Tears Of A Young Girl Episode 22
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Tears Of A Young Girl Episode 22 Of Tears Of A Young Girl by Tony Sang Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Tears Of A Young Girl EPISODE TWENTY TWO: ????
It was now past two days and no one had seen or heard from Bill,his friends had tried to search for him at his house but it was locked
They also tried to call him but his phone wasn’t reachable and it had started raising suspicions
The father had tried contacting him too but his phone wasn’t reachable,he called his wife and told her to try calling him but nothing
Due to much suspicions and worries,his friends had gone and reported the matter to the police station and the search for Bill started
Back in Brad’s territory,the situation was going from bad to worse.Mr Brad made sure Sarah suffers
Sarah would sleep on the floor and wasn’t allowed to get out,her friends Beauty and Kate had tried to go and visit her but the guardsmen had clear instructions not to allow anyone to get in except Mr Brad and his friends
She was growing thin and look emaciated from the beating that she used to receive everyday from Mr Brad
Sanchez used to sneak behind Mr Brad’s back and take food to Sarah
She was still seated in the corner of the room one night when Brad and Sanchez stormed into the house
Brad grabbed Sarah and ordered Sanchez to grab Sarah as he tied her hands ,Sanchez felt sorry for her but had tied her hands and held her
Mr Brad quickly unzipped her trousers as he wanted to rape her but Sanchez left Sarah’s hands and decided to distract Mr Brad so that she couldn’t take advantage of the poor girl
“ Boss” he called him holding his shoulders and the man followed to listen to what he had to say
“ Yes Sanchez why did you stop me as I was about to enjoy myself or don’t you even want to enjoy yourself?”
“ No boss it is just that I think you should give her more time,she is still traumatized”
“ And what is your problem if she is traumatized or not that girl tried to escape while I had tried to give freedom to her”
“ I understand but as you can see she is sick,we can try another day after all she isn’t going anywhere”
“ Yeah I agree with you,let us go then”
Sanchez and Brad left Sarah shivering at a corner shedding tears
Sanchez escorted the man to his house and came back to see Sarah who was lying on the floor shaking
He went directly to where he was and embraced her,he felt sorry for the girl and so he knew that it was time to act or there is nothing he would be doing.
“ Sarah for the few days that you have been back,I have seen the cruel nature of boss and I am willing to help you out.I can’t allow him to use you anyhow he wants”
“ But how Sanchez,if we are caught you will be dead and I will continue to suffer here ”
“ You won’t be caught because I know how to remove the tracker and the escape route from this prison and about me don’t worry,I am ready to pay for everything I have done.You know Sarah when we started this drug trafficking business we were with Brad,I never knew that he would grow to be such inhuman”
“ What do you mean?”
“ You see Sarah we started this business with the aim of making money,there was no intention of human trafficking but as the business grew we needed people to do the work and obviously we couldn’t employ so Brad thought of an idea to kidnap children and that is how you came here,as time went by he became so inhuman that he wanted everything for himself and he got it”
“ And that is how you ended up working for him”
“ Yeah,he took all the money leaving me with nothing but to work for him, Sarah I am ready to help you and other innocent children and later testify in court.You deserve to be happy so does your family like our families.I will communicate” he said then left Sarah in the room
Some few days later at around eleven in the morning a body that was wrapped in a white polythene and thrown in the forest was found
The specialists were called and they carried the body to the morgue ready for post morterm
All this time Bill had not been found and therefore there were suspicions that it had to be Bill and therefore the father had travelled back to the country to have the DNA done.
The DNA of the person was done and it was discovered that the body found was Bill’s body
The all school and the town was in sombre mood,the media people were running up and down to try and find the truth about the teenage boy who had been murdered
After the post morterm was done it came out clear that Bill had been shot on the head hence the chances for him to have survived after being shor was zero,he had died on the spot
The police quickly launched their investigations regarding the murder.Some students named Sarah as a person of interest since she used to walk with him but she too couldn’t be found
Sarah became the first suspect to the case.
The family members, friends and relatives were in sombre mood and wanted justice to be done.
TO Be Continued