The Billionaire Kid Episode 27
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Billionaire Kid Episode 27 Of The Billionaire Kid by Authoress Funmai Library Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? The Billionaire Kid EPISODE TWENTY SEVEN: ????
????(He Never Knew He Have A Child Outside)????
I kissed Evelyn’s head before closing the lights and going to Alex’s room
I entered and saw him laying on the bed shirtless
“opps, I just came to tell you goodnight” I said with a smile
Because of how cute he looked all cuddled up between the pillow
“I was waiting for you” he said making my heart beat faster ” wait Why aren’t you sleeping here?” Alex asked as he sat up
“Um, you know Evelyn isn’t sleeping here today so I thought maybe you can rest” I said as Alex frowned
“Rest from what? You guys are the only thing that gets me comfortable Becca, and I swear I wouldn’t mind laying on the bed with you for a week, doing nothing, as long as you’re here Becca. I’l be comfortable ” he said as I blushed before making my way towards him
He pulled me on his lap so now I was straddling him then I wrapped my hands around his neck before connecting our lips, Alex immediately wrapped his arms around my wait pulling me closer to him I chucked through the kiss when I felt Alex’s bulge behind my ass
“What’s so funny ms.Anderson?” Alex asked
“This” I said pointing to his bulge
“It’s your fault, you’ve done this” Alex said raising his hands In surrender
“Oh, alright then Il take the responsibility” I said as Alex looked at me confusedly before I smashed my lips onto his and he wasted no time in kissing me back while his hands touched my skin sending chills through my body.
He then pulled avwyay moving to my neck before attacking it making hickeys and marking me for everyone to know I was his while a moan left my mouth
“fuck” I heard him whisper as he tightened his hold on my waist, pushing me down to his bulge before he started to kiss me again, his hands went down my shirt before he pulled them off leaving me in my bra he started putting kissed on neck before going down by everytime he kissed me
“Alex” I moaned out
“You’re fucking driving me crazy” he said before he opened the clip from the bra and he stopped for a minutes looking at me
“‘stop looking” I said feeling insecure before Alex frowned his brows before bringing his face close to mine
“It’s not something I haven’t seen before Becca and you’re beautiful, you really are, and I swear if you don’t feel ready right now or you feel as we are rushing things just fell me babe and I’m gonna stop” he said cupping my cheeks
“No, Im ready” I said connecting our lips before he pushing me down the bed and I pulled him with me kissing him his lips started going down my neck till my breasts as he placed kissss over my body sOon enough, his boxers where thrown on the edge of the room before he did the same with mine and that’s when he made love to me.
I felt like every part of my skin was on fire whenever he touched me.
He was gentle with me and it felt amazing, he was amazing to me and after being exhausted. I immediately cuddled into his chest while whispered our goodnight before drifting into long comfortable sleep.
Couple of weeks later
Just like every morning, I felt an arm tighten around me, making me open my eyes slowly, I chuckled when I found Alex tried to find a comfortable position while he slept
I ran my fingers through his hair as he opened his eyes slowly before a smile appeared on his face, I pressed my lips to him
“Good morning baby” I said
“what a good morning,” he said placing a kiss to my cheek
“Mommy? Daddy! You’re awake! Good morning” she said jumping to our bed before Alex took his arms from me as he took her to his arms
“Good morning baby” Alex said in his raspy voice before he kissed her cheek
“Good morning daddy, good morning mommy” she said kissing our cheeks
“it’s already 12 pm, you guys slept all morning, you both seem tired”
“Yeah mommy didn’t really feel well last night so we slept late” Alex said sending me a wink as I rolled my eyes ”
“Mommy I called grandpa and he said he’ll be here for lunch” Evelyn said
“Oh really?” I asked sitting up
“Yes, I do miss him, and he said we can go to the beach later” she said
“Good thing at least we’re gonna have a fun day” I said as I entered the kitchen and started making lunch
“Need any help?” Alex said kissing my cheek
“Nope, but you can make the table” I said as he nodded before he disappeared
“Mommy what should I wear from the beach, this or
that?” Evelyn asked
“Anything you like baby” I said
“But mommy! Choose” she said
“Ask your father”I said as she ran outside
After an hour the house’s bell rang
“ALEX THE DOOR” I yelled
“I could open the door if you want” Janet said
“No it’s okay, Alex will” I said as she nodded before she placed the plates on the table ”
I got everything ready before 5 heads appeared by the door.
“Brandon!” I exclaimed as I saw him standing there with the rest
“Oh my god! Hi!” I said running to him then hugging him
“Hey Becca!” Brandon said hugging me back tightly
“Aaron hi” I said hugging him
“Hey darling, how are you doing?” Aaron asked
“Great! What about you?” I asked
“Great!” He replied giving me a kiss on my forehead
“Hey E” I said hugging him
“Hey B” ethan replied
“Brandon what are you doing here?!” I asked again looking at him in surprise
“Just decided to take a break and spend some family time and I wanted to ask Alex if he could take a break too because Dad is taking one too” Brandon said
“If you’re going to take a break then I’ll have one too” Ethan said
“I don’t know about that” Alex said scratching the back of his neck
“Come on son, some family time” Aaron said
“Yeah, I want to have a break!” Ethan said
“Please daddy, I want to spend time with you!” Evelyn said as everyone turned to look at me
“Im really busy” Alex said give us a small smile
“Aha, I was going to stay quiet but since you said that you’re really busy, I’m gonna reply and say that you’re always busy Alexander Wilson, so tell me when are you going to have a break and spend sometime with your family!
At least do it for you father and brother! For Evelyn” I said before I stopped taking a deep breath
“You talk a lot” Aaron said as everyone laughed before
Aaron placed a kiss on the top of my head
“so what do you say?” Brandon asked
“I will, but for neither of you, just for this beautiful girl”
Alex said as he stick his tongue out as Brandon did the same Before we laughed
“Thank you daddy” Evelyn said
“now let’s go and eat!”
She said before everyone walked to eat.
We sat on the table as we all chatted and laughed
“Babe why aren’t you eating?” alex asked
“I don’t know,” I said
“Are you okay? Is something wrong? Because this is your favorite” Alex said looking at me curiously before he held my hand
“Im just not feeling it today” I said
“and no baby nothing is wrong, don’t worry” I placed a kiss on his palm
“You sure?” He asked
“Yeah baby, don’t worry” I said
“I have an announcement to make” Brandon said
“umm… I got a girlfriend”
“Really?” I said happily As he nodded
“Get some, my man!” Ethan said
“Don’t you always have a girlfriend?” Alex asked
“Shut up Alex! They were friends but I am serious about her” Brandon said
“Tell us about her” Aaron said while he ate
“Um well, she’s really pretty, understanding, caring, I love everything about her, I love her personality and the way she thinks and I feel that I’m really lucky to have her in my life” Brandon said as he blushed
“He’s really in love” I said in awe
“Im proud of you” Aaron spoke as Brandon smiled
“So when will we meet her?” Evelyn said Making everyone laugh
“Dude she’s saying things just like a mother would”
Ethan said as we laughed
“mom would’ve loved her” Brandon said
“She would” Aaron said as Everyone had a moment of silence looking at Evelyn with a smile
“If she was here, she would’ve stole her from you guys,
I still remember how much she loved kids” Ethan spoke as the three of them nodded
“Well she took care of me, and that’s the biggest example”
Ethan got into a car accident when he was a child leading to the death of his parents and his sisters, He went through a lot, and Alex’s mom took care of him and treated him like a family and that’s why Ethan is so close to them “Grandpa” Evelyn spoke
“Yes my favorite girl?” Aaron said
“What happened to Grandma?” Evelyn asked
“Evelyn” I whispered giving her a look
“Becca, it’s alright, she has a right to know this” Aaron said
“well princess, you’re grandma died 4 years ago from cancer, she suffered a lot and she was in a lot of pain”
“May god rest her in peace” Evelyn said
“Thanks Becca for the lunch, you’re the best” Brandon said before everyone thanked me
“It’s nothing guys,” I said smiling before I started cleaning up
“Let me help you” Aaron said
“No! No Aaron, it’s alright, I got this” I said
“Not it’s okay darling” Aaron said
“Dad, we got it” Alex said before he, Ethan and Brandon started helping
“Becs, we can do it, go have seat” Brandon said
“It’s alright Brandon,” I said
“Baby go” Alex said
“you’ve been in the kitchen for hours plus where is Julie?”
“I send her outside to water the plants that Evelyn planted” I said
“I’ll go call her” Ethan said as he rushed outside
“Now go to the living room baby” Alex said as I smiled at him
Alex made his way towards me as he wrapped his arms around my waist before kissing my forehead
“Im lucky to have you” I whispered
“You guys can do this later, at least help” Brandon said rolling his eyes.
“He’s just jealous that he can’t do this to his girlfriend”
Ethan said as he stepped into the kitchen
“Shut up, I’m seeing her soon, she’s just visiting her friend who lives here” Brandon said
“Brandon why don’t you invite her to come with us to the beach?” I asked
“that’s a great idea actually, wait I’ll talk to her” Brandon said
“She can meet us there” Alex said
“Alex you excited to meet your sister in law?” Ethan said winking
“Shut up Ethan” Alex and Brandon said In unison as I chuckled
“You sure you guys aren’t twins?” I asked
“No, but we are twins when it comes to Ethan” Alex said as I laughed while Ethan frowned.
TO Be Continued
Good Night ????????????