Sophia My Love Episode 28
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Sophia My Love Episode 28 Of Sophia My Love Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Sophia My Love Episode Twenty Eight:
Jovani and his father emerged from the car some time later, walking hand in hand to the hospital waiting room. He had been listening to his dad talk about being a man, but his heart kept breaking in a thousand places, as he thought of the possibility of seeing his wife out of the theater without the child in her again.
Mrs. Jonah hadn’t seen the two men in his life that way in a long time, and she couldn’t help tearing up as they approached.
She wanted to do nothing but assure her son that the baby in his wife would be okay, but the look on the doctor’s face, the number of times he had appeared and disappeared through the emergency room door, told her something had definitely gone wrong.
Jovani walked to a seat besides his mother and sat quietly, his eyes as red as scarlet, and his heart having troubles pumping the right amount of blōõd because of the strenuous effort of keeping his emotions in check.
“Relax son. Even if this one doesn’t stay, you can rejoice in the knowledge that you’ll eventually be the one who opts for a family planning option, to control the number of children you’ll both have” she told her son, trying to prepare him for what she senses is about to happen.
“Yes my dear. Whatever happens, you must understand that grieving hard won’t change anything, instead, it could make things worse” Mrs Dike concurred.
Jovani looked up at his father who was standing by his sides and shut his eyes to keep the tears in. He could see the hand writing on the wall, and he could smell the cookies, something was about to go wrong! That’s the only explanation for all the motivational speeches from his two mothers.
Ten more agonizing minutes of waiting, and Fred his friend emerged from the theater looking all frûstrated and dejēcted.
Jovani stood up in a rush, running over to Fred’s sides. His heart was pounding and his palms sweating, as he looked up at his friend with eyes imploring his friend to tell him all was well
“You’ve got to calm down Joe. I know you’re bound to feel bãd, but I tried….” Fred was still saying when everyone else in the room heard the thud.
Jovani had lost consciousness and collapsed, falling hard to the floor. “Jesus! Father help me” Mrs Jonah cried, running over to her son’s sides in so much hurry that she nearly passed out too.
“Now we’ve got to go sweetheart. Come on, come with me now! This is why I refused to allow you come here in the first place. You promised you were going to get a grip of yourself, but at the very first instance, you’re working your heart out.
“Now, get up, we’ve got to go home now. Jovani is right here in the hospital and his friend Fred is well able to take care of him and his wife.
“I won’t be left a widower when he wakes up and gets discharged from the hospital with his wife.” Chief Jonah said in ãnger.
He was angry with his wife for reacting so impulsively when she knew the condition of her heart, but was angrier with his son for letting him down, after speaking with him for so long.
“I’m sorry darling. Please forgive me for acting the way I did, I know I promised to behave myself, I pledged to control my actions, but darling, it’s only natural that I felt the way I did seeing my only child on the floor, lying unconscious
“Please darling, don’t let me have to go away from my son because of this error. If you want me to remain alive, you mustn’t force me away from my son in this state.
“I promise to comport myself henceforth, please darling” he begged her husband, wiping tears from her eyes hurriedly.
Mrs Dike looked at the couple and couldn’t hold back her own tears. She knew chief Jonah was right being so worried about his wife, but she also knew that his wife had reacted like almost every woman in her shoes would!
The nurses doctor Fred had called to come take Jovani away had already taken him to the private ward where his wife was lying, still unconscious, and made him lie in the opposite bed.
He checked Jovani’s vitals to confirm that he had only passed out due to shock, and nothing much was wrong with him. And just as he had suspected, everything was fine with him.
“He’s alright ma’am. You need to calm down now. He just reacted to the news bãdly and made blōōd race to certain places, leaving him dizzy. When he wakes up now, he’s going to need to relax for a while, and everything will be fine” Fred explained to the parents before he excused himself.
When Sophia woke up, she found everyone looking down at her with pitiful faces, and she could already tell that something bãd had happened.
She closed her eyes again and the tears that already filled her eyes, squeezed out from the two ends of her eyes. Her heart contracted in pains and her lips went dry all of a sudden.
“Wait a minute. Why is my husband not here? Did he abandon me because this happened? Oh Sophia, are you really never going to be ever happy in this life?” Sophia asked herself, crying painfully.
“You’re going to hurt yourself with these cries Sophia. Please don’t make your husband regain consciousness and find you this broken, it may further deteriorate things” Mrs Dike warned her daughter.
“Wait, did she say regain consciousness? Is my husband unconscious?” she asked herself, flipping her eyes open quickly, as she spoke in a hoarse and croaky voice, asking to be taken to her husband immediately.
“He is right besides you Sophia. I know he failed to listen to me, I know he refused to act like I begged him to, but please can I ask you to act better than him?
“Can I ask you to make things easier for us all by taking the stand he has refused to take? We need to find a way around all of these, but it wouldn’t come through grieving wrongly.
“Please Sophia, be strong for us all. Be strong for your husband and make him see how being positive and remaining calm helps in this kind of situation!” Chief Jonah begged his daughter in-law.
Sophia turned her head and saw her husband lying on the bed opposite her. He looked troubled even in his unconscious state, and looking at his sorry state, Sophia’s tear ducts continued to produce tears against her will.
It was clear that if they really were going to get through the storm, she needed to be strong, because the Jovani she had always known, the Jovani she was seeing, may end up hurting himself if she didn’t do something about her hurt.
And so, Sophia braced up, crying only when Jovani wasn’t looking, but appearing strong and unperturbed with her predicament.
She was soon out of the hospital and back to her house with her husband. Her mother decided to stay with them for a while, as she recuperated.
Things soon returned to normal between the couple, and some six weeks after she left the hospital, she tested positive to a pregnancy test again.
The couple were very excited to hear doctor Fred announce her pregnancy again, but were concerned with the suggestion he was giving.
He was requesting that Sophia stayed in the hospital until she was delivered of the baby, to forestall any possible problems with the pregnancy, but the couple didn’t find the suggestion funny.
“How the hell am I supposed to get pregnant and remain in the hospital for so long, only to return with a baby.
“Many people will assume that I bought a baby, or even stole the baby” Sophia complained as she discussed the issue with her mother in-law who felt it was wiser to take the doctor’s advice.
Sophia got her husband to agree that she could have all the rest at home instead of getting confined to a hospital bwd, and returned home, only to rush back to the hospital blêêding and losing the pregnancy some weeks later.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © Tales by Eve backup
Episode 28
Jovani and his father emerged from the car some time later, walking hand in hand to the hospital waiting room. He had been listening to his dad talk about being a man, but his heart kept breaking in a thousand places, as he thought of the possibility of seeing his wife out of the theater without the child in her again.
Mrs. Jonah hadn’t seen the two men in his life that way in a long time, and she couldn’t help tearing up as they approached.
She wanted to do nothing but assure her son that the baby in his wife would be okay, but the look on the doctor’s face, the number of times he had appeared and disappeared through the emergency room door, told her something had definitely gone wrong.
Jovani walked to a seat besides his mother and sat quietly, his eyes as red as scarlet, and his heart having troubles pumping the right amount of blōõd because of the strenuous effort of keeping his emotions in check.
“Relax son. Even if this one doesn’t stay, you can rejoice in the knowledge that you’ll eventually be the one who opts for a family planning option, to control the number of children you’ll both have” she told her son, trying to prepare him for what she senses is about to happen.
“Yes my dear. Whatever happens, you must understand that grieving hard won’t change anything, instead, it could make things worse” Mrs Dike concurred.
Jovani looked up at his father who was standing by his sides and shut his eyes to keep the tears in. He could see the hand writing on the wall, and he could smell the cookies, something was about to go wrong! That’s the only explanation for all the motivational speeches from his two mothers.
Ten more agonizing minutes of waiting, and Fred his friend emerged from the theater looking all frûstrated and dejēcted.
Jovani stood up in a rush, running over to Fred’s sides. His heart was pounding and his palms sweating, as he looked up at his friend with eyes imploring his friend to tell him all was well
“You’ve got to calm down Joe. I know you’re bound to feel bãd, but I tried….” Fred was still saying when everyone else in the room heard the thud.
Jovani had lost consciousness and collapsed, falling hard to the floor. “Jesus! Father help me” Mrs Jonah cried, running over to her son’s sides in so much hurry that she nearly passed out too.
“Now we’ve got to go sweetheart. Come on, come with me now! This is why I refused to allow you come here in the first place. You promised you were going to get a grip of yourself, but at the very first instance, you’re working your heart out.
“Now, get up, we’ve got to go home now. Jovani is right here in the hospital and his friend Fred is well able to take care of him and his wife.
“I won’t be left a widower when he wakes up and gets discharged from the hospital with his wife.” Chief Jonah said in ãnger.
He was angry with his wife for reacting so impulsively when she knew the condition of her heart, but was angrier with his son for letting him down, after speaking with him for so long.
“I’m sorry darling. Please forgive me for acting the way I did, I know I promised to behave myself, I pledged to control my actions, but darling, it’s only natural that I felt the way I did seeing my only child on the floor, lying unconscious
“Please darling, don’t let me have to go away from my son because of this error. If you want me to remain alive, you mustn’t force me away from my son in this state.
“I promise to comport myself henceforth, please darling” he begged her husband, wiping tears from her eyes hurriedly.
Mrs Dike looked at the couple and couldn’t hold back her own tears. She knew chief Jonah was right being so worried about his wife, but she also knew that his wife had reacted like almost every woman in her shoes would!
The nurses doctor Fred had called to come take Jovani away had already taken him to the private ward where his wife was lying, still unconscious, and made him lie in the opposite bed.
He checked Jovani’s vitals to confirm that he had only passed out due to shock, and nothing much was wrong with him. And just as he had suspected, everything was fine with him.
“He’s alright ma’am. You need to calm down now. He just reacted to the news bãdly and made blōōd race to certain places, leaving him dizzy. When he wakes up now, he’s going to need to relax for a while, and everything will be fine” Fred explained to the parents before he excused himself.
When Sophia woke up, she found everyone looking down at her with pitiful faces, and she could already tell that something bãd had happened.
She closed her eyes again and the tears that already filled her eyes, squeezed out from the two ends of her eyes. Her heart contracted in pains and her lips went dry all of a sudden.
“Wait a minute. Why is my husband not here? Did he abandon me because this happened? Oh Sophia, are you really never going to be ever happy in this life?” Sophia asked herself, crying painfully.
“You’re going to hurt yourself with these cries Sophia. Please don’t make your husband regain consciousness and find you this broken, it may further deteriorate things” Mrs Dike warned her daughter.
“Wait, did she say regain consciousness? Is my husband unconscious?” she asked herself, flipping her eyes open quickly, as she spoke in a hoarse and croaky voice, asking to be taken to her husband immediately.
“He is right besides you Sophia. I know he failed to listen to me, I know he refused to act like I begged him to, but please can I ask you to act better than him?
“Can I ask you to make things easier for us all by taking the stand he has refused to take? We need to find a way around all of these, but it wouldn’t come through grieving wrongly.
“Please Sophia, be strong for us all. Be strong for your husband and make him see how being positive and remaining calm helps in this kind of situation!” Chief Jonah begged his daughter in-law.
Sophia turned her head and saw her husband lying on the bed opposite her. He looked troubled even in his unconscious state, and looking at his sorry state, Sophia’s tear ducts continued to produce tears against her will.
It was clear that if they really were going to get through the storm, she needed to be strong, because the Jovani she had always known, the Jovani she was seeing, may end up hurting himself if she didn’t do something about her hurt.
And so, Sophia braced up, crying only when Jovani wasn’t looking, but appearing strong and unperturbed with her predicament.
She was soon out of the hospital and back to her house with her husband. Her mother decided to stay with them for a while, as she recuperated.
Things soon returned to normal between the couple, and some six weeks after she left the hospital, she tested positive to a pregnancy test again.
The couple were very excited to hear doctor Fred announce her pregnancy again, but were concerned with the suggestion he was giving.
He was requesting that Sophia stayed in the hospital until she was delivered of the baby, to forestall any possible problems with the pregnancy, but the couple didn’t find the suggestion funny.
“How the hell am I supposed to get pregnant and remain in the hospital for so long, only to return with a baby.
“Many people will assume that I bought a baby, or even stole the baby” Sophia complained as she discussed the issue with her mother in-law who felt it was wiser to take the doctor’s advice.
Sophia got her husband to agree that she could have all the rest at home instead of getting confined to a hospital bwd, and returned home, only to rush back to the hospital blêêding and losing the pregnancy some weeks later.
TO Be Continued