Sophia My Love Episode 33
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Sophia My Love Episode 33 Of Sophia My Love Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Sophia My Love Episode Thirty Three:
“Barry, tell me you haven’t been messing with my head. Tell me you haven’t been making a fool of me with the things that has been going on in my life” Brad asked Barry the moment he sat down in his car.
Barry was pulling out of the parking lot, and initially planned to head to the venue of the party he wanted Brad to attend with him, but the look on Brad’s face, told him everything wasn’t okay with him.
“Do you mind telling me what the problem is Brad?” he asked, trying to tone down the mood with which his friend had spoken.
“Don’t keep playing around. Tell me all about Sophia and why you did what you did!” Brad said.
“Speak English? Can you please stop speaking in parables already?” Barry said, beginning to lose his cool.
“Goddamit Barry, you know like hêll what I am talking about. You fcuking told me Sophia won’t be able to give birth to her own children.
“I left Sophia because of her supposed inability to give birth to her own children, and married Emily.
“But you know what Barry, you came to get me from a hospital where I was standing side by side with a man who suddenly appeared from nowhere and says my little daughter and the unborn one are his!
“And you know what else Barry, I just tested positive to a HIV screening!
“Yes Barry, I am not only positive to HIV, I have also been on drugs to keep me sterile and unable to impregnate Emily, for only God knows how long without knowing it!” Brad screamed in frustràtion, making Barry step on the brake pedal on impulse, swerving off the road, and pulling to a stop by the roadside.
“Oh no, no, no! I don’t want to believe that your wife chose to make you take those drugs when it is common knowledge that long term use of those drugs can result to total sterility!” Barry quipped.
“Oh well, thanks for the news. Thanks for letting me know that I could truly be sterile now that I have found out that the little girl is most probably not mine!” Brad said through clenched teeth.
“I’m sorry Brad, but if she has been feeding you with those stuffs, and in an amount we are yet to ascertain, you will need to run some tests and be sure that you’re still intact and able to make babies” Barry said.
“Isn’t today a day for tests and receiving bad news? Go ahead, take samples, conduct your tests and give me the bad news as always” Brad told his friend.
Barry tried to console his friend for a while, then drove straight to the hospital, where he got the laboratory technician take Brad’s samples and began the tests.
Brad was a collection of emotional disarray. He was worried about so many things, and regretful of a whole lot of others.
“Why did I let the love of my life go, only to end up this way? How am I going to live on, knowing that the woman I met a virgin and trusted with my life, had been cajoled not only into extra marital affairs, but had been fo0led into feeding me with harmful substances?
“How can I live with the knowledge that the woman that loved me so right, slipped out of my hands because I thought she was incapable of getting pregnant, only for me to find her living happily with the man that snatched her out of my hands, and heavily pregnant too!” Brad thought as he sat in Barry’s office, waiting for the test results.
He was becoming too nervous to sit still, so he got up and decided to take a walk.
“The irony of life! See how these people sitting and waiting to see the doctor, with most of them thinking they are so sick, when they are actually healthier than some of us that appear so healthy” he thought as he looked at a group of people sitting in a particular hall.
He had almost walked past when his eyes caught sight of someone that looked so familiar, oh yes, it was Clara.
“What is Clara doing in the hospital when she looks so healthy?
“Wait, is this not the special department for people with…” he thought, his heart blanking out as a realization hit him.
“Woah woah woah! Why did I wake up today? Who did I offend in the spirit world?” Brad lamented, nearly losing consciousness as the tiny bits of thoughts got fused together to make him understand how he got infected with the HIV virus.
He rushed back to his friends office to tell him of the discovery he had made, after seeing Clara whom he had had a casual sxx with, in revenge for her ex taking away his girlfriend, queuing up to get antiretroviral medicines.
“Why didn’t I let that good for nothing girl go that day? Did I have to sleep with her? What kind of mess did I get myself into?” he was thinking when his phone began to buzz.
He flipped it to answer the call without looking at who the caller was, only to hear Audrey taunting him with the news she got about him not standing a chance at having the paternity test in his favour.
“You need to slow down Audrey. I’ve been hit bãd, but I think you don’t know that you got infected with the dreaded HIV virus, the very first time I slammed you in the open field!
“Yes Audrey, don’t be quick to rejoice at the evïl you have brought upon my household because even you, have got your own share of the bàd fate.
“Go check yourself Audrey. Get some antiretroviral drūgs and maybe, you may be able to live some more.
“The girl you met me banging in the car, that got you forcing yourself on me has been living with HIV, but you won’t believe how healthily good looking, I saw her some minutes ago!
“You’re calm now? Oh no Audrey, don’t be so quiet because I haven’t told you how I have been feeding you with some very strong contraceptives to ensure that those acrobatic sxx you made us have every now and then, didn’t end in pregnancy and bring Emily troubles.
“If I had known that the man you arranged for my wife was already ensuring that I couldn’t impregnate anyone, then maybe, I wouldn’t have taken the risks of feeding you with drūgs I was told could make you unable to conceive even after you stopped taking them” Brad told her, and hung up before she could say anything else.
“No oooooo! Lord, this can’t be true, no, it mustn’t be true! I am my mother’s only child! She had been troubling me about getting her a grandchild!
“How can I tell my mother that after all our plots to get pregnant and make Brad focus entirely on me, I may not be able to get pregnant again after all?” Audrey soliloquized, crying hysterically.
She cried for so long, that she didn’t know how she was able to type the message she sent to Emily to inform her about how they all got infected with the virus, blaming Emily for making her know someone as dêspicable as Brad.
She sent a message to her mother, telling her about how everything had crumbled right in her eyes, and how she could no longer live in the shameful world she had created for herself.
“Goodbye wicked world” she cried as she drank an overdose of a drug she shouldn’t toy with, then lay on the bed to await the pull of dêath.
Some minutes later, the pull did come, only with a level of excruciating pains that she wished she hadn’t done what she did.
As she gasped for air, and writted in pains, she began to cry, wishing she had believed it when people constantly said that sûicide was the worst of all sins, because it wasn’t just a sin against God, but also against one’s self.
She was hurting terribly, feeling so much pains that she wished she could turn back the hands of time, but it was too late, she was closer to the gate of hêll than she had reckoned, and she was pulled right in, making her body suddenly go limp on the bed.
Meanwhile, Brad was looking at Barry with murderous intents as he sat listening to him explain to him that he was now totally stërile, all thanks to all the drugs he had been fed over time.
“That is it Barry. I hope you’re happy now? I hope you can now rejoice for what you have done?” he told Barry harshly.
“Excuse me?” Barry said, not quite getting his point.
“Oh Barry, quit being stewpid! You made me believe Sophia wouldn’t be able to give me babies, and I ended up with a woman who brought me so many complications that I’m now worse than a deåd man!
“You made me leave Sophia Barry, you made me lose the woman for me, you messenger of doom” Brad cursed.
“Oh shut up Brad. I’ve been taking all the rübbish you’ve been brewing for so long because I was hoping you’d someday become a responsible young man, but it’s clear you aren’t just irresponsible with women, you won’t even take responsibility for your crãzy actions!
“I told you about the complications that arose from the abortiōn you paid for, and you agreed to throw a girl you said you loved greatly aside, but my cousin who was neither responsible for the pregnancy, nor for the abortiōn, damned the consequences and the threats from his father, and married her.
“That doesn’t look like I made you let her go, because I said more to Jovani than I ever told you. I even made my uncle threatên to disown him.
“So don’t you keep speaking from the two ends of your mouth because you’re solely responsible for your actions and inactions that got you where you are today.
“And if you’d like to hear how Sophia managed to get pregnant and is just a few weeks from full term, I’ll tell you.
“Jovani told me how he had to convince his wife, how he had to persuade her, until she agreed to do the right thing, for someone who has issues with her cervix.
“Sophia’s cervix was affected by the abortiōn and I told you what I told you because I knew her chances of retaining a fetus till full term was going to be impossible except she could go through this special process” Barry explained.
“And I told you to decide for me that I can’t face the process?” Brad asked him angrily.
“Come on Brad. We both know that your Casanova lifestyle will never allow you dedicate the time to stay besides a woman and support her through going on a long term bed rest to enable the uterus retain the fetus till full term.
“Jovani got the doctor give her a cervical cerclage. That is, get her face the procedure that keeps the cervix closed during pregnancy to prevent premature birth due to incompetent (weakened) cervix.
“And got his wife to agree to stay in the hospital just as the doctor had instructed.
“But you know what? He is literally on the bed rest too, because he has never made Sophia have a moment of boredom or worry with his ever compassionate love.
“And I’m compelled to believe that it was the hand of God that made you desert her, so she could find someone deserving” Barry said, making Brad lose his mind.
“Of course Brad, I do not deserve to be with her like you have said, and so do you not deserve to live on, because the babies you have killêd with this hopeless specialization in abortiōn are all crying to have you with them” Brad said, lurching at Barry with a surgical scissors on the table, and dealing a fatal blow on his chest.
TO Be Continued