The Choice I Made Episode 11
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Choice I Made Episode 11 Of The Choice I Made by Amaka Ember Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? The Choice I Made Episode Eleven:
It seems someone is very happy today. Wow! I love that. I know a day like this will come when I will see this look on your face. Now tell me, what is the secret? Ibiso asked Preye who has been wearing a sad face ever since she got rescued.
Aunty, I’ve been quiet, sad, and dull ever since you brought me to your house and I know you don’t deserve such a mood from me. Aunty, I’m ready to give you back the happy face and smile you have been showing me since I got here. Preye responded to Ibiso the lady that shelters her.
Good! That’s good my darling. I love the spirit. This is how it should be. You don’t allow what is in the past to be tearing you apart or ruining your future. No! Just like what I keep telling you, you are a star. Despite what you told me that has happened to you yet none took your life. Be happy because God destined you for greater things. Ibiso preached to Preye.
But Aunty, is it not yet time I call my mother? I know by now she must have been worried about me.
No, darling. I have a reason for not allowing you to call your mother. Ever since you said you have not gone outside since you came to this country and you can’t trace the exact place or the name of the estate those mónsters are living for me to get them arrested. I think calling your mother now isn’t the best. Still, hold on for some days. Ibiso explains to Preye.
Mama, I’m considering renting a two-bedroom apartment for you and Victory in the city. He is grown and he needs to be enrolled in school. I don’t just want him to school in this village. Godwin suggested to Preye’s mother.
My son, thank you so much for this great offer but I can not leave this village without seeing my daughter’s body or bury her. No, I can not. Preye was all I had. She died like someone that has nobody. I can’t forget her and move on like that. This house reminds me of her every single day and that’s the more reason I can’t abandon her and run away.
Haba Mama, you are not running away. I mean this is still your house you will always come and visit any time any day you want. As for Preye’s body, I will not rest until I bring it back home it is a promise.
I know you will do it. I will be here and wait till her body will be brought.
Victory has started calling Godwin Pa (Papa)
Pa! Pa! Push. That’s Victory calling Godwin to push him on his bicycle.
Godwin gladly stood up and started pushing him around the compound.
Ibiso came back early from work with some pictures and information she got from one of her doctors in her hospital.
Take a look at this. Nigerian girls arrested for illegal sneaking into the country for prostitution. Ibiso said handing the phone over to Preye.
Tamunoooooo!! Preye screamed.
What! What is it? Ibiso asked.
Aunty, this is Blessing my friend I told you about and the rest of the girls are working for Nengi.
You don’t mean it? How come I didn’t recognize the name Nengi when they were telling me her story? They said Nengi died in the hospital a few days ago after she couldn’t survive from fire explosion. Ibiso said.
Preye started crying and knelt and begged Ibiso to do whatever she can and save Blessing from going to the Prison.
My dear, all of them must pay for their crime. They sold their soul to the devil by belonging to a secret cult. It’s people like Blessing and the rest that give our dearest country a bad name. Nigerians who are back there in Nigeria will be on social media agitating for the release of Nigerians in prison in different countries. Complaining innocent Nigerians who have done nothing are dying in prison here not knowing they ventured into illegal businesses. If not set up innocent people don’t go to prison. Don’t ask for a favor like this again. Crime is crime no matter how small it may seem. Prepare I will be taking you to Nigerian next month ending since the blood-sucking Nengi is out of the way.
Preye was so happy to hear she will be going back to Nigeria.
A month later. Preye and Ibiso entered Nigeria. Ibiso made sure she first take Preye to her father’s compound before traveling to Port Harcourt where she has her other investments. They drove to where Preye’s mother was pushing Victory on his bicycle. The poor woman paused from the bicycle she was pushing and stood to know who drove into her compound.
Mama!! Preye called her mother as she stepped down from the vehicle.
My daughter so you decided to show yourself to your mother for the last time. I’ve been expecting you. I know the child I gave birth to. I know since you didn’t make it to come home alive you will still have a way and come home in death. Welcome home! Preye’s mother talks to Preye like someone who is losing strength.
Preye was still standing close to the vehicles like a ghost her mother thought she is.
What is my mother talking about? Preye turned and Asked Ibiso that is still sitting down in the car.
Preye walked straight to her mother and hugged her but her mother fainted in her arms.
TO Be Continued