Red Flags Chapter 73
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Red Flags Chapter 73 Of Red Flags Story by Naomi Cindy B Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? RED FLAGS:
???? (Badasses • Bad • Jerks) ????
“I’m such a disgrace to motherhood… I’m a disgrace!!!!!…
The sound of her tears brought Adrian upstairs, and immediately the door to her room opened, she quickly pushed the papers under the bed and spranged up, wiping her tears.
Adrian came in, but he didn’t step close to her. He remained by the door side, as if setting a boundary.
“Why are you here?” Tate sniffled, still wiping her face.
“How did you know about what I did to Fred?” He asked with a poker face.
“I already told you that’s not important, get out” she pointed at the door.
“Have you been communicating with him? Have you been talking to Fred? The cops are still searching frantically for that bastard but you’ve been seeing him? Are you allergic to shame? He killed our daughter! You think Emory would forgive you? You’re worthless” he said, his tone reeking of contempt.
“I said get out of my room!” Tate kept pointing at the door, and Adrian chuckled dryly.
“Let’s see if you’ll still have the luxury of this room in a month. I’m sure the investors will take this house too, then we can both start sleeping under Cema bridge or something.” he said, smirking before leaving.
Tate fell back on the ground, hugging herself as sorrow encamped her tightly.
“How did you know my middle name, and who the fûck are you?” Levi’s voice came, and tears of joy sprang out of Emory’s eyes.
He’s alive!
She had to cover her mouth so she won’t scream, and for one minute straight, she was at a loss for words to say.
The emotions within her right now could burst her insides. Her heart felt alive again after five fuçking long months.
Her mind felt empowered and fresh, and she couldn’t stop the flow of happiness.
“Who is this?” His voice came again, calm and collected this time.
Emory then snapped out of her emotions…
Levi’s ears didn’t recognize her voice? How come? How is that…
Her eyes widened, and she swallowed shakily.
“Tell me you didn’t lose your memory of me, please Xhen please….” She sobbed, feeling heartbroken than ever.
It’s like getting a healthy heart transplant then having the heart stabbed to death again.
She held her hurting chest with her second hand.
“What. Is. Your. Name?” He asked, and she could feel the impatience and stinging curiousity in his voice.
“You shouldn’t be receiving calls yet!” Nurse Layla’s voice interrupted from the other end.
A girl? Another girl’s voice?
Did he… move on already?
Is it over for her?
Emory began suffocating, breathing fast and hard and sweating profusely.
The phone became slimy in her palm.
“I asked your name” Levi’s voice came again.
Seems he ignored Layla.
“It’s Emor…
“I said you can’t talk too long on phone! Who gave you the phone in the first place” nurse Layla interrupted again, sounding pissed.
“Shut the fûck up, I’m talking here! You hear me?” Levi’s voice snapped at Layla, and Emory’s heart even jumped fearfully at the harshness of his tone.
“I’m…I’m sorry” Nurse Layla’s voice replied.
“Your name…tell me your name” Levi’s voice said.
The phone vibrated immediately, going off.
It ran out of battery!
Emory flung herself to the ground, shaking with sudden cold and dying of heartache.
She kept clutching at her chest, biting her lip repeatedly.
“Emory!” Silver rushed into the bathroom.
“The bastard is back” she told her, dragging her up.
She took the dead phone from her and flushed it down the old toilet.
She took Emory out of the bathroom, and immediately they entered the cell together, Fred came in too.
Silver didn’t let go of Emory’s hand though, and BJ stood in front of them like a big bro.
“Move” Fred told him.
“What are you planning to do to my baby? Touch her boóbs like the other time? Wait…are you the bastard who raped her at 11?” BJ replied boldly, and Fred scoffed, looking amused.
“Oh… you’re the skunk… Aren’t you her uncle? So after the rape, you sent her here and now you’re back to do what? Round 2? I’ll be buried before you can actually touch her again” BJ said daringly, and Fred pushed him with his shoe.
BJ flew to the wall, hurting his elbow.
“Urghh! That hurts!” He winced, rolling.
Silver pushed Emory behind herself and came to the front too.
“You can touch me instead, leave her alone” she said, and Fred laughed.
“You’ve been touched by almost every guard in here, what’s left to touch?”
BJ stood and came to cover the girls again.
“You can actually have me too. Shag my @ss!” He said, pulling down his shorts without warning.
He turned his bare @ss to Fred, and Fred scowled immediately.
“You fuçking bastard!”
“Go on, do doggy” BJ replied with a straight face.
“I’ll make sure you get sold at the next selection, and I’ll remove your organs myself idiot! I lost my mood” Fred seethed, storming out of the cell.
BJ quickly pulled up his shorts, inhaling loudly.
“Thank fûck, if he tried to shag me, I’mma cry,. I can’t have another man’s meat in my @ss” he said with funny faces, and Emory hugged him.
“Thank you, thank you”
“Don’t thank me yet, baby. No one knows when he’s coming back” BJ replied.
“So what did you find out on the phone?” Silver asked.
Emory left BJ and hugged her too.
“Thank you, Silver”
“It’s ok love, so what’s up?” Silver stroked her tangled hair
“He’s alive, but…he lost his memories I think” Emory sniffled.
Silver pulled her close and wiped her running nose with her own clothe.
“Shit hole, meaning we’re not leaving this place anytime soon? I’m getting sold at the next selection, better start preparing your farewell songs” BJ said, his tone sad.
Silver dipped her hand into her hair, and Emory started picking nervously on her long nails.
“I’m sorry” Nurse Layla said for the uptenth time since Levi lost the call, but he hasn’t been replying.
He’s back in his ward, still on his wheelchair but facing the window.
He has tried the line again countless times, but it’s not going through.
Angrily, he threw the phone at the wall, and it scattered around the ward.
Layla gasped behind him.
“The doctors ordered us not to let you touch your phone or make long conversations. It’s dangerous for your health it’s not my fault I’m sorry” she said.
Levi shut his eyes, replaying the voice in his head again…
“Tell me you didn’t lose your memory of me, please Xhen please….”
It feels like he has heard that voice somewhere before, but where?
He has no idea.
He’s not the type to give up easily, so he’s sure this will haunt him so bad.
He suddenly stood from the wheelchair, walking to the bed.
“But you can’t be walking yet! Please” Layla begged.
“Call the doctors” he replied.
“I’m leaving this hospital” he replied, and her eyes widened.
Uncle Reginald and Kara are already present, then Rebekah and Conrad.
Levi is currently dressing up to leave, and there are doctors in the ward with him too, trying to urge him to stay and complete his treatment, but he’s not having it.
“Levi you can’t do this and you know it. What if you collapse?” Kara persuaded.
“Then I can just die” Levi replied.
“Yeah… This isn’t how a human should feel. I feel fuçking empty like there’s a big damn space inside me waiting to be filled! I dunno what happened to my head but I’ll solve this myself… Y’all can leave it to me” he replied.
“And when did I get this tattoo?” He faced Rebekah and Conrad, showing them the tattoo on his forearm
el zorro es mio.
“The fox is mine? What fox? And whose signature is on my dîck? I saw it during my bath in the morning and I almost exploded… do you care to explain? What the fûck are y’all keeping from me?” He questioned hotly, and everywhere went silent.
“Keep it up…” He glared, storming out of the ward.
Nurse Layla quickly rushed after him.
“Should we just tell him about Emory? He’s staring to doubt everyone” Rebekah said worriedly.
“No. We’re not telling him that no matter what. He can doubt us all he wants, but we’re never telling him about her” uncle Reginald said.
They finally left the hospital after paying the outstanding bills, and Rebekah literally rushed out of the building just to avoid Conrad.
She bumped into two guys in the process, and she immediately apologized before moving forward.
“Isn’t it the killer princess? Bloody bitch” one of the guys said, and she stopped, turning back to meet looks of mockery on their faces.
“Princess? That was before, now she’s just a bîtch… Such a waste of beauty” the second one said.
Rebekah thought about killing them and hanging their intestines on the hospital roof, but that’d only make them popular, so she scratched that thought and decided to let it go.
She left them, and they began laughing at her.
“Bîtch!!!!” They shouted after her.
When they didn’t get any reply, they made to resume their journey, but they met Conrad behind them with a murderous look on his features.
“Oh it’s the stepbrother… Birds of a feather” they began laughing again.
Conrad jammed his fist into the face of that one immediately, and the other one retaliated.
He succeeded in giving Conrad two blows before Conrad could balance back and tow him to the pillar.
The fight turned big, and Conrad almost killed them both, but the hospital guards had to intervene.
Conrad left the hospital with bloody fist and lips.
TO Be Continued