The Lady On Black Chapter 57 And 58
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Lady On Black Chapter 57 And 58 Of The Lady In Black by Dami Writes Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? The Lady On Black Chapter Fifty Seven And Fifty Eight:
(???? Her Scent, His Weakness ????)
Bradley’s eyes were red were he entered the mansion, Bryan was waiting in the sitting room when he arrived.
He’d expected Bradley to come back looking happy or probably with them but instead it was a different case…
“Brad?” he called but Bradley totally ignored him before climbing up the stairs entering his room and shutting the door with a loud bang.
That was when Bryan knew that whatever happened wasn’t f**king good..
••• Megan’s Apartment•••
“It’s obvious I really know nothing about you though we’ve been living together for three years” she scoffed dipping her hands in her hair.
They were having this discussion after making sure Anna was asleep after crying a lot..
“For fk sake Iris, why didn’t you report to the police? That guy fking raped you” Megan half screamed while Iris covered her face with her hands.
“I.. I never wanted to ruin my mum’s marriage ” Iris muttered and sighed dropping her hands from her face. She turned to Megan..
“Do you think he’ll believe me? He really is Anna’s father” Iris asked and Megan shook her head before reaching for her hand squeezing it lightly.
“He isn’t dumb, he donated blood to her.. She has his mole.. He’s just overwhelmed” Megan said assuringly and Iris nodded.
Megan sighed before pulling her into a hug making her rest her head on her chest, her hand stroking her hair…
“No more secrets Iris.. I don’t want one between us” she whispered and Iris nodded.
“None” she added hugging Megan tighter..
••• 6am, Bradley’s Mansion•••
Bradley was already sitting on his bed staring at nothing. He had dark eye bags under his eyes, it was obvious he had no sleep.
How could he sleep when there was another man with the probability of being Anna’s father..
He clenched his fists when he thought about what Iris told him last night..
Even if he turned out to be Anna’s father, he was still gonna get him arrested for sęxual assault. He hates the idea of his hands on her body.. She’s his.. his to love, his to own and his to touch..
With one thought in his mind, he got up and walked into the bathroom silently praying the DNA favours him..
••• 10am, Megan’s Apartment •••
Megan already dressed Anna who was looking grumpy with her lips puckered. Iris just paced the sitting room restlessly, she wasn’t scared of what the result might be cos she knew Bradley was the father of Savannah. She was worried Maxwell might do something.. To ruin her life as usual.
Finally a knock came on their door, Megan’s eyes locked with that of Iris before she moved to the door.
She opened it and was welcomed with Maxwell’s sassy grin. She frowned still standing by the door, he tried peeking inside but she blocked his view.
“You wait outside” she said icily and Maxwell smirked.
“Sorry, I didn’t come for you.. I wanna see Iris” he said and Megan huffed bringing her face closer..
“Listen here man, I don’t like you.. I don’t f**king do. Even if the DNA favours you which I know it wouldn’t, you ain’t taking Anna anywhere” she muttered dangerously low and Maxwell took a step backward.
He hadn’t gotten the chance to give a come back when Bradley drove in parking some distance away from their apartment.
He came out looking super cool that Maxwell was left speechless.. Where in hell did Iris find such a guy to father her child? Where did they even meet?
Bradley glared at Maxwell as he approached them tucking his hands in his pockets, he stood in front of the door..
Megan offered him a short smile..
“I will call them out” She mumbled before shutting the door, leaving the both men standing quietly.
None said a word to each other but the air between them wasn’t the tiniest bit friendly, they stood that way until the door opened again.
Iris came out with Anna holding her hand, her eyes moved between the two guys before settling on Bradley who was staring back at her.
She couldn’t read the expression on his face so she looked away fixing her eyes on the ground.
“Let’s go” Megan said breaking the silence after locking the door. She looked between the both men before walking away.
Maxwell took a last look at Iris before following Megan.
Bradley took step forward before intertwining his fingers with Iris’s. She looked down at their intertwined finger shocked before looking back at Bradley.
Bradley patted Anna’s hair and she smiled at him, he returned her smile. Well, even if she isn’t his.. He could at least be a little friendly.
He leaned down..
“You look sêxy in this dress” He whispered and Iris blushed before looking ahead at Megan and Maxwell.
“Mummy?” Anna called and Iris looked down at her before nodding..
“Let’s go” She muttered and took another glance at she and Bradley’s intertwined finger.. She smiled secretly.
He was being nicer than yesterday but she loves it..
••• Fiona Stanley Hospital •••
All five walked into the hospital quietly.. Going straight to the doctor’s office.
“We meet again Ms. Ollie” Dr. Shaw smiled on seeing Iris. Iris returned the smile and he pointed to the seats signalling them to sit.
After they’ve settled down, Iris clasped her hands together..
“Umm, Dr. Shaw..we’re here for a DNA” Iris said bowing her head lightly.
A surprised look came on Shaw’s face..
“A DNA?” he asked and Iris nodded, he glanced at the rest of the guys..
“Who’s in?”..
••• An hour later •••
“The results are out Miss Ollie.. ” Shaw announced walking back into the office and immediately everyone stood except Anna who was looking on innocently.
“What does it say?” Bradley asked a little anxiously..
Shaw stared at the results quietly for a while..
“From the results, it states that Maxwell Robert’s blood matches that of Savannah Ollie by 1% while Bradley Jordan matches Savannah Ollie by 99%..” he looked up from the paper staring at their faces..
“It means Mr. Bradley Jordan is the father of Savannah Ollie ”..
TO Be Continued