SEX And Survival Episode 7
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “SEX And Survival Episode 7 Of SEX And Survival Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? SEX And Survival:
I no longer fought with my inner demons because we are on the same side now. I have embraced the new life and waved goodbye to the old. I realized I didn’t have to attend lectures because after the exams, the lectures would still score you if you failed or didn’t even sit for the exam so long you sort them with a substantial amount of money. Most of these lecturers demanded for sex sometimes instead of money for exam grades. Whatever they wanted, I will do it. It’s money, it’s not a problem. If it’s sex, I have sex almost everyday and it means nothing to me now. So I don’t see any reason why I won’t give in for some good grades.
At times when it looked like we are having low men coming to the hotel to satisfy their sexual urge, we leave there and mount on the highway, looking as seductive as we can be. A single trip can cover for almost all we made all night at the hotel but it was risky and that’s why we always sticked to the hotel room method. Whenever we decided to follow men home for daybreak, we always prayed silently before getting into the car.
I remember how my last daybreak mission went down. I had demanded for fifteen thousand naira but he agreed to pay twelve. From the moment we arrived at his place, he didn’t allow me any breathing space. He started immediately. He fvrcked me for more than one hour in different positions but still he didn’t cùm. I knew that he was prepared for me. Who knows the kind of sex enhancement pills he must have taken.
He didn’t have any food at home except for the fruits in his fridge. I helped myself with some to gain some strength in anticipation for the war that waited for me that night. If only I had the power to see the future, I would decline accepting money from certain people. They only came to kill and destroy. They will inflict pain and wounds on your puccyy like you did them wrong by accepting to go home with them and fvrck them. This man fvrcked me for more than one hour and he didn’t cùm. I know that very soon he will come again to fvrck away his anger in my puccyy and it was not midnight yet. That means he will spend more than 6 hours on my puccyy before dawn, leaving me so wide, pained, exhausted, wounded and almost dead. The worst part was the way he fvrcked. He fvrcked like he was punishing me. It should be a two way thing. You enjoy it and I enjoy it too but his case was different. He fvrcked with bitterness and aggression. These are the type of men that makes me say no most of the time to daybreaks.
One day, Sugar suggested that we should take a break for some days to have some rest and at least heal properly from all the v@gina, abdominal and lap pains we always endured everytime. It was a very welcomed idea. We had stayed for only four days at home, eating, drinking and sleeping when I noticed that this constant sex had really eaten deep into us. Or should I say it has eaten deep into me. I felt horny every now and then. I confirmed that I was not alone because they way Sugar and Omalicha behaved proved it. When it was too much to bear, Sugar was the first to go naked. Omalicha followed. I was in the mood too and so I joined. We had cucumbers everytime and other fruits. Omalicha reached for two cucumbers and a lubricant. Sugar started by squeezing her own breasts. She laid on the bed while Omalicha drew her legs apart and helped svck her puccyy. I positioned myself for Sugar as she received some good svcking from Omalicha. I positioned my puccyy before her and she worked on me too. Omalicha was the only one not receiving from anybody but she was sure of double rendition from Sugar and I later on.
We took time pleasuring ourselves until it was time for penetration with the cucumber. We could have done it on our way. Each to a cucumber but no, we helped each other with it. Sliding it in the way the pipe went in and out until we were all satisfied.
Our runs and adventures took another phase that evening when we went out to hustle again. Having had a good rest for days, we were looking fresh and vibrant hoping to make the best out of the night.
We were still at the club street where those looking for daybreak and home service customers normally stood when a car with tinted glasses pulled up in front of us. A fair man in black shades wine down the glass and said he wanted the three of us for an all night party. We have never gone for home services or daybreak together. We always went differently but this one was different. Omalicha who was the oldest amongst us spoke for us. She asked the location of the party and the man told him at his house. She demanded to know where his house was located and he said he lives somewhere in Isuaniocha close to Mgbakwu under Awka north local government.
We all looked at ourselves. That would be a very long journey which we were not ready to embark on. We all understood the language of our eyes although we didn’t speak.
“Oga that place too far o. You know say e far from here……. ”
” Name your price and I will pay it” The man cut Omalicha short.
Our eyes opened on hearing that. We joined heads together and came to a conclusion that it’s thirty thousand naira each. We also told him that we can serve more than one man each if he wanted. He didn’t argue about the price. He only opened the door, we entered and the door was shut.
He drove us away as we all sat at the back of the car. We have never been to the so called Isuaniocha but wherever it was we will get there, do what we normally do best, take our money and return home the next morning.
The car ran through routes we didn’t know and along the way, I became nervous. Different thoughts came running through my mind. What if this man had bad intentions. We wanted the money even though we knew we were putting our lives in danger. That’s the ugly part of the life we chose in order to survive. The roads were not well lightened up so we couldn’t even get to read the sign boards to know where we actually were. Omalicha and Sugar could see it clearly that I was scared and nervous but I prayed for the best nevertheless.
He took many diversions, looking at the side mirrors at regular intervals until he finally came to a halt in front of one particular house. Immediately, the gate was opened for him as though the person who opened it had been waiting for long. He drove in with full speed and the gate was shut. He alighted from the car, pressed the car remote and dashed into the building. We heard clicking sounds and tried to come down but it was locked. He actually pressed that remote and locked us inside the car. At that moment, we needed no soothsayer to reveal to us that we have entered “one chance “.
There was no sign of party in that building or around the neighborhood. He emerged again almost immediately but this time he was in the company of six young boys,armed with short gun with their faces masked.
I was gripped by fear. Sugar almost urinated in her panties because she was the most perturbed of us all. Omalicha tried to show some sign of maturity but you didn’t need to look at her twice to see she was shivering in fear. I looked up to the sky and made a sign of the cross silently praying to the all sovereign God who created the heavens and the earth to come to our rescue.
The doors clicked open and we were ordered to come down from the car. We obeyed them and came down. They led us into the building and opened one of the room. We saw two young ladies who were half dressed the same we were dressed. They were sitting down, hands and legs tied. I shook my head in despair. There’s no hope for us. These two ladies must be hustlers like us and they were lured here the same way they did us. They pushed us in and tied us up the same way they were tied.
We were about leaving the room when his phone rang. The one that brought us from Awka. He answered the phone but we didn’t hear what the caller from the other end said. We only heard the fair guy, the fair wicked guy reply that there are five girls captured. I called him wicked because he is wicked. If not he won’t do this to us.
I noticed the way one of those boys was looking at me. He was even the one that tied my hands and legs. He did it gently unlike the way I saw them tie Omalicha and Sugar.
We were locked in there and left to our fate. I knew this could be the end of our lives but even though I prayed for the best, I expected the worst.
“It’s time! ” They said as the door banged open the next morning. This time, we saw only two of the boys. They stood before us all. One of them pointed at me and one of the two girls that came before us. They pulled us out from the rest but one of them said no. It was the same guy I was talking about. The one that was looking at me last night.
“I don’t like this one, he said pointing at me, I want to fvrck this one” He pointed at Sugar.
“Guy all toto na the same thing ” One of his colleagues told him.
“We don’t have much time. Remember we have to take them to the forest after this to cut out their private parts as the senator commanded. They must be brought to him before noon. You know the election is next week ”
“Yes so I have to choose the puccyy I want to fvrck now that it’s still useful before it can no longer serve the purpose for me” The guy insisted, took me back and pulled sugar forward.
So we are all going to die? They are going to cut off our private parts for some senator election rituals? Is this how I am going to end my life? We all begged and cried but this guys paid deaf to whatever we said. I wondered why they should actually listen. They are running their own hustle and must have been paid handsomely for it. Thinking of bribing them with sex will be a waste of brain activity and time because they will take the sex forcefully and still get their job done.
To Be Continued …