The Billionaire Kid Episode 16
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “The Billionaire Kid Episode 16 Of The Billionaire Kid by Authoress Funmai Library Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? The Billionaire Kid EPISODE SIXTEEN: ????
????(He Never Knew He Have A Child Outside)????
I placed my ice cream down and grabbed a towel and walked towards Alex Before placing it on his hair and drying it, I then took it and placed it around him
“As soon as you both finish, you’re going to take a shower because we don’t want both of you sick!” I said
“but I wanna swim more!” Eve said
“Baby, you’ve been to wild wadi water park, you’ve went to the pool couple of times and you’ve spent most of the time at the beach baby! So that’s it for this trip” I said
“your mama is so bossy” Alex whispered to eve as she laughed
“Heard you Alex!” I said crossing my arms as they laughed
“both of you get up now, grab your things, we’re going!”
I said as I stuffed Alex’s and Eve’s things in my bag as both of them looked at me
“ma, you told us to collect our things but you’re doing it now” eve said
“BUT thank you anyways” Alex said as eve said thank you too
“Let’s just go, it’s been a long day” I said
Alex stood up and put eve on the top on his shoulders
“Ma look! Im taller than you!” Eve said happily as I smiled at them before the three of us went back to the hotel room after alex and Eve took a shower, I changed eve into a cute yellow dress before going in for a shower, after dressing up, I went on to blow my hair when I found
Alex’s hair still wet
“ALEX!” I yelled as he jumped off the bed and Eve stopped watching tv
“what happened?!” He said worriedly
“Ma?” Eve said looking at me
“Why the hell didn’t you dry your hair!!” I said making him roll his eyes as Eve laughed before completing her movie “come here! I’m not joking Alex! If you got sick I might leave you to die” I said
“you wouldn’t” he said as he stood beside me “put your head a bit down'” I said as I tried to reach his head but due to my shortness, I mean
“his tallness” I couldn’t
Alex laughed at me before he grabbed the blow dryer from my hands and started drying my hair and his
“thank you” I said smiling at him as he smiled back
“Im gonna go get ready” I said still staring at his deep blue eyes
After doing my hair and putting makeup, I grabbed my bag and went into the living room “let’s go, Im ready” I said looking at both of them who sat on the sofa watching tv
“Wow” eve and Alex said
“mommy, you look amazing!” Eve said
“Is it too much? Should I change? I just dressed up like this for a change but I think it’s a bit too much” I said
Alex just stared at me with his mouth open
“no ma! Alex! Close your mouth, a fly might get in and tell ma that it’s not too much” Eve said pushing Alex As he stood up and walked towards me
“no becca, this changed you a bit because you never wear things and put makeup in this way but you really do look beautiful, really.” He said with a smile making me blush
“Thank you but are you sure? I think it’s to much” I said
“Im 100% sure that you look stunning right now” Alex held a strand of my heat and tucked it behind my hair before he cupped my cheek
” and nothing is too much for you Becca”
I blushed hardly before pressing a kiss to his cheek and I knew how much that affected him from his looks
“we can stay if you guys would stay being like this” eve said giving us a cheeky smile
“Eve!” Me and Alex said as we blushed hard
“let’s go” Alex said shaking his head and laughing we both headed down and walked to Dubai mall
After shopping in Dubai mall and Alex insisting to buy everything for eve and I, then having diner in one of the fanciest restaurants over there, we sat outside watching the view of the tallest building in the words and the dancing fountains, eve sat in the middle as Alex on her left and I’m on her right as his hands were behind my back
Alex phone rang before he immediately answered
“hi” Alex said
“sorry wilson, we wanted to talk to Becca but guess she doesn’t have WiFi and we thought you guys are at home but looks like you’re outside, I can call later” Nate said
“No no, it’s alright” Alex said as he clicked on the video
“uncle N!” Eve said as s0on as she saw him before Alex handed her the phone
“hey baby!!!” Katie said excitedly
“Auntie Tee!!” Eve said happily
“Princess! We miss you here so much!” Nate said
“I miss you guys too! Where is soph!” Eve asked
“Hİ E!” Soph said “S! I miss you so much!” Eve said
“I miss you too! But that’s okay! You are with your family now just like how you always told me about it”
Soph said as me and Alex looked at each other
“Guess what Soph! Alex bought me the new IPAD!” Eve said
“Wow! You’re so lucky!” Soph said
“I Am! And he actually remembered you and got you one too! So we have matching iPads! And alsO pink covers!” Eve said happily
“Really?!” She gasped As Eve nodded
“Alex! You didn’t have too! Please return it back!” Katie said
“Alex thank you man, but no you really didn’t have to do this!” Nate said
“I promise you guys it’s nothing, Becca has been talking about it since the moment she saw me holding 2 iPads and now she finaly decided to accept it so now I don’t need you both to talk about it! plus Sophie deserves it and it doesn’t only make Sophie happy but also Evelyn and that’s what I want” Alex said
“thankyou so much” both of them said
“my pleasure” Alex said
“he’s cute you know, his only concern is Evelyn’s happiness” I said as I stood up and went behind Alex so know I could be seen
“what the hell!” Katie yelled
“babe is what I’m seeing real?!” Nate said
“AUNTIE B! YOU LOOK AMAZING!” Sophie yelled as i smiled at her
“wow becs, you look pretty” Nate said
“Thankyou loves” I said
“what have you done to my bestie Alex?!” Katie yelled
“it’s nota big deal Tee!” I said
I’m so proud” she said as i covered my face between the crook of Alex’s neck
“Stop you’re making her shy” Alex said, I raised my head and looked at Katie’s widened eyes.
my non-biological sister” Katie said
“she is my sister!” Nate said
“Yeah and sadly he came the next time and he was on
Face Time all day” I said
“you three seem to be really close” Alex said
“Yeah, I’ve known Nate for all of my life, and after meeting Katie, I did try to match them up because everyone knew you both liked each other!”I said
“Im glad I met you B” Katie said
“awh, I love you” I said as I blew her a kiss and she did the same
After closing up the call, “can we go? I’m tired, my body hurts” I said
“yeah sure, E, come here” Alex said as he took her in his hands before wrapping an arm around me and pulling me to him as we walked
“You know, people can actually take photos of us and spread it everywhere?” I asked
“do I care? No” Alex said
“But-“I said but he stopped me
“I don’t care Becca! you’re the only 2 I need and I want the world to know how lucky I am” he said
“Evelyn is way too luckier to have you” I said
“and you?” Evelyn asked as I blushed before I nodded
“say it mommy” Evelyn Said
“Eve!.. okay I am lucky” I said
Awwwn ????
Am blushing ????????????
TO Be Continued