Tears Of A Young Girl Episode 8
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Tears Of A Young Girl Episode 8 Of Tears Of A Young Girl by Tony Sang Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Tears Of A Young Girl EPISODE EIGHT: ????
Sarah stared at the CCTV her heart pained,she lay facing the white ceiling board as she tried to picture the faces of her parents but she couldn’t,it was ten years since she was kidnapped and transported out of the country,in fact she didn’t know where she was
It was already getting dark,she went and prepared supper and ate while watching the television then went to bed.
She woke up very early the next day,prepared herself,packed the drugs in the bag and covered it with books,she was terrified but she had no choice
Two bodyguards were out waiting for her,the men were dressed in black suits, white shirts and black ties,one had opened the back door of the car and she got in holding her bag
“Yes Boss,we are now on our way to school” one of the bodyguards who was still standing on the driver’s door had said while on call
“ Okay,make sure she doesn’t try to escape” Brad replied on the call
“ Okay boss”
They drove to the college,parked the car inside the school’s parking lot, dropped Sarah and stayed inside the car waiting for her
Sarah couldn’t try to escape since the watch that she wore had trackers and she couldn’t remove it since it was a lock which could only be unlocked by the owner using encrypted password and it was linked to the tablet that the bodyguards had, they could watch her movements as they relaxed inside the grey Hilux.
She got into the first class session,there were about six hundred students in the big lecture room that were fixed with speakers,she was seated at a corner surveying the room and the students
The room had CCTV cameras placed in each corner of the room
The lecturer was busy teaching,some of the students were keenly following,others were busy on the phones and others were struggling with dizziness,Sarah kept looking to see who to use first
She wanted to learn but the ten years that she had been locked like a prisoner,she never got the chance to read,all she knew was to work for Mr Brad and she had even forgotten to read,she never attended any classes and Mr Brad had faked her documents so that she could be admitted to college.
She stared from right to left, besides her was a young man who had noticed how uncomfortable she was
When the class was over as they were moving out,the young man followed her and parched her on the shoulders to get her attention
“ Hey am Bill,I have been watching you during the class are you really okay?”
The bodyguards had heard the conversation and worn their earphones very well to hear what she had to say and Sarah knew it since her clothes were fixed with microphones so she was careful on what she was going to say
“ Yeah everything is okay Mister, thanks for caring but am in a hurry”
“ At least tell me your name”
“ Sarah”
“ And your phone number baby girl”
She was quiet for sometimes before breaking the pin drop silence
“ If you do something for me,I will gladly give you my number”
“ Give me the dare, anything for you baby”
“ Mind your own business ”
“ That is not funny at all, anyway be serious”
“ Am serious”
Sarah left Bill standing and walked directly to the Hilux.The driver started the engine and the car left the school
Bill felt broken but for sure he wasn’t letting her go away that easily,he thought and walked to where he was going
The driver drove to a bar that was in the same town,most of the people in that bar were students of the college
“ Ken can we please go to the house,what are we doing outside this bar” she had told the driver
“ Excuse me miss Sarah, I take orders from the boss and not you, anyway he said I should drop you in this bar,so that you can do your thing and sell, even if you must use your body,Now get out and do what brought you to town or we take you back to that prison”
Sarah got out of the car with the bag and walked into the bar.