The Governor’s PA Episode 8
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Governor’s PA Episode 8 Or Chapter Eight Of The Governor’s PA by Jacinta Chinemerem Story or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? The Governor’s PA Episode Eight: ????????
Final Episode
I woke very early the next day, had my bath, dressed and headed to the company. I wanted to get the Governor’s daily activities and documents ready before he will arrive and I also want to write down a report letter, because what the Governor’s daughter was planning to do bothers me. I don’t want to lose my job or be sent to jail for something that doesn’t worth it. My poor family is looking up to me; especially my mother. I’ve already planned what I would do for her with my salary in the next five months.
At Eight, the Governor arrived and the daily office activities began. I did my work efficiently untill 3: PM when the Governor asked me to close work for the day so as to go drive his daughter to school again.
I couldn’t disobey or tell the Governor that I don’t want to drive his daughter to school even though I was worried that his daughter was going to do something that will put me in trouble. I wished this time didn’t come but it came and here I am, left with the choice to either personally resign this minute or continue and be put to trouble by the Governor’s daughter.
After I submitted some necessary documents on the Governor’s table and rounded up work for the day, I went back to my table, contemplating whether to give the Governor the report letter I had written earlier or not.
I wasn’t sure if he was going to attend to it because it wasn’t a business letter but for the sake of the responsibility I owe my mother, I just have to try.
I took the letter and sealed it in an envelope so that when the Governor sees it, he will think that it was a letter coming from a business partners and he will attend to it with urgency. Then I stood up and took the letter to the Governor.
“What is this?” The Governor asked me
“A letter sir. And it requires your urgency sir”
He collected the letter and drop it on his table.
“Let’s get going. I will attend to it tomorrow”
“Ah! Sir… I think that letter needs your urgent attention”
He got a call. I waited till he was done receiving it.
“Sir, the letter” I reminded him
“Come-on Joseph, we don’t have much time. I have an appointment with my family doctor by four. And you are supposed to drive my daughter to her school by four. So we are supposed to be at home before four”
He stood up, took the letter from his desk and started heading out.
“Don’t worry, I will look into it on our way home” He told me.
I followed him, worrying that if he drives the car, he will end up, not reading the letter till we get to his house and I may end up driving his daughter to her school.
When we got to his car, I offered to take the ride.
“Sir, can I drive you? So you will look into the letter” I asked
“Why is this letter so important to you, Joseph?”
“Sir, you wouldn’t know until you read the letter”
I had written everything his daughter had been doing to me, everything she had said and her soon to manifest threat to me. Things I can’t open my mouth to say, I had written them down
He handed his car key to me and I took the staring. I was happy that he would sit at the back reading the letter while I drive us home.
We were about approaching his house when he asked me.
“So all this, was what my daughter did yesterday?”
“Huhn?” I startled
“All this things you wrote here was what my daughter did yesterday?” He repeated
“Yes sir”
“And she threatened to do something horrible to you today?”
“Yes sir”
I was feeling grateful that the Governor has finally read the letter. He sounded surprised and a little angered. This means he was going to take action.
“So Elizabeth has been the one tempting her drivers?” The Governor mumbled
“Sirrr? You talking to me” I asked, not that I didn’t hear him but I wanted him to repeat himself so that I would be sure I heard him right.
“You know, for the past three months, I’ve employed about 20 drivers for Elizabeth…” The Governor started to explain
“…And Elizabeth complained that all those drivers were harassing her se*xually. She play a tape of them trying to force her which made me send 17 to prison and three(3) are paying debt of Elizabeth’s money she claimed they stole. So Elizabeth has been the one tempting them and setting them up? Why would she do such a thing?”
I felt goosebumps all over my body. So this girl has lured innocent people to prison. What could be her reason for that?
“Well, I wouldn’t just conclude” The Governor mumbled “I will have to find out if what you said is true”
There was silence for a while. I got to the gate and horned. Before the security would get the gate opened. The Governor placed a call.
“Hello Doctor,” he said “Please can you reschedule our meeting for tomorrow? I have something urgent I want to attent to”
The gate opened and I drove in and parked at the garage.
The Governor came down and hurriedly headed into the house as if someone was chasing him.
I got out of the car and waited. After about twenty minutes, the Governor’s daughter came out, all dressed and ready to go out.
She glared at me suspiciously.
“Begin now to say goodbye to your job” She told me and tried to open the Lexus car which the Governor and I had returned with. But the door refused to open.
“This is not the car you usually ride on” I informed her.
“I know! And I didn’t ask you to remind me” She said and rolled her eyes all over me.
She walked to the Range Rover car which she usually ride on and turned towards me.
“Do I need to remind you to get the car door opened for me?”
“Your father is yet to give me the car key” I told her and still stood where I was.
“Go get it from him Dummy! I’m running late!” She shouted at me
I didn’t listen to her. I just stood where I was. And I prayed she doesn’t go and get the car keys herself. I wanted her father to come out so I would here his opinion about my letter before I would drive his daughter to her school.
Few minutes later, the Governor came out and walked towards the garage looking furious. He got to where I was and stood.
“Come here Elizabeth!” He commanded
Elizabeth came to where we were, and stood.
“Yes Daddy!” She answered calmly as if she was innocent. Without saying a word, the governor gave her two resounding, heavy slap.
“What is the meaning of this?” He asked, showing her a video on his phone.
I peeped into the phone. It was a video he cropped out from the CCtv Cameras which he had all over his house including my room. A video of all her actions last night; from the moment she sneaked out of the house and Knocked at my door and went to my window to the moment I opened the door, she got in and then I carried her out, warning her.
“So this is what you’ve been doing to your drivers?”The Governor asked furiously. “You tempt them and set them up and when they fall victims, you accuse them and make me send them to prison. Why are you doing this to innocent people?”
“Because men are heartless!” She said with so much hatred. “They ra*ped my best friend and she died. I will never forgive them”
“It was one man, Elizabeth. One man who is already serving a lifetime punishment in jail!” The Governor blurted “Why are you punishing other innocent men for a crime another man committed”
“All the men are the same, Dad.” She said h*atefully
“Look at this man here” The Governor said, pointing at me “Does he look like the man who raped your friend? Does he?”
“But he’s a man, so he’s no difference.”She answered. “Because he hasn’t fall victim to my trap like the other drivers doesn’t mean he’s different.”
“I’m different and I’m not going to fall” I told her.
“What makes you different?”
“My name!” I responded “I am Joseph and we Josephs don’t give in to temptation”
“Elizabeth, you need to stop this your madness” The Governor told her “You made me jail innocent men; that’s too much from you!”
“They deserve to be punished Dad. Because they always allow their pe*nis to control them. That’s why those drivers easily fall victims of my trap!”
“There should be no more of this your nonsense” The Governor warned her. “Joseph will be driving you to your school and I will be monitoring you. If you ever tempt him again, I will make sure I send you to prison”
I smiled silently. I was grateful that I spoke up. I mean, I wrote my mind and the Governor acted as fast as possible. Now I have my job and won’t be tempted again.
…The End…
(1.) Don’t allow your flesh control you. Know when temptation is before you and try to resist it the way Joseph and the Bible Joseph did.
(2.) Everyone is not the same so Don’t generalize.
(3.) WHAT DID YOU LEARN? add your own