The Prince And I Chapter 16
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Prince And I Chapter 16 Of The Prince And I by Jedidah Sage Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? The Prince And I Chapter Sixteen:
(Slave To The Royals ????)
Lotanna did not kiss me. No. His lips only grazed mine—slightly before I pushed him away and ran out of his room, and now I’m here sitting and one part of me is stupidly wishing I had let him finish what he started while the other part is trying to reason how twisted this situation is.
Forget that we have just met two days ago, but we might as well acknowledge the feral attraction between us even though I know it will only be my doom—our doom.
He said he wanted to help me forget.. I did forget, because at the time his lips touched mine there was nothing else I could think of.
“Efua!” I jerk my head up to see Tari staring worriedly at me.
“You are here” I say.
“I’ve been calling your name for a while now but you didn’t reply.. Are you okay?” He asks, his eyes searching my face.
“I’m fine, just tired that’s all” I reply with a strained smile.
“The night is drawing near and you should rest if you really want to train” I look up at Tari and breathe out a sigh. Training. I need to take my mind off things and probably sword training could help.
“How about now” I say.
“Yes” I stand up from my sitting position, I dust my cloth and look at Tari. “Shall we? Or your shift isn’t over?”
“It is.. But I thought you said you are tired” he says.
“I am, but I could really do with a distraction right now.” I reply honestly.
“Oh… Fine let’s get you to a secluded area… I think the hilltop will be the perfect place”
“There is an hilltop in the palace?”
“Not in the palace, it is in the village.. We are going out of the palace grounds”
I nod in reply. “I see”
“Mind telling me what you need to get distracted from?” Tari asks me on our way out. I glance up at him and I see that he is watching me intently. I chuckle dryly.
“Too many things.. Meaningless things if I must say”
“You don’t want to dig into details as it is?” Tari observes.
He nods. “Fine by me.
The minute I brushed my lips against hers, I felt something spark in me. I do not want to dig further into it, I do not want to know what is because we are not fit for each other.
Let’s face it.. I am a prince, and she is a slave whether she admits it or not plus she hates my father or rather loathes my father and if she is given a chance, she will drive a dagger up straight to his heart.
I heave a sigh and slip on my flops before walking out of the room. I need to see Father, there are things I want to know.
“You can’t go in there My prince” the guard in front of Father’s chambers states.
I arch my brow at him. “What are you saying? That I can’t see my father when I want to?”
The guard bows his head. “I’m sorry my prince but that is the order of His Majesty” he says.
“May I know why?”
“His Majesty is with a very important visitor and no one is allowed to disturb” a visitor? In his chambers? That is new because from what I know every visitor has to be seen in the throne room.
“Fine, let him know I was here” I mumble and walk out. What kind of visitor will father let into his chambers? Just who is the visitor?
The almost blinding light from my window blinds and the repeated banging on my door is what wakes me up. I blink my eyes as I stand up, rubbing my face frantically before going to turn the lock and open the door.
Mother is standing at my doorstep and the moment I open it, she rushes inside.
“Mother…” I call.
“Afunwaelotanna..” Mother calls my full name. She does not do that often, only when she is scared for me or otherwise.
“What is it Mother” I ask her.
“You did not come out of your to since last evening and I’ve been at your door for almost thirty minutes but you didn’t open up.. Are you okay my son?” She asks worry and panic written all over her face.
Wow! So I’ve been asleep since yesterday evening? I sure as hell didn’t know that but I’m not gonna tell her that.
“I just needed rest that’s all” I say.
Mother tries to study my face but I look away knowing she is very good at reading expressions. “Are you sure this has nothing to do with your marriage with Dera?” Mother suddenly asks.
“You know about it? Why didn’t you warn me before hand”
“If I did, it won’t change your father’s decision and you know it”
I know it so damn well but still, I do not want to get married to Dera. I never want to have anything to do with her.
“I understand your plight Lotanna.. But you have to put up with this till you become king.. When you become the king you can forsake her as your bride” mother tells me.
“I am not interested in the throne Mother, and we all know that Etim will still be alive somewhere. He is the right heir to the throne”
“We are not going to talk about Etim, do you hear me Lotanna.. You are your father’s son and you will take up that throne”
My lips curl up in distaste. “When the leaves stays long with the soap, it becomes the soap… You have become just like him Mother” I spit out.
The next thing I hear is a resounding slap from my mother. I hold my stinging cheek just as Efua bursts inside.
“Lotanna” she gasps probably not noticing my mother but her eyes widens when she does.
“Ihome” she mutters. Wait. How does Efua knows my mother’s name!
TO Be Continued