The Billionaire Kid Episode 2
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Billionaire Kid Episode 2 Of The Billionaire Kid by Authoress Funmai Library Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? The Billionaire Kid EPISODE TWO: ????
????(He Never Knew He Have A Child Outside)????
Becca pov
“B..Becca?” Alex spoke, shock written on his face
I felt my heart clench, it’s been a while since
I’ve heard this name from him “Ma, do you know this guy?
He’s really kind, he donated most of the money for our play!”
Eve said with a smile
My vision blurred as I looked at my baby standing beside her dad, both of them looking the same, same hair, same face features “Evelyn baby come here” Katie called from the back, holding her arm and talking her to where they were standing
“how are you Becca? how have you been?” Alex said
“good” I said but it was barley audible “We can go” Nate whispered taking a strip close tO me “Is She you daughter?”
He asked looking at Evelyn, i sucked in a deep breath before nodding slowly “Eve looks like him” Sophie said loudly as I felt a sharp pain through my chest
“Sophie!” Katie and Nate said “I need to go” I said quickly as I turned but a hand stopped me
“Something here is not right” Alex said looking at me, then the people behind me
“Take your hands off her, Becca, let’s go” Nate said motioning to Katie to take the kids he let go of my hand before nate pulled me out.
As soon as I walked outside the school I took a deep breath Before tears filled my eyes what is he doing here after this all years?
“you’re okay, you’re okay B” Nate said hugging me tightly
“Baby, nothing happened, you’re alright, Eve is alright, don’t cry” Katie said as both of them hugged me together
“Mommy, are you okay? What happened” Eve asked
“Is auntie B okay?” Sophie asked “your momma is okay baby girl, she is” Katie said kneeling beside her
“Ma?” She looked at me unsure if she could believe Katie
I wiped my eyes and smiled at her
“I’m okay love, I’m always okay, as long as you’re beside me” I said pulling her up to my chest as she Wrapped her arms around my neck
“would you like to stay with us?” Nate asked cupping my cheek
“Just drop me to the house, you guys go celebrate with Sophie” I said
“she won, she deserves a celebration”
“Eve deserves it too. And No, we either stay with you, or you stay with us, we won’t listen to you, you are Coming to ours” Nate said as he put an arm around me and we all went to his car
“sit in the front” Katie said but I shook my head, I sucked in a breathe before giving her a weak smile
“I will sit with the girls” i felt that I needed to be close to Evelyn. I needed to hold her
I sat in the back seat sitting between the 2 girls, “are you okay auntie B?” Sophie asked as she looked up to me
I nodded “don’t worry I’m alright girls, I just feel a bit tired” I said pulling both of them to my chest as I wrapped my arms around them
The whole drive was silent, Nate would look at me from the front mirror while Katie would look back at me between just few minutes, Sophie slept peacefully on my chest while
Eve was lost in thought, her eyes were closing and I knew she wanted to sleep but she kept stopping herself, and she would look at me, but by the time we reached their house, she was sleeping
Nate parked the car in their drive way before he and Katie got down came down “Ill take them to bed” Nate said picking up Sophie slowly before going inside
“Il take Eve” Katie said but I shook my head “It’s alright Becs, Ill just take her to bed” Katie said as I picked her up
“I should change her clothes, I don’t even have her clothes!” I said running my hand though my hair and lettinga frustrating sigh
“Becs, baby, she and soph are one, they always use each other’s things and it’s no difference today, and soph’s nanny could change her” Katie said reaching for my hand
“Let me help you” Katie said giving me a weak smile “babe, you take Becca inside, I’ll make sure the girls are a sleep”
Nate said taking Eve from my chest
After going into the house and changing into Katie’s clothes, I sat on the couch, in the dark living room, curling myself into a ball, I sobbed quietly
He can’t appear after all of these years, not now.He left so he can’t be back now
“becs don’t, don’t do this to yourself” Nate said pulling me to his chest
“I am af-afraid Nate, how Could this happen after 7 years! How? I don’t understand”I said as I sobbed into his chest
“B, Nothing will happen, Nate is with you, I am with you and I’m sure Nate will not let anything happen to Eve” I heard Katie said as she put a hand on my arm “I think he knew, she looks just like him, even Soph realized that, How can he fucking appear after 7 years! How! I don’t understand!
God, I can’t take this, I’m afraid, what if he knows now! What if he takes her?” I said sobbing
Nate loosened his grip around me before moving and cupping my cheeks
“Becca Anderson, I want you to hear me clearly, nothing is going to happen to Eve, she will stay with you no matter what, she is your baby, you took care of her, he can’t take her, you won’t let that happen and I promise you I won’t let that happen, look remember how scared you were whenever I got angry at highschool? And thats the only time you would take me seriously? Now please take me seriously Because I promise you becs, as long as I’m alive nothing, and I mean it! Nothing!
Will happen to my family, and including you and eve, nothing, you hear me?” Nate said
“Do you hear me Becca?” Nate said as I nodded
“Now stop crying! Just stop! don’t do this to yourself, you are strong enough becs, you just have to take care of Eve and that’s all, I’ll take care of the rest alright?” He asked as I nodded
“now get some rest, I swear B, if I heard you cry, You’l regret it becs” Nate said pointing a finger at me while hiding a laugh, I looked at Katie before the 3 of us burst out laughing “yup that’s my best friend everyone” Katie said shaking her head
“now go get some sleep” nate said
“What do you mean? you go up to your room” I said
“You’re an idiot becs” Katie said
“You both are going to my room, sleeping together, because already Katie wants to sleep with you and it won’t fit you both there so you two sleep up and Il take the couch” he said
“Katie babe, I’m alright, go sleep with your husband” I said holding her hands
“Ive been sleeping with him for the past 6 years Becs!, let’s go” Katie said pulling me up with her
After saying goodnight to Nate, both of us went to their room and layed on the bed,
WeIll “you know that everything will be alright right?”
“I hope so K, I really hope so” I said before she pulled me to a hug
“We’re here for you”
TO Be Continued
Do you think everything will be alright ????????????