The Jealous Twin Sister Chapter 9
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Jealous Twin Sister Chapter 9 Of The Jealous Twin Sister by Tony Sang Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? The Jealous Twin Sister CHAPTER NINE: ????
Joyline was very nervous as they walked into the hospital.Ken held her arms and they walked directly to a wooden bench that was on the corridor of the hospital
Around five people were seated waiting for the line and they had to wait.She was shaking but Ken had taken time to convince her to be strong
“ But Ken if am pregnant,that means my life is over.I don’t know how my parents will think of me”
“ Just be calm,you may not be pregnant,am sure I had used protection that night and if something went wrong and you are pregnant don’t worry,we have two options”
“ Which two options Ken?”
“ Abortion or we keep the pregnancy and decide to get married”
“ Get married? Are you even normal,at this age seriously.I better do the abortion” she said whispering to make sure the people who were seated next to them couldn’t hear anything.
After the small chat,they both went quiet as Ken covered her with his arms until the nurse came out and told them to follow her
They followed the nurse into the ward, Joyline heart was now racing for the fear of finding out that she actually might be pregnant,she was also afraid to explain to the doctor that she was here to have a pregnancy test
The doctor was seated facing them.Ken looked at Joyline who was silent then decided to break the silence and told the fair man that they wanted to have a pregnancy test done
The doctor lowered his glasses and stared at Joyline who was staring on the floor because of shame that she felt.He then removed the glasses and cleaned it before wearing it back
“ Young lady what is your name?”
“ Joyline Sir”
“ How old are you?”
“ Eighteen sir,is there any problem”
“ Not at all,just curious you seemed too young to be having pregnancy test,anyway follow me”
The doctor got up from his chair and walked into a small room inside the ward and after a few minutes she came back alone
“ Where Is the doctor Joyline”
“ He has gone to the lab to do the test,he has said that we should wait for him outside until he comes back with the test”
They went and sat outside on the bench as other patients went in to be admitted.
They had been waiting impatiently for almost an hour when the nurse came out of the ward holding a piece of paper and handed it over to Ken
“ Congratulations you are expecting a child”she had said smiling while looking at Joyline who seemed not happy at all.“ That is the doctor’s report”
The nurse left them and walked back in as they were still seated.Joyline was confused as whether to cry or rejoice as she felt happy that she was carrying a baby while on the other hand she was worried about her reputation
Ken helped her from the bench and they walked outside together into the car.
“ Joyline what are we going to do now?”
“I don’t know at all,I am literally confused,I know it won’t be long before everything comes to open”
“ Yeah that is why you have to make a choice while it is still early.Are you willing to keep the baby or not”
“ I am not sure Ken”
“ What do you mean you aren’t sure,you know what,I think you should have some time to relax and think but before you go back to school inform me of your decision”
Ken had started the engine and he drove Joyline to their home and left immediately after he had dropped her to make sure he wasn’t spotted.
TO Be Continued