Tears Of A Young Girl Episode 18
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Tears Of A Young Girl Episode 18 Of Tears Of A Young Girl by Tony Sang Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Tears Of A Young Girl EPISODE EIGHT: ????
“Madam I would kindly request you two to step out of the car” one of the police officer had said
But why sir,Our flight is in twenty minutes from now,she had replied back
Madam just obey what I told you and we will let you go
Okay Sarah let us step out of the car before we lead to a commotion
They stepped out of the car their arms raised to the air,Their car was the only one that wasn’t allow to get in,other people were entering and others were getting out
Sir is there any problem, because we are late and am afraid she must get to that plane,Bill had said
The police man just looked at him and ignored what he was saying,two police officers came to search them and they searched inside the car but they found nothing
You too are under arrested,you have the right to remain silent anything you say will be used against you in the court of law,one police said as he pushed Bill to the car and handcuffed him
For what crime,this ain’t fair at all.Sarah said as she was being handcuffed
An order is an order,we’ve been order to arrest the two of you,you are wanted fugitives
What? There must me a mistake here Sir,we are just innocent citizens
You will tell that to the person who ordered the arrest warrant,as for us we are here to do our job as the law demands
The two were carried Helter skelter to the police Landcruiser that was parked at the side of the road and the driver started the engine and drove off,the other police man followed then with the car that Bill and Sarah were using while another one stayed with them inside the police Landcruiser
One of the police officers called the commander and informed him
Sir we have the suspect at custody and we are on our way heading to the police station
Good job guys,make sure you be careful with the two,they should not try to do anything stupid
Mr Brad was on his way to the airport,his car was being driven at a break neck speed when he received the call
Yes Sergeant how is the progress? Have you arrested the two?
Brad you know me very well,my men have done their job to perfection,they are on their way to the police station,you will find me there
Sarah and Bill were taken to the cell,their hands handcuffed
Sarah we have five minutes,am sorry I thought that the plan would work but obviously you have missed the flight
No don’t be Bill,am grateful for your efforts and I want you to know that I love you
Am sure Mr Brad is coming for you now,what are you going to do
Well it is not that I have many options now am sure it was him that sent the police to arrest us,I will have to face the consequences,at least I tried my best to find my way out
Thirty minutes later as they were still inside the cell,Mr Brad and his man walked into the police station
Two police officers were on duty,he went directly to where they were and demanded to get Sarah and the other guy who were arrested that evening
I am sorry mister,we have rules here that are to be followed,I can’t release anyone until they are taken to court
Young man do you know who I am? I say release me the man and the woman who were brought here around forty minutes ago,here is the picture of the girl
Am sorry sir,I can’t do that
Mr Brad quickly called the sergeant who came from his office after
Sergeant am telling the police officers here to release my people and they refuse why?
Am sorry Brad for the inconvenience but you must understand that this is a police station,there are laws that must be followed,they are just doing their work,he said then shifted his gaze to the police officers. Please release them,that is my order
One police officer went in, handcuffed the two and brought them out
As soon as Sarah saw Mr Brad,her heart skipped,trouble was looming
Mr Brad stood his arms on his chest as he looked at her at a very scary angle.
One police man escorted them to Brad’s car as Brad and the driver followed them behind.