The Billionaire Kid Episode 19
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Billionaire Kid Episode 19 Of The Billionaire Kid by Authoress Funmai Library Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? The Billionaire Kid EPISODE NINETEEN: ????
????(He Never Knew He Have A Child Outside)????
Becca POV
“what do you wanna do today?” I asked Evelyn who layed on the sofa with her head on my thigh
“I don’t know” she sighed “It’s boring with him isn’t it?” I said
“yup! It is! Can’t he come early?” She asked
“Don’t know baby, ask him” I said as I took my phone out and faced time him
“hey daddy” Evelyn said
“hi baby, how are you doing?” Alex asked
“We miss you” Evelyn said
“We?” Alex said confusedly
“Me and mommy” she said with a smirk “Hey! I didn’t say anything”i said
“She said it’s boring without you that means she misses you” Evelyn said
“I miss you too” he said with a smile
“I mean, I miss you both, I’l be back sOon I promise”
“daddy! One more week is too long” Evelyn said with a pout
“Im sorry babygirl, it’s work and I need to do it, do you wanna go see grandpa Aaron? Or uncle Ethan? You guys can go skating” he said
“No, I want to go skating with you! And Christmas is coming and you won’t be here! And it’s my first Christmas with you in my life!” Evelyn said
“Baby, daddy has work and you’re making him feel bad, we’re gonna spend it with your grandpa, uncles, aunt and Soph” I said
“baby I need to go alright? Ill take to you later! I miss you so much” Alex said
“I miss you too daddy” she said with a pout
“Becca, take care of yourselfs and be carful because the whole world knows about you guys now so I sent some people to look after you whenever you go outside, alright?” Alex said
“okay and you too, take care of yourself and good luck” I said
“Bye guys” he said as he blew us a kiss
“Bye daddy” Evelyn said
“Bye Alex” I said as he closed the call
“Guess Christmas will be the same but with grandpa and uncle Ethan” Evelyn said
“No baby, look everything changed now and I know your father, he’ll sent you gifts and plus you know how your grandpa like spoiling you plus we’re getting a large
Christmas tree and we’re decorating it” I said
“but if daddy was here, it would’ve been different” she Said
“Evelyn baby, let’s just watch a movie together and have some hot chocolate” I said with a sigh as cuddled before playing the movie
“Eve!” Aaron said as he entered the house
“Papa!” Evelyn said as she threw her toy and ran to him hugging him
“How’s my fav person doing?” Aaron Asked
“Great since everyone is here!” Evelyn said
“Hey Becca” Aron said giving me a hug before saying hi to the rest
The house door opened again before a familiar guy entered the house
“Bro! What are you doing here!” Ethan said before they both hugged
“evelyn since your father isn’t here, I though I’d bring you someone who’d love you so much but not as much as your father loves you Ofcourse”
“BRANDON?” I gasped as I recognized him
“Hey Becs!” Brandon said before we hugged
“How have you been! It’s been so long since I’ve heard about you” he asked
“Life has been going great and I didn’t even remember that you exist” I said
“Ouch that hurt” he said
“Ma, who is this?” Evelyn asked
“baby, this is your uncle, Brandon, he’s your fathers brother”I said
“Really?” Evelyn asked
“hello beautiful, I’m Brandon” he said
“And I’m Evelyn” she said “You know I heard quite A lot about you, good things” he said
“Did daddy talk about me?” She asked
“Yup and he loves you a lot” Brandon said
“Brandon, these are my family, Nathan, Katie and their daughter Sophie” I said
“Nice to0 meet you “Nate said
“Nice to meet you too, i heard about you guys.
I got the chance to come here and since Alex isn’t here so I though why not see my niece!” Brandon said
“and guess what! I’ve got you, Sophie and I, matching
Christmas pajamas” Brandon said
“Awh cute” Katie said
“Thankyou!” Both Soph and Evelyn said
“This isn’t fair, whenever we tell you to come, you say work work and now for your niece, you take the first plane and fly here?” Ethan said
“Bro, I have a niece! Alex has a daughter, this is big news bro, I had to meet them” Brandon said
“I never thought he’d have one” soon enough everyone gathered up together to design the large Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, and by midnight, the gifts were all set down by the tree
“HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!” Sophie yelled
“WAKE UP! ITS CHRISTMAS!” Evelyn yelled as I opened the door and got out
“Girls what happening?” I asked rubbing my eyes
“You are being noisy! I want to sleep!” Ethan yelled from a room
“Why are you guys yelling!” Nate said
“Wake up it’s Christmas!” Katie said
“Can I gave five more minutes sleep?”Brandon said as he entered the room and closed the door behind him
“No you cant’t!” Evelyn said as she ran into his room
“Uncle Brandon!! It’s Christmas! Wake up!” She yelled as we laughed from the hallway
“ETHAN! WAKE UP!” Katie yelled knocking on his door
“GO TO HELL KATIE!” He yelled
“WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP” Soph yelled as she cheered
” CHILDREN! COME DOWN!” Aaron yelled before everyone got out of the room in pajamas and went down
“what do you wanna have for breakfast?” I asked as I put my hair in a bun
“actually breakfast is ready” Aaron said with a smile
“Who did breakfast? Julie isn’t here, neither Evelyn’s baby sitters” I said “and I was sleeping”
“Go to the dining room to see who did breakfast” Katie said
“You did it?” Ethan asked
“because the smell is good” he said as we entered the dining room
“Actually it was me” a voice said as both me and Evelyn widened our eyes
“DADDY?” She said as both of us searched the room before we saw him pouring coffee in a cup
“DADDY!” Evelyn said running to him before he set the coffee on the table and took her to him
“Baby, I missed you!” He said kissing her cheek
“I missed you tooo!” She exclaimed hugging him again
“hey” he said looking up to me as I walked over to him and hugged him
“What are you doing here! Aren’t you supposed to come next week?” I asked
“I though you missed me but guess you didn’t” he said pouting
“I missed you! You just surprised me” I said
“Merry Christmas guys!” He said looking over the room
“BRANDON! What the hell? When? How!” Alex asked as he set Evelyn down and bro hugged his brother
“I have a niece, Of course I came to see her!” Brandon said
“she’s the cutest isn’t she?” Alex asked looking at Evelyn proudly
“She is, I love her already” brandon said pinching her cheek
“Daddy thanks for coming!” Evelyn said
“Baby, of course I wouldn’t let you spend your first Christmas with me alone” he said as he picked her up
“You’re the best!” Evelyn said
“Can we have breakfast? I’m hungry” Sophie said as
everyone laughed before we sat
“Come sit here” Alex said looking at me as I sat beside him while Evelyn sat on his lap
“Merry Christmas children” Aaron said as everyone replied after breakfast, we all headed out to the Christmas tree which was filled with gifts underneath of it, taking half of the room
“Dude what’s this!” Nate said as everyone looked in wow
“Alex you didn’t get this all, didn’t you?” Katie asked
“I did” he smiled
“That’s a lot” Sophie said with a gape “daddy wow” Evelyn said
“Sorry guys, but half of them are for Evelyn and Sophie and some are for Becca” he said with a smirk
“It’s okay me and Becs can share right?” Katie said as everyone laughed
“Let’s open the gifts!!” Ethan yelled As everyone searched under the trees for gifts while Alex stood
He took couple of steps towards me before whispering something in my ears
“I have another gift for you but I’l show it later”
“you didn’t have to Alex” I said But he pushed me slightly towards the gifts
“Evelyn, look that’s yours” Aaron said as she ran to him and they opened the gifts together
“Wait I have your gift in another place” I said “eve, baby”
I motioned for her to come and stand beside her father
As I ran upstairs, grabbed a paper and came down
“um, so I didn’t know you were coming so I didn’t put effort into preparing your gift in a nice way but anyways, I know how much this would make Evelyn happy but I really hope it makes you happy too, and I know this is the right thing to do” I said as I handed Alex a paper
“This all and it’s only a paper?” Ethan said
“Shut up, there is something important in it” Katie said
“Are we traveling ma?” Eve asked
“No something you’ll love even more” I said as I felt my eyes water as Alex bend down and opened the paper with Evelyn as everyone looked at them curiously.
Alex read the paper before his face changed, he looked up to me before his eyes started to water
“wait really?” He asked before completing reading the paper
“Alexander Wilson is officially the father of Evelyn rose
Wilson” Evelyn read out before everyone looked shocked
“WHAT!” Katie yelled
“Ma?!” Evelyn said
“Really?” Alexander asked
“Yes, really, she’s your biological daughter after all and she is officially your daughter and she has your last name now” I said as tears fell
“Oh my god!” Nate said
Alex stood up as he stayed quite as everyone looked at him afraid of his rejection
“Alex? Im sorry if you didn’t like it, we can talk about this later if you want to change anything I said
“no no! It’s not that Becca! No! It’s just I can’t believe it you know, I never thought about it and it just makes me genuinely happy, she has my name, I still can’t believe anything” he said before Evelyn ran to him as they hugged and cried
“I love you daddy” Evelyn said
“I love you more Evelyn rose wilson” he said as everyone chuckled before he wiped his tears
Alex stood up with Evelyn in his arms before he hugged me tightly
“this isn’t the best Gift ever, it’s the best thing that has happened to me Becca, thank you so much, what you did isn’t something that a mother can do but thank you for doing it for me” he said as he tightened his hold around me
“You both deserve this Alex” I said as I cupped his cheek before erasing his tears
“I’m glad you came into my life Becca, Im glad we have a daughter together” he said as I smiled widely before we hugged again
Awww ???? so emotional Daddy and Daughter ????????