The Biology Teacher Episode 5
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Biology Teacher Episode 5 Of The Biology Teacher by Benji The Writer Practical Biology Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? The Biology Teacher EPISODE FIVE: ????
????(Practical Biology)????
‘As a child of God and a true daughter of zion, you shouldn’t have been in the lab watching sinners play, you have sinned against your eyes doing so ‘ said Ada’s Godmother reprimanding her.
‘ Godmother,we were forced into the lab ‘ replied Ada in her defence.
‘ Ada my daughter,no man is pushed against his will expcept he bows to pressure. Ada you have sinned, you need cleansing! She said.
‘ Reverend mother, we all have sinned,we both need cleansing! Ada mumbled.
‘ what do you mean by we both need cleansing? I’m spotless,with as snow and pure as wool’ she replied.
‘ Being spotless,white as snow and pure as wool, doesn’t correspond with the fact that you and father Michael made out in the sanctuary after midnight prayers. We both need cleansing, none is perfect! Ada fired.
Her Godmother,stricken by Ada’s words went silent. The words cut deep, piercing the very dividing of the soul, simultaneously cementing guilty,shock and bewilderment on the table of her heart. She had been bursted. The crime committed in the dark was coming to light.
‘ Ada my child I’m sorry, you know the flesh is tempting and the devil decieving, I’m sorry for letting you down, please don’t snitch on me, I’ll make it up to you,I promise’ she pleaded.
‘ You did not let me down, because I never modeled you! If there’s anyone you should make it up to, it’s your God. Ask for forgiveness and stop blaming the innocent devil,it’s unfair. Everything isn’t his fault, it’s yours! Ada retorted.
Fist clutched, she stormed out of the cathedral exasperated by her Godmother’s self righteous attitude.
‘ I blame myself from seeking validation from a clown ‘ said Ada, struggling to put her mind at ease.
‘ oh God, I’m so sorry,I never meant to stand up to my Godmother or be the devil’s advocate’ prayed Ada, repenting of her actions after battling with guilty conscience which nearly swallowed her sanity.
The principal’s had failed in summoning Ada’s spirit as each attempt hit a hard rock.
Ada,though not a fervent christian, nor an earnest contender of the faith, was shielded by God’s mercy, for defying the principal and defending his name in the midst of sodomites,not fearing the principal’s wrath.
The principal was charged to court, tried and found guilty. He sought a way out by attempting to bribe the judge, but failed woefully as the judge adhered to code of conduct, stating that justice must be served.
He was sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labour, for s3xual abuse and other crimes which came to light as the trial progressed.
Such as being the mastermind behind the assassination of two staff workers who sued him for withholding their monthly salary without a reasonable cause.
Mr Rogers the biology teacher had premonitioned the turn out of this event and fled before the police could lay hands on him. He was dubbed wanted and dreaded by the police, and other security agencies.
However,with the help of a plastic surgeon,he was able to blend into the society like a snake in green grasses after shedding it’s skin. He adopted a new identity and went by the name pretty boy, before fate caught up with him. To be continued.
Q: what does fate have install for Mr Rogers the biology teacher,who now goes by the name pretty boy, and how will karma catch up with him? We’ll find out in the next episode.