Sophia My Love Episode 29
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Sophia My Love Episode 29 Of Sophia My Love Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Sophia My Love Episode Twenty Nine:
“Hello honey, I’m so sick right now. Would you please come home at once? I know the business you embarked on is very important, but after being with your partners for these two weeks, I’m sure you can find a way to come home to me and our little baby” Emily cried into her phone receiver.
She was pregnant forher second child,and she had been trying so hard to resist the urge to hurt Brad after she got to know that he was still neck deep in cheating.
Brad was standing close to a wall fan, ensuring that the air gushing out of the fan was getting right into the mouth piece of his phone to create th rustling sound he wanted.
“Hello baby, I can’t hear you. Hold on, I’ll call you right back!” Brad said, hanging up abruptly and rushing back to continue with what he was doing before her persistent calls made him rush off to see what the hullabaloo was all about.
He was very angry that Emily had made him leave what he was doing half way just to take her calls, only to find out that she was just seeking attention.
Audrey was beckoning on him impatiently to complete what they were doing, making Brad smile happily as he jumped on her, kissing her breãsts and scouting the length of her body with his hands again.
He loved the way she moàned with each touch and how she screamed with each thrûst as he continued one of their numerous sxxual bouts.
Brad couldn’t have ever believed that Audrey, his wife’s friend would be one who’d let him hug her fully, let alone ask that they get down as a way of compensating her for not telling Emily that she caught him making love with a woman inside his parked car, in the parking lot of a famous club in town.
He could recall how their illicit affair started, and though he didn’t really plan for things to happen the way they did, Audrey caught him pants down with Clara, Jovani’s ex.
Some days before Jovani tied the knots with Sophia, Clara had got a report from the person she hired to gather information about Sophia, and the address he gave her, led her to Brad.
The two despêrate beings met, and had an understanding that they both wanted Jovani and Sophia apart, making them form an alliance.
For Brad, he knew Sophia may not truly return to him, but he didn’t want Jovani being the one who gets to have Sophia for keeps, after ruining all his plans with his sudden appearance and interference with his love affair with Sophia.
So he was ready to join forces with Clara who wanted to get Jovani back by all means. According to what she told Brad, it would be a shame to her if words got out that she was ditchëd on the very day she was to be traditionally married, only for the guy to get married to someone from a lower social class.
The two allies worked assiduously, ensuring that they got the things needed in place to put a stop to the wedding. And in celebration of their supposed success, they had agreed to go out on a celebration date.
They had so much to drink and Clara was literally unable to walk herself to her car, let alone drive home by herself.
Brad had volunteered to take her home and walked her to his car, with the intention of getting her home as promised.
But the moment they got to the car, she got all clingy, holding onto him as if she was afraid to let him go.
He opened the back seat and tried to get her settled inside, but she kept pulling him, making Brad see just how beautiful she was and his hands fell right on top of her succulent sisters.
Common sense told Brad to stick to what he had come for, but a part of him wanted to get the cheese that was being pushed into his mouth.
He knew the girl was drunk and out of her mind, but he also knew she belonged to a man who had taken his Sophia away, so he obliged her, getting into the back seat with her, and letting her kïss him as much as he wanted, while he rummaged her body hungrily.
Clara had been without a man for so long, so with Brad standing so close, with her feeling his breath as he walked her to the car, her adrenaline had been in excess supply, making her giddy and hōrny at a time.
Clara was soon moàning helplessly as Brad who didn’t have luxury of time to get a cond0m, was already riding away, making the car move in the rhythm his movement was making.
Brad had just reached the peak of his journey when he noticed a flicker of lights and he turned around to find Audrey snapping away.
He was happy that Clara hadn’t noticed that they had been discovered, so he quickly finished up and left her lying partially unconscious and totally oblivious of the happenings around her.
“Please calm down Audrey, I can explain. It’s not really what you think it is” he told Audrey when he caught up with her as she tried to run away after she noticed Brad getting off the woman he was banging.
“Brad, you will do the explanations to your wife who never agreed that you’re a play boy. I have always known that the day when I show her who you are, was coming” she had told him.
Brad spent time talking to her, trying to see how to get her name a price and was totally flabbergasted to know that she just wanted to have him or she’d spill everything to his wife; he was her price!
And that was how Brad, who never looked the other way when he saw a beautiful woman, began his amoröus affair with Audrey, his wife’s friend.
She made him stay away from home most nights, and quite recently, she started making demands, asking for more time and attention.
Brad had a big fight with Clara who accused him of sp!king her drinks to have his way with her, and their troubles ended up spoiling their plans to disrupt Sophia’s wedding party.
He cared less that Clara was màd at him, he had already had a taste of her after all, plus, the beautiful and sxxy Audrey wanted him practically all day long, making him forget that he wanted Sophia back.
“I love you Brad” Audrey told him, forcing his mind from the far away places it had been.
“And I love you more Audrey! I wish I met you before I met my wife” he told her, kissing her cheeks, his mind on what to tell his wife as soon as he got home.
They were still nestled closely when Audrey’s phone began to ring. It was Emily, calling to know if Audrey found out why her husband had been acting strangely yet.
“Um Emily, I told you before. I made my researches and I found out your husband has been fcuking around again. The only thing left for me to do now is to find out the identity of this new girl and make you see what I’ve been trying to tell you” Audrey told her friend in hushed tones, trying to keep Brad from hearing what she was saying as she walked to he bathroom
“Oh God! So it’s true? So that guy still has the nerves to do what he’s doing? Well, I’m hoping I don’t hurt him one of these days.
“There’s a limit to what I can really take. I never planned to have all these complications his infidelity is causing in my life right now. All I planned was to get married and live happily with the man I love, raising our own kids” Emily complained.
“It’s okay Emily, I think it’s really not the best to think of hurting him and stand a chance of ruining your own life if things go wrong.
“Why don’t you leave him? You know you will have an amazing life the moment you take the bold step and walk out, why are you hesitating?” Audrey asked her friend.
She was yet to answer her when Audrey heard Brad’s footsteps approaching the bathroom where she was talking the call.
“You know what Emily, I’ll see you tomorrow. My boyfriend is here, and I need to let him have what he wants before he starts throwing tantrums” Audrey said and hung up.
Brad willed to go home to his wife, to see how she was doing, but Audrey was holding him captive with the blàckmailing chip she had. She would start crying whenever he made serious attempt to go home, and even threatên to tell his wife everything she knew.
He remained in the apartment he had bought for Audrey, fcuking all day,and sucking all night, for another one week, before she allowed him visit Emily.
Yes, it was gradually turning to visits because he could only stay a few hours in his house before he had to rush over to get several rounds of hot sxx from the ever ready Audrey.
TO Be Continued