The JailBird Chapter 28
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The JailBird Chapter 28 Of The JailBird by Naomi Cindy B Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
The JailBird:
(Female • In • Disguise)
“Did you drink last night? Is that why you’re doing the naked walk again?” Trixie asked when she arrived with Sin who’s grinning from ear to ear.
“I didn’t drink, I fuçked. I’m always too lazy to wear my clothes back.” he replied.
“So who’s the girl?” Trixie asked, crossing her arms.
She tried hard to hide the jealousy in her eyes, but she failed, and when Sin saw it, he smiled.
“You feel the same way, don’t you?” He threw his arm on her waist, but she pushed him back.
He held still, tightening his hold on her middle.
“Sinclair…” She pulled back again, avoiding his eyes.
“Stop holding back, you want this, Trix.” He said, sliding his second hand under her short jean skirt.
He was almost touching her thongs, but then she elbowed him on the jaw, and he fell on her couch, groaning.
“Enough, ok?” She said.
“Aren’t you tired of this fucked up family legacy? We’re literally jailed here” he muttered.
“I’ll get you something to wear” she replied, walking to the closet.
“Are you still in love with Corey?” He talked again, and Trixie stopped, taking a look at the locket on her chest. She rubbed it and gulped.
She didn’t give him a reply before entering the closet.
“Use my bathroom”
Adeline couldn’t believe her ears again at the words that came out of Madden’s mouth immediately she woke up.
She woke up to meet herself here, meaning he carried her all the way from the clinic.
She slept on his bed again, and now he wants her to use his bathroom?
What’s he planning? She doesn’t feel safe about this at all.
He’s standing shirtless by the window, leaning on the frame bulkily, his hair scattered over his face as usual.
It’s like he has made it his mission to flaunt his body and tattoos in her face these days.
Right hand is in the pocket of his grey sweatpants, and the left one is holding a mug of coffee which he’s drinking from.
He drinks coffee?
She never would have thought that.
She’s discovering things about him these days that she doesn’t even want to.
She got down from the bed, holding the duvet to her chest.
“Only my residential wing bathroom provides the purple soap, I prefer that one” she said.
“My bathroom has the purple soap, too” he replied, tilting his head, and she nodded.
“Ok, but what will I put on?”
He gestured at the bedstand, and she turned there to see neatly folded big black t-shirt and black trousers, new ones.
“Thank you” she replied with a slight smile before letting go of the duvet reluctantly.
She had to cover her breasts with her palms as she walked into the bathroom, and Madden smirked, dropping his coffee mug.
Will her size of bra even be available in boutiques? Those titties are too small for a 25 years old lady.
No. Woman.
She’s a woman.
While waiting for her to come out of the bathroom, he received a text from Maya.
Sociopath: Get to the house RN, there’s a meeting.
He rolled eyes after reading, throwing the phone back on the bed.
Adeline came out of the bathroom at the same time.
His towel on her body. His personal red towel.
He must have forgotten to drop a new towel in the bathroom for her__or maybe he did it intentionally.
“Sorry I used your towel, it was the only one available” she said, standing still by the bathroom door.
Madden ran his eyes through her wet skin, and his eyes narrowed, as if reassessing the woman standing before him.
For an instant, his mask of indifference slipped, revealing a glimmer of curiosity.
Her short hair which is already growing long is all damp, scattering wet stands all-over her freckled face.
His eyes roamed over her, lingering on the droplets of water on her skin, and for the first time, he questioned his ability to remain detached.
Adeline couldn’t fight the scoff that appeared on her face at his surveillance.
“You’ve been checking me out for one minute straight, Master Madden” she knowingly said, and he immediately recoiled, his eyes going back to cold.
“You’re resuming work with Igor tomorrow” he told her, and she felt her head banging.
“No. Master… If this is your way of punishing me then I refuse it. I can’t work for anyone else and you know it. I can’t” she said.
“I’m not giving you a choice here, Micheal.” he insisted.
“Igor will kill me if he finds out my real identity” she insisted too.
“And you think I’m still not going to kill you?” He smirked.
“I don’t care, I just can’t work for Igor. Please master” she replied.
Without another word, he got a loose shirt from the bed foot and threw it on, leaving the manor afterwards.
Adeline sighed, thinking of ways to make him reconsider when he comes back.
Working for Igor means disaster.
Madden is a disaster too, but at least she’s starting to get used to it.
She moved from the bathroom door and started drying her wet skin, but then someone entered the bedroom.
The pair of black heels caught her eyes first, then she looked up painstakingly slow, only to meet the unfriendly eyes.
“I should have suspected it. You’re a female? How dare you!” Poe snarled.
“What’s the meaning of the shit you tried out at my clinic overnight?!” Igor barked immediately Madden came in.
Everyone else is in.
Erik is sitting at a side of the table… Igor, Sin and Trixie are sitting in front of him.
Klara is sitting at another side… only Maya is sitting in front of her.
Madden joined her, ignoring Igor.
“I’m talking to you bastard!” Igor spranged up when he got no reply.
Madden continued the silence, taking his seat beside Maya.
“Stravinsky is dead, and the top 5 are incomplete. A new member has been added. There’s a meeting later today to introduce him” Erik spoke up.
“Is that all?” Madden replied, looking bored.
“I think it’s high time we split, too” Klara spoke up
“What are you talking about?” Erik faced her.
“You’re starting to treat my kids like outcasts, and I won’t take that! Doublecross-ing Madden will never make sense to me and who knows what you might do to Maya too!” Klara snapped.
“What would I probably do to her when she’s already ruined? One day, she’ll slice her own throat with that knife and I won’t have to see her again” Erik replied nonchalantly.
Maya’s face is frozen like she doesn’t care, but her hands are shaking under the table at the harsh words.
Madden stretched his hand to her hands, holding her.
Maya looked at him, and she calmed.
“So what’s it gonna be? We splitting or not?” Sin asked from Erik’s side without any care
“Splitting is cool. At least, the bastards will be known and the real children of The Pakhan will come to light too! Let’s tell the whole Russia that Trixie, Sinclair and I are the only children of Erik! We’re the only true Orlovs while the other two only borrowed the surname!” Igor spat.
“Shut it, Igor!” Trixie snapped at him.
“No! You shut up!” Igor yelled at her.
“You make me laugh, Igor” Sin muttered, and Igor kicked him.
Sin fell from his chair to the ground.
“You’re old for nothing” Maya said from Klara’s side.
“Repeat that!” Igor stormed to her, but before he could arrive, Madden already stood, jumping over the table.
He kicked Igor on the neck and on the chest at the same time, and Igor flew with a life-threatening force, back to Erik’s side.
“Urghh!!” He groaned on the ground, and Sin began laughing.
Trixie smiled, and Maya left the hall.
“We’re done here” Madden said, rolling eyes at Erik and Klara before following Maya.
Maya already went far when he got out, so he decided to go straight to his manor.
He needs to mould something or hit something to douse his anger.
He turned to leave, but then he saw Lady Selesta, bringing breakfast to the house.
Angelika is beside her, but immediately the little girl’s eyes met with Madden’s lifeless ones, she quickly hid behind Lady Selesta.
“Good morning, Death” Selesta greeted.
Madden ignored it totally, leaving the place.
A hot fight is currently ongoing, and Poe is obviously winning.
Adeline is trying all she could do so her back wound won’t open again.
If it opens again, then it’ll kill her, so she decided to let Poe do her thing.
She’s under Poe on the ground, and Poe is bashing her wildly in the face
“You fuçking bîtch! You deceived the establishment? If the remaining top members hear about this, you think they’ll take it lightly that a woman actually killed Stravinsky? Even The Pakhan won’t stop them from killing you!” Poe yelled, throwing another punch.
Adeline guided her face though, so the damage is minimal.
“Jinx has been crushing on a female? You’re unbelievable! A slut! Did you deceive Master too? Huh!!” Poe yelled, raising another punch to deliver.
The entry of Madden stopped her, and when she looked up to see him, she stood from Adeline…
“Death, she has been…
“Do you know why I’m considered Death?” Madden’s icy voice interrupted her.
His eyes are on Adeline on the floor as he spoke.
Poe shifted back. “What are you…
“Because every man has the pride of never laying their hands on women and children no matter the sin they commit, but me?” Madden muttered, coming closer, his madness scenting thickly in the air.
“I am different, and it takes a lot of strategy to be as fuçked up in the head as I am. I kill bîtchy women, and I murder crazy kids, which is why no one ever crosses my path no matter the situation, but you made the bloody mistake of coming close! In my house, my space, my vicinity!!!” Madden thundered.
“Mas…ter…” Poe swallowed skittishly as he took the last step to her, his eyes shimmering with overcooked rage.
He grabbed her savagely by the hair, and she screamed out when he dragged her to the mirrored walls.
He slammed her forehead on the first segment, breaking the glasses to bits with it.
“Fûck!!!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!” Poe cried as her blood covered her face and blouse like shower.
“Keep quiet, there are still eight more segments to break” Madden muttered with a deep inhumane voice.
Adeline’s mouth widened.
TO Be Continued