Sold To A Gang Leader Season 2 Episode 58
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Sold To A Gang Leader Season 2 Episode 58 Of Sold To A Gang Leader Season Two Of He Owns Her Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Sold To A Gang Leader Season 2 Episode Fifty Eight: ????
He Owns Her ????
(I Need You) ????
???? WRITER’S POV ????
“Really? You are gonna marry only me? Well, I was scared you were gonna…”
“Nothing like that will happen. I won’t be marrying Bryan’s mother, I’ll be killing her” Dillon interrupted Shawna.
Shawna continued blu-shing, happy that she was the only one preferable to him.
“So, when are you gonna marry me then?” She asked.
“Huh! I should be asking you that. Maybe you should marry me instead, I’ll bear your surname, huh? It sounds cool, right?” Dillon tea-sed.
Shawna re-leased a slight frown.
“I’ll be going” she turned and immediately walked out from the room, su-cking.
“How can I be the one marrying you?” She su-cked as she went down the hallway – a little bit hungry.
She got to the stairs to hear ma’am Sandra’s voice.
“You guys should st©p pla-ying the ball here ok? Your father won’t be happy with you. You two should st©p” she heard the elderly woman’s voice.
She sighted Bryan and Lewiston pla-ying a ball inside the sitting room.
“Grandma, you really nee-d to let me win him. I have to” Lewiston replied her.
Getting really curious, she hurried down the stairs to see everything for herself.
“Why are you two pla-ying ball inside the sitting room? Can’t you just go outside?” Shawna fixed her hands on her w@!st as she asked.
‘He said he wanted to pl@ywith me” Bryan replied picking up the ball.
“Oh mom! plea-se leave us” lewiston cried out.
“No! This is a sitting room. It’s not a pla-ying ground. You can go outside if you wanna continue pla-ying” Shawna pointed out.
“But it’s alre-ady dark outside” lewiston cried out again.
“What are you shouting at them?” Dillon’s voice asked from behind.
Shawna turned to look at Dillon.
“Well, your sons are pla-ying a ball inside the sitting room. I suppose you won’t support that, will you?” Shawna asked.
Dillon looked at Bryan, and then Lewiston.
“You can leave them. It’s alre-ady late. It’s only for tonight after all. Let’s go” he pu-ll-ed Shawna along with him going outside.
Ma’am Sandra on hearing Dillon’s response calmed down. She can’t Dillon will act so cute when it comes to his sons.
He as a kid always pick fight with Dilly. Its cute seeing him this way.
An hour later
A maid walked up to Bryan and Lewiston.
“You boys should head to the sitting room now, the food is re-ady” the maid said.
The two of them st©pped pla-ying alre-ady tired.
“I don’t know who you are but I kind of like you, you said you aren’t gonna be living here. Did you come back with my dad?” Lewiston asked Bryan holding unto the ball.
“Kind of, I think I’ll be going back tomorrow. I like you too. So, what’s your name?” Bryan asked.
“I’m Lewiston but you can call me Lewi for short” Lewiston replied.
“So, he is really your dad?” Bryan asked, curious.
“Yeah, he is. Is he your dad too?” Lewiston replied, then asked.
“Um…by birth, yeah but my real father, the one who looks after me is in Mexico” Bryan replied.
“He looks a lot like him. I heard they’re twins” Bryan explained following Lewiston as he head to the sitting room.
“Woah! That’s cool. So my dad is a twin with your dad? That’s awesome. But it’s a pity I won’t get to see you everyday tho” Lewiston said.
“Yeah right. That woman, she is your mom too?” Bryan asked again.
“Yes, she’s so beautiful right? She is the most beautiful woman on planet earth” Lewis replied proudly.
Bryan chuckled.
“I guess you’re lucky then. To have such a beautiful lady who obviously loves you’ Bryan said.
Lewiston st©pped walking, he turned to stare up at Bryan
“Why did you say that? Doesn’t your mom love you as much? You can share mine with me then, I won’t mind” Lewiston said.
Bryan chuckled again.
He took his hand to Lewiston hair and scattered his hair.
“You’re cute. I alre-ady got a better mom and a beautiful baby sister, Ellie, thank you” Bryan said.
“You’re welcome buddy” Lewiston replied, they finally got to the dinning to see Shawna and Dillon waiting for them.
Lewiston went to sit beside Shawna while Bryan sat beside Dillon.
They started eating and throu-ghout the dinner, Shawna kept watching Lewis speak freely with Bryan.
That made her relieved. At least they are friends. Due to Lewis picky nature, Shawna was a bit worried that Bryan and Lewiston relationsh!pmay go badly, but thank goodness.
“So pup, when I am leaving for Mexico?” Bryan asked Dillon.
“Tomorrow morning. It should have been today but um…the family’s jet is still getting prepared” Dillon replied.
Thirty minutes after dinner
Both Bryan and Lewiston were taken to a room to sleep since Lewiston couldn’t st©p talking to him.
One habit lewiston inherited that isn’t from Dillon’s, might be from Shawna’s side.
Dillon sat on her be-d staring as Shawna undressed herself to take a bath. They can’t go back to the penthouse and she isn’t bothered. The mansion is the main home for them all and she has gotten really comfortable there.
And oh… Beatrice, she watched Beatrice get engaged some times last year, she married and left the mansion to live with her husband.
It was such a beautiful sight.
After undressing, Shawna went into the bathroom and had a quic-k bath.
“I noticed you staring at Bryan earlier at the dinning’ Dillon said.
“Yeah, I did” Shawna replied.
“You like him?” Dillon asked.
“Of course, there shouldn’t be any reason for me to hate him. Well, except…if you had brou-ght his mom here, I wouldn’t be so sure of that” Shawna replied truthfully, wearing the nightgo-wn there.
Dillon chuckled.
“So, you don’t want any other woman around me huh!? Are you that stingy?” Dillon tea-sed.
Shawna turned to look at him.
“Stingy? You call that stingy?” She frowned.
“Well, if you wanna marry her, you can go ahead. The only thing I want from you are kids, I want like two more kids from you and then you are free to marry someone else, I won’t get jealous” Shawna said.
“Only kids? You don’t want me?” Dillon asked, standing up.
“Of course not. Why should I want you when you want another woman?” Shawna couldn’t help but roll her eyes at him.
Dillon c@m£ up behind her. He turned her and made her back hit the closet.
“Really? You don’t want me?” He asked, his hand trailing down to her vir-ginã.
“Ye..yeah” Shawna replied.
“Are you really really sure bout that?” Dillon asked in a whisper as his hand lifted Shawna soft fibric.
His f!ngerst©uçhed and ru-bbe-d her cl!t, ma-king Shawna g@sp.
“You…!” She was about saying when Dillon suddenly pushed one of his f!ngersinto her vir-ginã. It was so fast and unexpected. It made Shawna g@sp again.
He pinned her to the closet and started f!nger fv¢kïñg her.
It didn’t take time for her to get we-t at all.
“You say you don’t want me?” Dillon asked again.
“No! It was a mistake. I want you, I..I..I nee-d you” Shawna replied as the plea-sure he gave her bec@m£ more intense and sweet.
TO Be Continued