The Lost Princess Episode 34
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Lost Princess Episode 34 Of The Lost Princess by Naomi Cindy B Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? The Lost Princess Episode THIRTY FOUR:
When they got to his parents house. They met his parent in the sitting room watching TV.
“Dad Mum” Max called.
“Max who do you have with you?” his dad asked.
“My girlfriend Dad”he replied pointing to Ann.
“Wow’ she’s really beautiful”his Dad compliments.
“Yes” his mum snuckers.
“Mum” he exclaimed.
While Ann stood there fidgeting.
“Young lady what is your name”? his dad smiled reassuringly at her.
“Good evening sir my name is Annabelle Richards.
“Richards do you say Richards”? his dad asked.
” that’s nice come and have your seat”his dad offered.
“Thank you sir”she replied while his mother frowns at her.
“What do you do”? his dad asked nicely.
“Dad she is the one managing Lawson’s and Co”Max said.
“What? Max are you out of your senses, are you stupid how can you allow your so called girlfriend to manage what belongs to Marrietta”she said angrily.
“Choima” his father said placing a hand on his wife’s hand.
“Well maybe he feels that am fit for that position before Marrietta walks in”Ann shrugged.
“Hey you girl forget about all these facade my husband is putting on your relationship with my son can’t lead to anything.
He’s betrothed to Marrietta and no one can change that so I can’t accept you”his mother states clearly.
“Mum” Max groaned “talking about Marrietta, if you see her can you recognize her”? Max yelled.
“Why wouldn’t I recognize her She’s more or less like my daughter I gave birth to her indirectly” and Ann chuckled she replied looking toward Ann.
“Now I remember aren’t you the one dressed like a sI.ut the day I came to his house.
I know he couldn’t find a better girl except from sI.ut I knew it you dressed like this doesn’t change the fact that you are a sI.ut”.
“Mum!” Max snapped ” I won’t stand it with you insulting my girlfriend, about these betrothed stuff am not even interested about it.
Am not, take a look at me am not getting any younger,do we even know we’re going to see her,ten years, fifteen years, twenty years, come on mum it been close to twenty years mum, don’t do this to us”.
“You know I don’t care about what you are saying” his mum replied, while his dad sat down watching Ann’s expressions.
Ann sat down glancing round the room,she saw some pictures hung on the wall ranging from when Max was a kid till he grows up but a picture got her attention.
The picture frame was placed above a picture book.
In this picture stood a young Max and a girl, Ann could swore looks so vaguely familiar she couldn’t place where she saw the picture.
She stood up slowly from the chair admidsts the bantering between Max and his mum.
She moved towards the frame placed it down and opened the book, she saw Max’s parents wedding pictures on the first page,she don’t know what kept urging her to keep on open.
Then she came across a picture of a baby, looking at the picture felt like she was staring back at herself, she kept on looking at the picture confusedly.
She opened the book again then she came across it.
A picture of a five years old girl smiling sweetly at the camera but that wasn’t what draw her attention to it.
It was that the girl in the picture looks exactly like the picture she took almost twenty years ago which made her wonder if she was a twin.
Just like a flash Max’s mum snatched the book from her hand.
“Don’t you get it, you aren’t welcome here, don’t touch our stuff”
“Please don’t talk to me anyhow” Ann replied softly walking out of the house and Max followed her.
“Hmm this suppose to be a great day but am sorry my mum spoiled the show for us” Max said.
“Ye” she replied absently “Max Who is the little girl in the picture book?”.
“Oh that’s Marietta before the accident”.
“Oh” was all she could say.
“Wait Ann why are you not angry about what my mother did?”
“I don’t know, I guess I can’t get angry at her” she replied.
“Choima you have to take things easy about this Marietta stuff”
“What the h’ll are you saying Mark, are you having second thoughts about this?”
“Nope but no parents would love their daughter to be addressed as such”
“Well” she shrugged.
“You know there’s something strange about that girl,she has this charisma of a princess and other thing I can’t place my head on.
She had a confused look on her face when she looked at the picture”.
‘why am I feeling this way” she thought to herself after Max had dropped her home later that afternoon.
“Bella do you have any of our childhood picture with you?” She asked.
“Nope why do you ask?” Bella asked.
“Am just confused” she shook her head in a way that shows that she’s thinking deeply.
“What are you confused about?” Bella asked.
“You know what don’t worry until am sure about this whole thing” Ann replied.
“Huh gross you can be annoying sometimes” Bella said walking out of the room.
TO Be Continued