Virgin Prostitute Episode 19
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Virgin Prostitute Episode 19 Of Virgin Prostitute by Uche Lawrence Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Virgin Prostitute EPISODE NINETEEN: ????
(???? The Crazy Slut Is A Virgin ?? ????)
“What did you do to that drink I gave you?” He
yelled and I shook.
“Nothing…i did nothing” I lied and he only
” I know you did cause this won’t be happening to
me now… Arrgh I have to sleep and forget you” He
said and I gasped.
Wait did he put roofies in the drink? I mean
“Roofies is in the drink?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yes, I was only gonna let you sleep and send you
far away from the country then sell you to one of
the sex slave buyers.” He groaned and I felt like
hitting me hard.
“Arrgh.. You son of a bitch. How many drop or
pill did you put in the drink” I asked again.
“Hmm… Erm… It contained just three pills” He
replied and I didn’t know when I slapped him hard
on the face.
“Do you want to kill me? You bloody fool. Well good
for you. Enjoy the effects of the drug in Your body.
You just gonna die soon but don’t worry I will come
to your burial to eat sandwiches. Huh? Bloody idiot”
I spat and walked out of the house.
My mind drifted to Eric. I really hurt him in leaving
but that’s really a good idea though.
Eric’s pov
Next day….
I rolled the duvet off from my body. I entered into
the bathroom and took my bath.
I came out and was about wearing my clothes
when a call came. I prayed silently for it not to be
my mom or dad.
Unfortunately, it was my dad calling. I picked the
“Hello dad”
“Hello son how are you?”
“I’m fine dad ,why the call” I asked.
????Well son, you already know what am going to
discuss. Your mother has been lamenting saying
she’s not gonna see her grandchildren before she
die” Dad replied.
I rubbed my forehead. “Dad, you know am not
ready for this. And I haven’t found someone I love yet. Don’t worry dad am gonna get married soon.” I
said, taking out the body cream in my drawer.
“Tell mom I’m gonna give her grandchildren soon okay? I need to go before I run late to work” I added.