The Other Woman Episode 9
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Other Woman Episode 9 Of The Other Woman Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? The Other Woman Episode Nine:
Nkem looked at herself and how bàdly things were now going on with her. Not only was her husband now completely taken over by a little girl she brought to him herself, she had been feeling so sick lately, with nobody to show any form of concern for her.
She called Jackie to know if she was around so she could just go over to her house to spend some time.
Jackie was happy to hear that she wanted to come over, and had even volunteered to come pick her up.
“Oh, don’t worry about that Jackie, I’ll just drive myself because I also need to get some medicines on my way to your house” she told her friend.
“Medicines? What’s wrong with you my dear?” Jackie asked her with a concern laden voice.
“Oh no, it’s nothing to fret about. Just a little fever that has refused to go away, making my mouth so bitter” Nkem replied.
Jackie nearly jumped out of her chair in excitement as she imagined what could be going on with her friend.
But because she was afraid of raising her hopes and having her friend cry if her suspicion turned out incorrect, she decided to bottle her thoughts first.
“I’ll wait until she comes here and make her run a test in the hospital” Jackie thought, getting prepared to drive out, as soon as she arrived.
“But what if she decides to drink something she isn’t supposed to take before she gets here?” Jackie thought fearfully and decided to call her and meet her up wherever she was.
Nkem told her friend where she was, and Jackie rushed over to meet her, lucky to have met her before she took the medications an auxiliary nurse gave her.
The nurse had given Nkem a very strong anthelmintics because she complained of feeling nauseous, and some very active antimalarial medicines meant for treatment of resistant malaria.
“How could you give a woman you do not have her medical history medications without proper understanding of her condition?” Jackie queried the nurse, so angry that she had almost ruined the beautiful thing she had been hoping is still in tact.
“Jackie! It’s just a worm expeller and antimalaria. There’s nothing so special about these things that makes you think she ought to have called the chief medical officer in a hospital before I can be given” Nkem told her friend
“I don’t have the strength to argue with you Nkem. You know my position on self medication so I’m sure you don’t find it strange that I’m not happy with you stopping by, in any local medicine shop, to get stuffs into your mouth” Jackie asserted.
“And that’s because you’re a nurse, and you assume that every time someone gets sick, whether it’s just a flu or a headache that could be resulting from stress, the person must run to the hospital” Nkem told her friend.
They argued for a few minutes and Nkem had to give the auxiliary nurse a tip, and returned the medicines she had given her, before she drove behind her friend to the hospital.
Jackie had her see the doctor and a lab test was requested to ascertain what exactly was then issue with her.
Nkem sat with her friend waiting for her test result, and after some time, the tab technician called her to pick up her result.
“This must be someone else’s result me dear. My name is Nkem Joe. Please check again and rectify the mix-up.
“This result is for a pregnant woman” Nkem said, making the lab technician look at her in confusion.
“It’s the result for the test your doctor requested for. He had us take sampels for an MP Widal and a hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), and the results are those in your hands” the nurse explained.
“What is she talking about?” Nkem asked an already dancing Jackie.
“It means the doctor asked for a malaria and typhoid test, and also asked them to get a pregnancy test conducted, and though the MP Widal tests result isn’t my concern now, the pregnancy tests shows that you’re pregnant. Nkem, you’re pregnant, like carrying a baby in your womb” Jackie screamed uncontrollably.
“I’ve never known you to be someone who is an alcoholic, so I’m sure you’re not drunk, but I can’t tell what’s wrong with you now.
“How can you joke with something as huge as pregnancy when you know what I’ve been going through? Nkem asked her friend in annoyance and walked over to the doctor’s office.
“Congratulations ma’am. You’re pregnant” the doctor told Nkem, but she got very màd at him, assuming him to be quite insensitive to agree to pull such stunt with her friend.
She got up, and walked out of the office, got into her car and sped off, even before Jackie caught up with her.
“Why is she reacting as if she doesn’t want to be pregnant? “ Jackie heard the lab technician say, as she picked up Nkem’s phone that she had left on the counter there, and walked back to her car.
She knew Nkem would return to her house when she was tired of acting like a child, so she got into her car and drove home.
Nkem did return to Jackie’s house just as she had predicted she would, but she was freàking out!
She had gone to three different laboratories and the result kept returning positive.
“Forgive me for acting the way I did Jackie, but I found it hard to believe. Yes Jackie, the results all say I’m pregnant, but I’m so afraid this could just be a dream, and I could wake up to smell what’s cooking!” Nkem told her friend.
“I told you Nkem, I knew a day was coming when we’d rejoice and thank God for blessing your womb.
“I knew that your home would be restored as soon as God answers us!
“Get ready Nkem, it’s time to send that Farida and the other woman away from your home. Come on, let’s go tell your husband the good news” Jackie said happily.
“I’m sorry Jackie, I do not have a husband to run to. I am just happy that I am going to be a mother, because if it’s about Joe, forget it! He is a lost course” Nkem complained.
Jackie was surprised to hear her friend sound the way she did, but after she heard all Nkem had to say, about how her husband now sleeps and wakes up everyday in between Farida’s thighs, and how he hasn’t touched her since Farida moved into their house, she could tell how deeply Mandy and her daughter had eaten into Nkem’s marriage.
“Nkem my friend, you have to understand that all these are not really the man’s fault.
“I don’t want to keep talking about what you would have done back then and why you shouldn’t have done what you did.
“But I’ll need to remind you that Joe is a man after all. That girl is young and beautiful, then she is said to be pregnant.
“If your husband didn’t love you so much, he would have even asked you out of the house by now, believe me!
“So I’m going to advise you to take it easy with him. When he finds out you’re pregnant, a lot of things will change, and Mark my words, Mandy and her daughter are on their way to their doòm” Jackie said enthusiastically.
“I’m tempted to believe you’re not hearing everything I’ve been saying. I don’t want anything to do with Joe again, even if he decides to send both Martha and Farida away.
“I will never be able to allow him come close to touching me again. Not after all I saw him do with that girl” Nkem insisted.
“Fine, but you must get home to let your husband know about this pregnancy. Things will gradually take their normal shape naturally.
“It’s only going to be a matter of time, and you’ll forgive him because you’re the one who forced him into all of these in the first place” Jackie told her.
About an hour later, Nkem drove into her compound. She stepped out of her car with the pregnancy test results from all the places she had gone that day, and was about to walk into the house when she saw Farida walk up to her, blocking her path with an outstretched hand.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Nkem asked Farida, both in astonishment and indescribable anger.
“Hand me the car keys! What else do you think I would have wanted to get from someone like you?” Farida said arrògantly.
“Hand you my car keys? Are you okay? Like is everything okay with you upstairs?” Nkem asked Farida furiously.
“You’re the one with a problem in your head madam no child! What is wrong in asking for the car key to a car my husband bought, when I need that car to go for my antenatal?” Farida asked her insòlently.
“And suppose this car isn’t mine, Farida, you’d have the boldness to come try to pry off a key from my hand in my house? Because of what again Farida?” Nkem asked her.
“Because I’m pregnant old hag. Yes, why are your eyes so wide in shock? You imagined I’ll sit by and let you keep flaunting yourself as Joe’s wife, as if I am here for internship.
“He is our husband, and like my mother said, he is more my husband than he is to any barrèn old wïtch that won’t allow me breathe properly in my husband’s house” Farida told her, and before Nkem could control her hand, she had hit Farida squarely on her face.
Farida raised her hand to hit her back, but dropped her hand quickly and fell on the floor, clutching her stomach as she cried.
Nkem was momentarily surprised at what she was doing, then she saw Joe’s running towards them and understood what the evïl girl was doing.
He bent over Farida and asked what happened to her.
“Talk to me baby. What happened to you?” he asked her worriedly.
“Awww, my stomach! She hit me with her left knee on my stomach because I came close to greet her.
“She said she would never forgive me for getting pregnant for you, and thwarting her plans of ensuring you dīed without a child” she told Joe, making Nkem’s eyes nearly pop out of the sockets.
“Why are you still pretending? Tell him the truth already. Did you not say you had plans to kïll him and inherit everything before you marry your lover?
“Did you not tell my mother that your sugar boy doesn’t want you to have a child for you husband, that’s why you have chosen not to get pregnant?
“Joe, have the doctors not always told you that nothing is wrong with her? Why has she never gotten pregnant all these years?” Farida asked
Nkem went berserk immediately, seeing how Joe was nodding.
“You daughter of a pèrdition. Posterity will be harsh on you and your generation for…” she was still saying, when Joe cut her off.
“Stop it at once! You fooled me for twenty whole years, and think you still have the right to curse her generation, my off springs?
“One more word from you Nkem, and I’ll be in prison tomorrow for your mūrder.
“Thank you for making a fōōl of me when all I did was love you unconditionally. Thank you for making me stand by you like a fōōl even when I should have known better!
“You will stay away from me Nkem, please don’t let me find you anywhere around me …” how was still saying but Farida jumped in.
“Honey she has to go. I can’t live in this house knowing she could be planning to kïll you and I. Please let her leave, it’s not as if she wants to give you babies.
“She didn’t do that all these years, she won’t do it now!” Farida said, resting her head on Joe’s chest.
He encircled his arm around her, pulling her closer, as though to protect her before he spoke to Nkem.
“You heard my wife Nkem, I may have allowed you stay and still give you a chance to repent, but I can’t risk the life of my fruitful wife, and our unborn child for your sake
“Don’t give me those tears! She is the fertile and young one here. Don’t you see? It took me just one night to get this result, but I’ve been banging away for many years without results.
“Take the car if you want, take whatever you want, but I want you out of my house before I return” Joe told her.
Nkem walked closer to him as he sat in his car and shove the test results into his hands, the sob in her throat making it impossible for her to speak.
“So long Nkem, I’m tired of looking at medical papers. I don’t want to hold papers no more, I want to hold babies” he told her, throwing the papers on his dashboard before he drove away with Farida
TO Be Continued