Tears Of A Young Maid Episode 9
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Tears Of A Young Maid Episode 9 Or Chapter Nine Of Tears Of A Young Maid Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Tears Of A Young Maid Episode Nine:
Semi Final Episode
I was bitter in the heart when I kept pondering on how to get money to bug drugs in other to elongate my lifespan.
Leonard took all the money his friends gave me and I had deciphered that HIV drugs and medication was not free.
I was still a Séx maniac and I had strong desire to have séx every second….
Infact, I wanted a pen to be dipped in my inkwell even when am in my slumber.
My Aunty Alice was perplexed with the whole event that had happened. She was thinking like a man who made loss in his investments.
Instantly, she started yelling my name as though she wanted to eat me alive. I ran to the sitting room with my legs up to my head because I thought something grievous had happened.
“Mezuo why are you now chubby? you were very skinny when I left for my business trip” Alice said as though she was absolutely cheesed off.
I ran out of answers and didn’t know what to say….
I was doing em.. em.. when she shouted at me. I tried to lie but I just couldn’t…
My dad before he married my stepmom always tell me not to tell lies that the world hates the truth but the truth shall set you free.
I was about to narrate everything that transpired to Alice when Leonard intruded.
“Get lost you daughter of a bástard” he roared like a lion.
I made my way out to my room immediately. The way he shouted,it seemed he overheard us discussing.
“Leonard what is the meaning of this?” Alice asked querulously.
“I wanted us to talk” he said with chilly voice.
Instantaneously, their son entered and said that he would be going back to school the next day.
“My son you didn’t inform me earlier. I have no money at the moment” Leonard said as he breathed out heavily like a man who had been weighed down by some mental burden.
“Oh! you want my son to miss his lectures?it won’t work” Alice uttered pointing fingers at Leonard.
Leonard concurred and his son was wreathe in smiles and thanked his parents.
Their son left and Alice asked her husband how he contacted the virus and infected it to her that he slépt with prostítutes while she was away.
Leonard was short of words as he was staring at his wife without responding. Alice was flummoxed and she tapped her husband on his laps.
Leonard then heaved a big sigh of grief like a man whose long expected desire ceased to being achieved after a dogged effort.
He looked at his wife vulnerably and narrated everything that occurred to her.
“Leonard, you’re indeed a beást” she said with a voice like blast of thunder.”you should be dinning and whining with the dévil himself.
He knelt down and started begging apologetically.
He beseeched thee for over an hour before Alice accepted his apologies.
“This girl might report the event to the police which may lead to your imprisonment if charged to court. She must be eliminated” Alice muttered as though she went ballistic.
“Definitely,you said it all” Leonard said looking at his wife thoughtfully. “So what’s the plan?”.
Alice cleared her throat and said ” We would kïll her while she is asleep and throw her into the river in the night.
“I know the type of wife I married” Leonard said ebulliently “You’re really a brave woman”.
“What shall we tell her father?” Leonard asked with curiosity.
“We would tell him that she went to school and did not return”Alice answered boldly” and they bursted into laughter and hugged each other passionately.
I heard everything they discussed and urine wanted to flow out through my thighs.
My tongue-tied as I was thinking quitely on what to do.
TO Be Continued