The Ghost Boy And The Female Teacher Episode 22
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Ghost Boy And The Female Teacher Episode 22 Or Chapter Twenty Two Of The Ghost Boy And The Female Teacher by Jacinta Chinemerem Story or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? The Ghost Boy And The Female Teacher Episode Twenty Two: ????
Semi Final Episode
When I was done eating, Fr. Benjamin immediately suggested that they should pray profoundly for me, because his spirit is telling him that the serpent poison in my leg is still alive, and if care is not taken, the serpent poisonous fluid may travel down to my heart to block my breath and I may die. This is because Mr. Damilola was invoking the remaining of the serpent to come alive and the poison inside my leg is looking for a way to come out, so as to join the other remnants to transform into a serpent.
Fear gripped me. I was thinking that Mr. Damilola was dead or he was probably captured and detained in prison. Hearing that he was invoking the remaining of the serpent made me curious to know what they did to him or what he did on that day. I was curious to know everything that actually happened that day.
Somadina’s Mom got out of my bed and gently placed the part of my shoulder which was resting on her laps, back on the bed. She stood alongside Fr. Benjamin and Somadina’s father, shoulder to shoulder, in the way I could see each one of them personally.
Jeremiah also stood, then Fr. Benjamin began to sing a heartfelt praise. They sang many heartfelt and battle intriguing praises that changed the atmosphere, their voices kept rising high that almost all the patients in the ward, including their visitors joined in the song and prayers.
The atmosphere became hot. I began to feel the presence of God. People began to speak in other tongues. Many people began to fall under anointing. Even the nurses and doctors came out and joined. I saw some sick person getting healed. Those that couldn’t walk started working. My swellon leg dried up and I left my sick bed and stood on my feet. God himself actually came down and made a name for Himself. I’ve never seen miracle happen before, but I saw it that day; a woman with a broken leg, that the doctors were going to cut off the next day, received her instant healing.
When the prayers was over, people gathered Fr. Benjamin as if he was God. He told them not to thank him but should thank God. And should give Thanksgiving in their respective churches and mosques, not forgetting to give to the needy.
Later, Fr. Benjamin made a comment that made me realize that everything happens for a reason. He said and I quote:
“Because of you, God has healed a lot of sick persons in this hospital today.”
I felt happy that I came to rescue Somadina. I was grateful that the serpent bit me. Above all, I was grateful that many people were healed because of my situation. If I’m not mistaking, there were about forty patients in my ward and thirty-one of them got healed; and I was was discharged, they too were discharged that day, including other people in other wards.
Somadina’s parents took me to their house, including Jeremiah and Fr. Benjamin. When we arrived and I got out of the car, a lady rushed to me and gave me a flower and balloon that had a writeup on it, which said: YOU’RE MY HEROINE. I felt happy. And I recognized the lady. She was the first lady I freed from the coffin after Somadina.
From the car to the first pillar of the house, another lady came to me and handed me another flower and a balloon which read: YOU RISKED YOUR LIFE FOR US. I also recognized this lady too. She was the next lady I freed from the coffin after the first lady.
When I got to the entrance door, a guy came and handed me another flower and balloon which read: WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR GOOD DEED” I also recognized him. He was the guy I freed from his coffin who looked like those bouncers I saw inside Mr. Damilola’s compound. After reading his writeup, my heart gladden.
I started looking out for Somadina, wondering what his own write-up would be; Wondering what he would do if he sees me.
Will he recognize me? How will I act when I see him. My eyes kept looking left and right, but I didn’t see Somadina. Maybe he is waiting for me to come inside. I thought to myself.
Jeremiah got the door opened for me and I walked in. As I got to the sitting room, Somadina’s friend, George Solomon came to me and handed me another flower and a balloon that read: THANK YOU FOR COMING TO OUR RESCUE: he even hugged me. Then, he held me and led me to a one-person upholstery and I sat. I started hoping to see Somadina. Everyone I saved had come to say hello to me except him.
After some minutes, Somadina still didn’t come. I became worried. I wanted to ask the others about him when the door to a room opened. Somadina is the one coming out. I thought to myself and fixed my eyes on the door, hoping to see Somadina but shockingly, Mr. Chukwuka, the man who took my younger brother Kingsley to Abuja for eight years was the one who came out. He was also holding a flower and a balloon. His writeup says: I WAS AMONG THOSE WHOM YOU SAVED, THANK YOU.
Then he hugged me. I quickly flashed back to the secret room and recalled all the people I helped to come out of the coffin but Bro Chukwuka was not among, except for the last coffin which I was about setting free before Mr. Damilola caught me. Could he be the one?
“I was the first person Mr. Damilola captured. I was in the first coffin. He has kept me captive for five years” Bro Chukwuka told me. I was shocked. No wonder! He didn’t come home when my father died and his line stopped connecting.
“How did you end up there ?” I asked.
“I used to work for Mr. Damilola, so, on the day I found out about his secret room and that the reason the ladies he brings home hardly go back to their houses was because he always sacrifice them to his snake, he trapped me in a coffin and because his snake rejected me as a sacrifice he refused to set me free”
“Ah! What a wickedness!” I exclaimed. I was about saying thank God for rescuing you, when I heard the door which Bro Chukwuka had come out from, rattled. I averted my eyes toward that direction and to my Surprise, my younger brother Kingsley came out. He was also holding a flower and a balloon which read: BECAUSE YOU SAVED THEM, YOU FOUND ME!” He rushed and hugged me. Tears clouded in my eyes. I never knew I would see him again.
When I was done hugging Kingsley. I let him sit close to me, then I started looking out for Somadina but he didn’t show up. Later, I saw Somadina’s brother coming down from their stair. He was holding a beautifully designed carbon, which read: WELCOME HOME AUNTY JACI” and some colourful balloons and flowers. He came to me and handed them to me. I knew he was Somadina’s brother because he was a younger lookalike version of Somadina. My heart gladden, yet I was worried. I wanted to see Somadina badly.
Some maiden on uniform brought food and drinks and started sharing. A DJ, who had positioned himself at the edge of the entrance door started to play music. Everyone was eating and dancing but I wasn’t, because I didn’t see Somadina.
TO Be Continued