The JailBird Chapter 22
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The JailBird Chapter 22 Of The JailBird by Naomi Cindy B Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
The JailBird:
(Female • In • Disguise)
Klara only brought Igor, she didn’t stay with him.
She left him in Erik’s room after the nurses treated his swollen neck, and he woke up just now to meet Erik waiting beside the bed.
“Father?” He said, sitting up.
“How’s your neck?” Erik asked, his brows rising.
“Not bad” Igor replied, coughing slightly as he rubbed his neck.
“I’ll kill Madden, I swear” he muttered vengefully.
“Is there something you want badly right now?” Erik asked, sitting beside him.
“Any fuçking thing?” Igor replied.
“Anything to make you calm” Erik patted him.
“Michael… I want Madden to hate Michael so much, and after that happens, I can have Michael as my second bodyguard with Andrei.” Igor said.
Erik smiled slightly and left the room.
He went to his office and sent for Adeline.
Adeline arrived with a guard after five minutes, and she bowed her head before looking up at him.
“You called for me, sir”
“You have a mission tomorrow night at 7pm” Erik replied.
“Eh?” Adeline almost gasped.
Erik kept looking at her…
“I thought… I was only supposed to go on missions for my master, then… My back would is still fresh and…
“You’re going on the mission tomorrow, and it’s meant to be kept a secret from Madden. You’ll die by my hands if he gets a whiff of it” Erik cut her off, and she tightened her chin.
“Where is your answer?”
“Yes, sir” she replied, took a bow and walked out of the house.
She was on her way back to the room when she saw Madden going towards the basement direction.
She followed, and immediately she went out of sight, Kimberly came by.
“Igor … Is Igor ok?” She asked the guards in front of the house.
They didn’t reply, so she asked again in a rephrased form.
“Is Master Igor ok?”
“He’s fine, now leave” one of the hefty guards said.
She slowly left, going back to her apartment which is right beside Andrei’s own.
She entered the small house and fell on her bed, unable to stop thinking about Igor for a second.
Is he really fine?
Madden almost killed him according to what she saw in the group chat.
Were the guards saying the truth?
She sat up restlessly, opening her drawer and bringing out a white wrap.
Inside the write wrap, there’s a used condom.
It’s the condom Igor used on her the night he screwed her hard.
She took it back then and washed it, then she kept it as souvenir to always remind her of how special that night is.
She smiled as she stared at the condom, rubbing it with her thumb.
With the help of some nurses at the clinic, Andrei got the bullet removed from his arm.
The arm is bandaged, and he was told to eat something before going to bed.
He’s not a eater, actually.
Reluctantly, he waited for the arrival of his meal, and after ten minutes, the doorbell came.
He went to the door to open, and as expected, he met Lady Selesta by the door, holding his tray of food in her right hand and holding Angelika in her left hand.
“Andrei!” Angelika brightly waved.
“Angel” Andrei stroked her hair before taking the food tray from Lady Selesta.
“Make sure you finish it” Lady Selesta said sternly.
“If I can” he smiled.
Selesta left with Angelika, and Andrei was about to shut the door when someone held it.
The person pushed it open and came in forcefully…
It’s Maya.
“I didn’t invite you” he told her.
“I like barging in uninvited. I enjoy taking what’s not mine and invading other’s privacy” she replied without blinking.
“What do you want?” He asked softly, and she came closer.
Before he knew it, she has started unwrapping his arm bandage.
“Maya!” He freed his arm and dropped the tray before stepping away.
“It’s already treated. Stop, ok?” He said.
“I have to check for myself and be certain” she replied flatly with her sharp Russian accent.
“Who are you to decide that?” He said.
“Maya Orlov, your future bride” she replied, pulling the bandage again.
Andrei grabbed her two hands and started struggling with her till he was able to hold her in place so she can’t move.
Their eyes met, and she relaxed.
“What were you talking to Kimberly about the other time?” She questioned.
“She had a thing with Igor, and he sidelined her..” he explained.
“That bastard” Maya muttered, and Andrei started pushing her out.
“You really won’t let me check your wound? Andrei… Huh? I really need to check it and…
She already pushed her out and locked the door before she could finish.
He rested on the door, releasing a loud exhale.
“Maddest of the bunch” he muttered.
Madden’s breaths came softly as he opened the door to the abandoned basement.
He stepped in, going down the cemented stairs till he got to the base.
The smell of blood still lingered in the air.
The blood of Malik and his two cohorts whom he killed here three weeks ago.
It’s still so strong, but he’s not here for that tonight.
He went to the walls and started checking out the scribblings on it.
To others, they’re meaningless and childish, but to him, it’s his language.
It’s the only way he expressed himself as a kid. It’s sign language.
As he stared at the scribblings, he could imagine his kid version writing them on the wall with a sharp stone.
He almost got sucked into the past, but he quickly turned and left the basement, shutting the door behind.
Surprisingly, he met Adeline waiting outside, backing the wall and obviously waiting for him.
She quickly stood straight at the sight of him.
“Your arm… We should get it treated at the clinic” she said, hoping he’d succumb.
Madden gave her a long look which made her cringe, then he led the way.
“Follow me” he said.
Without arguing, she did.
A five minutes walk brought them to the manor, and she entered with him, freezing instantly.
Is there a day she’d get used to the cold here?
He led her to his room and faced her.
“Get rid of the shirt and lay on your chest, on the bed” he told her, and she gulped.
She was about to say no when he took the first-aid kit, so she obeyed.
She took off the shirt, leaving her in her chest bandage as she climbed the bed, laying on her chest so her wounded back is up.
Madden sat beside her, and she had a nose full of his scent again.
She dislikes how cold he smells, or that’s what she’s telling herself.
Madden was blank in the face as he removed the patch and plaster, revealing her fresh wound.
“Did you cry with the wound? Is that why it’s bleeding again?” He said, no single kindness in his voice.
Adeline almost told him it’s Poe, but what if he kills Poe? He already looks too angry today, so that’d be dangerous.
“I exerted too much stress on it, I guess” she replied.
Madden’s brows creased as he got a bottle of disinfectant, but it’s surely gonna sting and make her go crazy the moment it touches the wound
He changed his mind and got a milder one, disinfecting the wound with it then going ahead to pour several herbal treatment on it just to make it close up quickly.
Adeline kept biting her lip repeatedly, trying to figure out what’s going on in his mind.
Why is he not saying anything about her identity?
Will he keep quiet forever?
Why is he treating her wound right now, pretending to be nice when he’s not.
He’s the same guy who nearly killed his brother inside the cathedral.
Should she risk it and tell him about the mission she’s going for Erik tomorrow?
The thoughts made her head bumpy, and her tiredness only grew worse.
Before Madden could finish treating the wound, she already fell asleep.
Madden returned everything to the kit and closed it, then he looked at her sleeping face and smirked, eyeing her smattered freckles.
She trusts him enough to fall asleep on his bed?
That’s a huge mistake.
She shouldn’t have trusted him.
At all.
He stood and got himself a roll of weed from his stash.
He lightened it and walked out of the room, smoking as he made his way to his workroom.
Tomorrow is the day he’ll find out the real snitch, and he can’t wait to slaughter whoever it is.
He arrived at the workroom and walked straight to Corey’s clay image
He blew smokes out of his thin lips as he stared at it, smirking devilishly.
‘I’m not to be trusted, Adeline. I’ll ruin you’
TO Be Continued