Tears Of A Young Girl Episode 23
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Tears Of A Young Girl Episode 23 Of Tears Of A Young Girl by Tony Sang Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Tears Of A Young Girl EPISODE TWENTY THREE: ????
Sarah being the main suspect in the murder case of Bill an arrest order was given,she was to be arrested
Sarah was nowhere to be seen,sources said that she was the last person to be seen with Bill that evening before she went missing
The police manhunt was launched and they searched every place in town but poor Sarah was in the room locked inside
Sanchez walked into the house and closed the door behind slowly then went to embrace Sarah who was seated at the tiled floor
“ Sarah I have bad news for you?” he said as the two hugged
“ What do you mean Sanchez I can’t understand you at all.Can’t the escape plan work? Ooh….God I knew it”
“ No not that at all another very bad news”
“ What is it Sanchez you are making me more nervous,just go straight to the point”
“ It is about your friend’s murder,his body was found thrown to the forest and Sarah you are the first suspect.Your picture is all over the news and in fact a bounty has been placed on you.You are the most wanted person in the country right now”
“ Sanchez you will have to help me now,you know I didn’t do it.You saw your boss pull the trigger with your own two eyes”
“ Sarah I will gladly help you but the monster we are going to face won’t go down easily,he has good lawyers Sarah,so are you ready to escape soon or… ?The moment you step out of that gate I am sure you will be arrested soon”
“I am very sure I want to leave this prison that has been my home for the last ten years,at least it’s better than staying here,If I will be arrested just make sure you will help.I hope you will testify on my behalf”
“Yeah Sarah but you will have to spill the beans first before introducing me but just know if this story goes sideways you will be jailed for life time”
“ Don’t worry as a matter of fact I will prefer being in the real prison than being to this hell”
“ Okay now this evening am moving you out of here at nine pm, be ready” he said as he covered Sarah with the maasai shuka that he had to keep her from the cold then he left
Some few minutes later Brad and Sanchez walked into the room.Brad was shocked to see Sarah covering herself with the shuka yet it was daytime and he seized it
Sanchez stood as Brad harassed the innocent little girl but there was nothing he could do since that would mean their plan of them working together would be exposed
He could feel the pain inside him as the boss tried to strangle her and wanted to punch her but he stayed calm controlling himself from the rage
The two walked out of the room talking.Sanchez was quiet for some few minutes before breaking the silence in him
“ Boss with everything that has happened and Sarah being wanted don’t you see it as an opportunity to take her away to jail”
“ Sanchez are you out of your mind or what? How can you say such a thing that girl will surely rat our business and we will end up in jail leaving everything that we have built on”
“ But there is no clear evidence that links you to the murder and aside your best lawyers,I don’t understand how you may fail to protect yourself ”
“ Oyaa Enough! She isn’t going anywhere,she will just die here after she has suffered well well”
That evening after Brad had gone to sleep,Sanchez tiptoed to the isolated room where Sarah was
He slowly helped her remove the tracker from her hands and they ran to the backdoor to avoid causing attention and finally being caught
Sanchez led the way and Sarah followed her closely behind,they passed behind the large building where the other kids used to stay to avoid the street lights that were lighting the area and guardsmen who were guarding there at night although they were asleep
They ran some few meters from the house and finally came to a bush where they passed slowly to a small passengers gate that was locked.Sanchez unlocked the padlock that had been used and they got out
A grey Toyota fielder had been waiting for them and they boarded before the driver started the engine and they left without anybody noticing what had just happened
Sanchez had already book a hotel far away from town since he knew Brad’s men would be looking for then soon enough.
They got into the hotel around ten in the evening.Sarah had covered her face to avoid being caught.
TO Be Continued