The Mad Man Episode 6
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Mad Man Episode 6 Of The Mad Man by Funny Lad Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
The Mad Man:
A few days after Nzube became close to the mad man, the reality of what was going on became clear to him. He became worried after the true meaning of what the mad man was saying downed on him.
“So if Lucy is the mad man’s daughter and if Ndidi is Lucy’s mother, that means I have been making love to mother and daughter?” Nzube asked himself. He discovered that he has been entangled in an ugly web of terrible relationship. He has refused to go back home and instead stayed in the house where he kept the mad man. Nzube was trying desperately to figure out the whole truth before confronting the situation. He does not want to make any mistake.
“This also means that Ndidi lied to me about her past. She told me that she has never being married. And this also means she lied about Lucy. She told me that Lucy is a random girl she picked from the village, but she is actually her biological daughter. What a mess! So, I have been making love with a mother and her daughter all these while?” Nzube asked himself again. He was seated in the living room, sipping his wine and thinking about how to rescue himself from the terrible mess. Suddenly, the mad man entered the room.
“You didn’t go to work today?” The mad man asked. He took a seat close to Nzube. He took a cup and poured himself some wine.
“My brother, I’m resting. Also, there are some things I need to get off my chest. I’m really worried.” Nzube said.
“What is getting you worried my friend? Is it a business deal?” The mad man asked.
“It’s a relationship matter. I wanted to ask you. Do you have a proof that Ndidi is your wife?” Nzube asked. He has been thinking of how to tell the mad man that he is actually in a relationship with Ndidi.
“Just give me a moment.” The mad man said as he entered into another room and fetched a marriage certificate. He handed it over to Nzube who was surprised that he was able to keep such a document safe for many years. He also gave him an old photograph showing Ndidi when she was pregnant.
“These are the only things I took with me that night as I left my house after the armed robbery attack. Shocking that I remembered to take it after I lost my mind. Love is a beautiful thing isn’t it?” The mad man asked with emotions in his voice.
“Yes it is! Love is a great thing! Wow! This is impressive! And this must be very emotional for you.” Nzube said as he took a look at the marriage certificate and the old photograph.
“So if I tell you I’m in love with your wife, would that make you angry?” Nzube asked. He wanted to see the reaction of the mad man so he watched him closely. He made sure he did not tell him about Lucy yet, as the result could be disastrous.
“I know you are in love with my wife. And I know you have been making love to her too.” The mad man said. His face looked sad after he made the statement.
“But I know it is not your fault. I’m not angry. I forgive you for whatever is going on between the two of you. You did not know she was married. But I beg you, please, leave her for me now that I’m back to my senses. I want to reunite with my wife and daughter. Please, I know you are rich and I may not be able to fight you if I want to. But, I want to be with my family again even if this will be my last achievement on earth. Please, I beg you, take me to them.” The mad man pleaded. He was kneeling down.
“I have already promised you that I will help you get your family back. I will keep that promise. Just give me some time to fix things. It’s not that easy but I will do it for you. I wanted to marry Ndidi, but now that you are here with all these evidence, I will hands off.” Nzube said. He stood up and left the living room.
Nzube jumped into his car and headed to the house where Ndidi and Lucy have all waited for him to return all to no avail. When he entered the compound, he met Lucy watching television in the living room. Ndidi was not at home.
“My love, welcome. I have missed you so much. Why did you abandon me for so long? Where have you been?” Lucy asked as soon as Nzube walked into the living room.
“Lucy, I’m afraid we can’t keep doing this. I mean, our relationship has to end. I have to stop making love to you.” Nzube said with a serious face. He did not allow Lucy to kiss him as she brought forward her lips.
“Why are you saying that? Have I done something wrong? Why do you want to dump me? You are dumping me because of my madam?” Lucy asked sarcastically. She went back to the sofa where she was sitting and wedged her chin with her left hand. Nzube came to meet her. He wanted to tell her that he has confirmed that the mad man is indeed her father. He wanted to tell her it will be improper to be in a relationship with her and her mother at the same time. He wanted to tell Lucy the who truth.
“I have something very important to tell you and I want you to pay close attention.” Nzube said. It was difficult for him to speak, but he has decided to end things with Lucy and her mother and allow them reunite with the mad man.
“No! You will be the one to list to me. And I want you to pay close attention because I also have something important to tell you.” Lucy said with force in her voice. She sounded very serious.
“You abandoned me here for many days, without a phone call, you were not taking your calls and replying your text messages. But guess what? I was sick and I went to the hospital for a test. Here is the test result.” Lucy said as she hands over a white envelope to Nzube.
“What is this?” Nzube asked.
“Open it.” Lucy said. Nzube quickly opened the envelope and saw that Lucy is one month pregnant.
“You are pregnant?” Nzube asked. His voice was trembling and his hands were shaking as he clutched the pregnancy test result.
“Yes I’m! And you are responsible for it. You can’t get me pregnant and then tell me you want to end things with me. Don’t make me think you are coward.” Lucy said as she walked out of the room. Nzube knows that things just got more complicated than he expected.
TO Be Continued