The Labour Room
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Labour Room Episode 1 Or Chapter One Of The Labour Room by Frank The Writer Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? The Labour Room:
“Honey, I think I’m feeling some pains in my abdomen and there is some water coming out. I think my water is broken. We need to go to the hospital immediately. The pain is becoming unbearable.” Uche said. She is nine months pregnant and her expected delivery date has passed. She was becoming scared that something had gone wrong with the baby. When the labour pains started, she was happy that finally, she was going to deliver her bundle of joy.
“Honey, let us pray and see if you can deliver the baby at home. You know there is nothing God cannot do. Sit down a little let us pray. The Bible asked us to pray without ceasing.” Ike said to his wife. He knelt and started praying in tongues. He was asking God to help his wife to deliver the baby at home instead of the hospital.
“Honey, I understand the importance of prayer in everything, but look, this is not the time to pray. I need to be in the hospital, in the labour room being looked after by trained doctors and nurses, and then you can pray to God for safe delivery. You cannot be praying at home when you are supposed to be in the exam hall.” Uche tells her husband. The pain in her abdomen has increased one hundred-folds and she could bear it no more.
“Please pick up the car keys and take me to the hospital. I’m in severe pain and I need to see a doctor immediately. I don’t want anything to happen to my baby or me. Please take me to the hospital without further delay.” Uche was shouting on the top of her voice because she was in deep pain. She went into labour at around 8 am and by noon her husband was still on her knees praying and by that time, Uche had started bleeding and her body had got seriously weak.
“Don’t worry honey, there is nothing God cannot do. I believe in him and he can have this baby delivered at home without the doctors and nurses touching you.” Ike said to his wife with his eyes still closed in prayers. Uche just managed to stand up to her feet. She walked a few painful steps to where Ike her husband was kneeling and praying. She lifted her right hand and gave him a very hot slap on the face. The slap was painful and Ike saw a lot of starts.
“Oh! My God! Why did you slap me? That was so painful!” Ike asked his wife.
“I will slap you again if you don’t pick up the car keys and drive me to the hospital to deliver this baby. Are you mad? Is anything wrong with your head? Do you think I don’t believe in God? I believe in God and I’m a child of God, but the Bible admonishes us to do things at the right time. We are not supposed to be praying when we should be working or doing the relevant things. God doesn’t work that way. I’m supposed to be in the hospital right now in the care of doctors and then you can go on praying for me, praying for God to guide the doctors and nurses caring for me.” Uche said. Her husband realized himself and then drove her to the hospital.
“Why are you just bringing her? She is bleeding out. Are you out of your mind? And you were at home, not that you traveled? Please bring her in immediately.” The nurse on duty said. She was so angry at Uche’s husband but the man didn’t seem to care. As soon as he handed his wife over to the medical personnel at the hospital, he went to one corner of the premises and started praying. Soon, he was called into the labour room when things became very complicated. A doctor had been called when Uche could no longer push and he recommended an immediate surgery to save the life of the baby and the mother.
“We have to operate on your wife immediately to save her life and your child’s life.” The doctor tells Ike. He was still speaking in tongues and his eyes were partially closed in prayers.
“I don’t think my God has ever failed. I have a covenant with him that my wife will deliver through normal birth. I had a covenant with him that my wife would not deliver through cesarean section. Please, do not do any operations on my wife.” Ike said to the doctor.
“Please Mr Ike, I need you to sign this paper. If I don’t operate on your wife within the next ten minutes, she is going to die. Do you understand what that means? I’m a Christian too and I believe in God, but the Bible said God gave us the spirit of sound mind and not to be foolish when we need to make important decisions. Please sign this paper and let me perform a CS on your wife. CS is a safe medical procedure. I don’t know where you people learned that it is something to be despised. You can see that she is weak and she can’t push out the baby because of the delay at home.” The doctor pleaded with Ike, but he remained adamant.
“If you say you are a Christian, where is your faith in God? Where is your faith? God is able to do everything and he won’t allow my wife to die. I will leave this hospital with my wife and baby delivered through the normal process and not through CS.” Ike insisted and refused to sign the paper. He left the labour room and went back to the corner where he was and continued speaking in tongues.
The doctor needed authorization to operate on Uche. It could be illegal to carry out an operation on a patient when the guardian had said no to it, so he was being very careful.
“Do you have any other legal guardian who can sign this paper for us to operate on you? Time is running out.” The doctor asked Uche. She could barely talk, so she asked for her phone. She was able to scroll the contacts to where her mother’s number was. She asked the doctors to call her mother.
Her mother was far from the hospital. Before she could get there to sign the papers, it was too late. The doctor on his own even decided to operate without getting the approval, but it was too late. The baby had died in Uche’s womb. Uche did not wake up after the operation. It was all over. That was how Ike lost his wife because of an unnecessarily strong head.