I was kidnapped? Oops Phinna must have told them. She wouldn’t keep her mouth shut about such or would she? I am sure she opened up already. Of cos that’s why the idiots spared her in the first place. Distraction tactics.”
She questioned and responded to herself. It felt like she was going crazy.
She closed her eyes wishing it all was all a nightmare but she soon opened her eyes to a world of reality. A harsh and painful reality that choked her with full force.
Her whole being was aching to be in the arms of her lover’s. She didn’t know how long it would take to be back home. The mere thought of seeing the face of the one who kept her hostage made her develop goose bumps.
Within few minutes, the clock ticked loudly.
It was 8pm.
A time she ought to be in the arms of the man of her dreams. Softly whispering in her ears how much he adored her. Caressing her skin like his life depended on it. Finding his way through her wall and making her feel loved with each strokes. She knew as a first timer there would surely be a pain no matter how ready she was but she was certain in Louis’s arms the pleasure would be much more than the pain.
She placed her hands on her dubbing heart. The burning sensation sent fire through her nerves. She held her clothes in pain, all ready to tear it in pieces like a savage.
Her bridal gown had been turned into a mess. It was soiled from tears and costumes. The dirty floor she sat on even made it more worse.
She rolled on the floor not minding if it soiled her gown the more.
Her eyes was full of spite ready to spill venom at whoever was responsible for her misfortune.
She was still amid her thoughts when suddenly the door was forcefully opened. A man came in with food and a glass of water in a tray.
He didn’t speak. He just presented the meal in front of her and set to take his leave.
For him to use a mask he must be familiar Laura thought.
She resolved in her heart to make him speak. That was the only way she could know who he was.
She was certain she would recognize his voice if he spoke.
“Hey don’t just leave like that .”
She yelled at him. ( the man in mask)
He ignored her and pretended not to hear. Seeing he wasn’t ready to respond Laura spat on the food and threw it on the floor. She thought that way she would provoke him and make him speak.
She was surprised when he came closer and caressed her cheek instead. He pecked her and softly cooed in her ear the words “I love you.”
“This is crazy”. Laura responded.
“Not only are you holding me hostage for some sort of reason I don’t know. And now you open your mouth to tell me this. Who are you?”
Laura yelled.
Right after she said that, he whistled and another man came in to clear up the mess on the floor.
She couldn’t see his face because the man in mask had covered her face immediately with a cloth before the man came in.
It was when he touched her legs while cleaning the floor she realized it was a man.
She could only suspect one person and that was Nicodemus. She had no idea he was in the hospital .
It seemed the man in mask didn’t like it when the man who had came to clean up the mess on the floor touched her legs.
“Don’t touch my cookie that way ever in your life.”
He punched the other man on the chest.
“sorry boss.”
The man responded.
When Laura realized the two was distracted she carefully liberated the cloth on her face a little. She wanted to know the reason why the man in mask had covered her eyes before the other man entered. She had no doubts the other man’s face wasn’t covered up. That could only explain the reason why her face was covered up with a cloth before he entered. Although she couldn’t fully open her eyes because the man in mask had tightly covered her face down to her mouth. She could still manage to see a little from the light penetrating in from the little opening.
She was shocked at the image her eyes was presenting to her. She shook her head and flickered several times.
She was still doubting who she had seen when the man in mask observed her. He signalled at the other man to go and removed the cloth he had used to tie her face.
He pecked her again and this time around he did it for minutes before proceeding to taking her mouth in his.
Laura objected by pushing him away.
She thought he would become violent after she did that but he smiled instead.
He drew her closer and forcefully kissed her. He did it passionately and after that he gently fondled her bo.obs. Laura felt irritated at the next moment.
It turned out not only was she held hostage, she was also at a risk of being ravished by a psychopath she didn’t even have an idea of his identity.