The Billionaire Kid Episode 26
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Billionaire Kid Episode 26 Of The Billionaire Kid by Authoress Funmai Library Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? The Billionaire Kid EPISODE SIX: ????
????(He Never Knew He Have A Child Outside)????
Me and Ethan sat eating lunch on the table, he was hungry so I invited him to come eat lunch with me
“Thankyou Becs, this is really delicious” Ethan said
“You’re welcome anytime, and when do you plan on having a girlfriend?” I asked
“I don’t know, I haven’t found that someone” Ethan said
“My poor friend, you’l find one eventually and if you didn’t then we don’t mind adopting you” I said as he laughed Before he stood up and went to the bathroom to wash his hands the house bell rang before the maid opened the door,
Katie ran in.
“Katie?” I said surprised to see her
“Becca! I have to tell you something” she said with tears filling her eyes
“What happened?” I said going to her
“Becca, Im pregnant!” She said as I gasped
“What!”I yelled as Ethan ran out of the bathroom and yelled
“What is he doing here!” Katie said “You’re pregnant!” Me and Ethan said
“Why didn’t you tell me that he was here!!” Katie yelled
“Oh my god! You’re pregnant!” I said
“Yeah I fucking am! And I don’t know what to do!” She yelled
“Why the hell are you yelling!” Ethan yelled
“Because you’re fucking here?!” Katie yelled
“Guys!” I yelled as they shut up
“‘sorry sorry! I’m just really stressed and I didn’t know you were here but I need help!” Katie said
“You’re pregnant?” I asked again
“She is Becca!” Ethan said as Katie said
“I AM”
“oh my god. I can’t believe it, congratulations baby” I said hugging her
“congratulations mummy bear!” Ethan yelled running t her and hugging her
“Thankyou guys” Katie said
“You’re not happy?” I said
“I am! I just don’t know what to do, how would Nate react or how should I tell him and Soph, what would sh feel” Katie said
“Baby, we’re here for you and we’ll help you plan a perfect way to tell nate, alright?” I said as she nodded
“This is gonna to be so fun!” Ethan said “does anyone know?”
“No, Becca was supposed to be the only one but now thanks to you, you know that too” Katie said
“What’s wrong with me knowing?” Ethan said
“I don’t know” Katie said as we laughed
“I won’t say anything, it’s all the pregnancy effects” Ethan said
“don’t worry K, Nate would be happy and Soph will” I said as she gave me a hug
“How did you find out?” Ethan asked
“I missed my period and then I started getting fatter, and a lot of cravings, a lot” she said
“and I do feel like throwing up but still haven’t” 2 days later;
“I guess you already know Alexander, he’s Evelyn’s father” Katie said
“He’s hot” Nate’s mother said
“Mom!” Nate said as everyone laughed
“But he’s taken, you know” Ethan said as everyone chuckled ”
“And who’s this handsome man?” Katie’s mother asked
“Ethan, he’s my friend and also Alex’s best friend” I said
“These are Katie’s parents, my father and my step mother, this is Katie’s sister Sarah and this is my brother Jake and his wife Kristen” Nate said
“Nice to meet you” Alex said with a smile that made my heart beat a little faster
“Papa! Ma! Come let’s sit In the garden! We’re having barbecue!” Sophie said As everyone entered while me and Katie stood
“I think it’s time you tell him” I said as she held my hand tightly
“Wish me luck” she said
“You go, I’ll call him” I said as she went “Nate! Nate come here for a second” I said loudly as he made his way towards me
“What do you want Becca Anderson” Nate said As he approached me
“Can you go to your room, Katie needs help” I said as he nodded
“Sure” he said before disappearing into the house, I headed to the kitchen as I made things ready for dinner minutes later, hands wrapped around me from the back before someone hid his face in the crook of my neck as a kiss was placed on my neck, I smiled before I rested my back on Alex’s body
“Do you need any help?” Alex asked
“and you smell amazing”
“Thanks and yes I do need help” I said as he stayed in the same position
“what should I do?” He asked
“Maybe help bring these out to the table but Im just to0 comfortable so wait” I said as he smiled before he placed a kiss to the side of my head
“we can do this later, they are waiting for the food” Alex said as I let out a sigh before completing everything
We took the things out with the help of Sarah and
“Babe, pass me the burgers” jake said as we passed them the burgers before Alex started putting them on the barbecue
“Im going to get the burgers ready” Sarah said
“Il help” Ethan said before both me and Alex looked at him weirdly
“you guys really suit each other” Kristen said as I smiled at her
“I knew from the start that it was meant to be,” Jake said
“Shut up Jake, you used to say bad things about Alex” I said
“Hey! Sorry mate! And Becs you didn’t have to say this infront of him!, you know it’s just because of the misunderstanding” Jake said as we laughed at him
“Where is Nate?” Alex asked
“Katie needs help in something” I said
“ETHAN!” Sarah yelled
“What! Sorry! You don’t know how to hold the bun correctly!” Ethan said
“Look what you did to my dress!” Sarah yelled
“I can buy you two of these!” Ethan said nonchalantly
“I hate you, go away from me” Sarah said
“Nope I’m helping” Ethan said as we all looked at them while laughing.
Nate and Katie appeared by the door and I could see that Nate cried and Katie had tears in her eyes
“Darling, what’s wrong?” Nate’s mom asked
“What happened?” Katie’s mom asked as everyone looked at them curiously
“Katie’s pregnant” Nate spoke before everyone gasped
“What!” Jake yelled beside me
“Stop yelling!” I said
“Oh my god!!” Katie’s mom said
“My babies! Congratulations!!!!” Nate’s mom said as their families went to them hugging them
“this could be us” Alex whispered as I pushed him while blushing
“congratulations bro” I said hugging Nate and Katie together
“Thanks baby” Katie said
“You know about this you ass! That’s why you’re not surprised!” Nate said
“Hey I’m the Aunt, Of course Ill know” I said
“Besides she couldn’t do this without us” Ethan said as he hugged them
“congratulations mate”
“You knew!” Nate said
“Am i the only one that didn’t?” Alex said crossing his arms before he hugged Nate and Katie “congrats guys, I’m really happy for both of you”
“Thanks bro” Nate said
“Thankyou Alex and it’s time for you guys” Katie said with a wink
“Katie!” I said
“Congratulations Auntie! Congratulations Uncle” Evelyn said happily as she ran to them hugging them before Alex picked her up and kissed her cheek
“Soph, you’re gonna be a big sister” Jake said
“I don’t want a baby” Sophie yelled while pouting
“What?” Katie and Nate said As everyone looked at her confusedly
“Baby girl What do you mean?” Nate said
“I don’t want a baby brother or sister!” She yelled before tears fell from her eyes
“I don’t want a baby! I hope he or she dies” she said as she ran inside
“Im gonna talk to her,” Alex said Before he followed her
“don’t worry, she’s a child Katie, we’ll talk to her” I said
“Mommy can I come?” Eve asked as I nodded before going inside
“Soph, why? Babies are nice” Alex said before we approached them, soph sat in Alex’s lap all cuddled up
“Baby you should be happy” I said sitting beside Alex as I placed a kiss on her head
“I don’t want a baby! Mommy and daddy will love the baby more than me! They will forget me!” She said crying
“Baby no!” I said
“No soph, that won’t happen! Do you know how much they love you?” Alex said
“Baby, look at me, as uncle Alex said this Won’t ever happen, your parents love you more than anything and your mom can’t do this without you, she will need your help with the baby, you’re gonna be a big sister” I said as I stroked her cheek
“and Soph, I wish if I had a little sister or brother, you’re lucky, you shouldn’t do this because you will have someone to play with when the baby grows up and babies are really cute” Evelyn said as Sophie wiped her tears
“Really? Do you think the baby will play with me?” She asked
“Yes” the three of us replied
“and Soph, you know you could always come to us whenever the baby gets to0 noisy” Alex said as we chuckled
“thanks uncle A, you are the best” Sophie said hugging him as he hugged her back
“anytime” he said kissing the top of her head before he pulled Evelyn to his lap
“come here you little goof” Alex said before he started tickling them both as they laugh
“Stop!!” Sophie yelled
“Dadddy stop!! Please stop” Evelyn said while laughing
“Nope, you’ll have to say the secret word first” he said
“Alex stop, they’re gonna pee” I said as Alex stoped while laughing
“Mommy! We are big girls!” Evelyn said
“I know baby, I just helped you guys to stop your father from tickling you” I said as Alex looked at me with a smirk
“Now Sophie, why don’t you go apologize to your parents because you know you made them sad” I said as she nodded
“Let’s go, gimme your hands, both of you” Alex said as he held their hands before we went outside and everyone looked at us
“Sophie?” Nate said as we approached them, she ran to her parents hugging them both
“Im sorry mommy, I’m sorry daddy, I’m happy to be a big sister and I will be there to help you mommy” Sophie said
“baby you know that you’l always be my favorite, you are my big girl and the first child to have. You’re daddy’s princess, you know that?” Nate said taking hold of her as he kissed her cheek before she wrapped her arms around his neck
“Oh Sophie, you know how much I love you and I’l always do, you’re mommy’s big girl and I know how much you’ll help me baby” Katie said kissing her cheek
“thanks guys” Nate said smiling to Alex then to me
“Wait the meat!” Alex yelled before everyone looked to the barbecue
“No worries, I got it” Jake said
“Thankyou man, it wouldn’t burned” Alex said before going back to his place
“Idiot!” Ethan said
“I might’ve killed you Alex If they got burned because Im really hungry”
“Im hungry too” Evelyn said
“Take your seats, dinner is ready now” Alex said
“Let me help” Katie said coming to us
“No no take a seat” Nate said stopping her before taking her to sit
“We got it Katie, take a seat” Alex said giving her a smile
“Who thought that mr. Wilson can be this caring?” Sarah said
“I am always caring right Becca?” Alex said giving me a smirk
“He is” I said as I shook my head giving him a smile
“Here we go! The burgers are ready, and the barbecue
too” Alex said as he put them on our table before we put the meat in the bun
“Thanks Alexander” Nate’s stepmother said Before everyone thanked him
“You’re welcome, enjoy your food” Alex said
“Sarah why aren’t you eating” Ethan asked
“I don’t eat meat” she said
“She never tried it” Katie said as she ate hungrily
“What?” Ethan said looking at her confusedly
“here! Try this” Ethan said bringing his burger to her mouth As everyone laughed
“ETHAN!” She yelled loudly as everyone laughed at them
TO Be Continued
Sophie ????????