Red Flags Chapter 53
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Red Flags Chapter 53 Of Red Flags Story by Naomi Cindy B Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Red Flags:
♥️???????? (Badasses • Bad • Jerks) ????♥️
“No…no ..yes–” Isaac groaned out as she closed her mouth on his shaft, and his hand went to her hair.
He fisted it, and she smiled despite her position, thinking he’s gonna pull her closer, but instead, he flipped her away, and she fell against the wall.
Isaac quickly pulled up his pants and was still holding it with his hands as he released heavy breaths, looking down at her.
She looks totally shocked.
“I’m not a pushover, Rain. Yes I liked you, but you treated me like shit and disgraced me publicly, you’re not human” he said, rushing out of the house.
Rain caught up with him shortly, blocking his path.
“You can’t resist me, and you know it! You love me!” She shouted, and he buttoned his pants before facing her again.
“Is that why you took it for granted? My mother was sick and dying in the hospital but each time I talked about her, you brushed it off like nothing important. Do you know I worked at the club to take care of her? But you came and ruined everything! I’m convinced that you’ve never seen me as a friend, and you never liked me. I’m only your emotional trashcan” he shrugged.
Rain gave him a painstakingly slow gaze before smiling.
“Whoa, our Isaac is all grown. Are you gonna go to Hyce? That idiotic gay boy?” She sneered.
“He’s not idiotic, he payed for my mum’s surgery and never asked for a refund. I wish I met him before you, I wouldn’t have looked at you at all, and yes… I might not be gay but he’s worth changing for!” He snapped.
Rain raised her hand on him angrily, but he caught it before it could reach his face, shocking her again.
“You said it yourself that we’re over. Get over yourself, Rain” he threw her hand off, and she staggered.
He left her there, walking down the road.
Rain swallowed nothingness for almost four times, trying to douse her anger, but it did nothing to help.
She threw her bag away in fury, breathing hard and heavy as she continued watching Isaac’s back view.
Meanwhile… Hyce is by the other side of the street road, watching the drama since the beginning.
A small smile appeared on his lips as he gave Rain one last look, then he drove off, crossing Isaac in the front.
He winded down his window, and Isaac blinked in surprise.
“Get in, silly boy” Hyce smiled shortly.
Isaac’s smile was all-over his small face as he opened the door and hopped in.
Hyce resumed the drive, and he couldn’t help but notice Isaac’s restlessness like he wants to say something but he’s finding it difficult.
Isaac kept fondling with his fingers like a girl, and Hyce smiled as his girlish-ness.
It’s the first thing that attracted him about Isaac.
Usually, he just enters any available gay club and fûcks whoever he picks, but that habit stopped immediately he set eyes on Isaac that day at the stadium.
He concluded he’s his. Even if he’d have to bend him to agree, and that’s why he has been persistent about it.
Luckily, it’s slowly becoming fruitful.
“Do you have something to tell me?” He said, and Isaac looked up at him with a blink.
Hyce stopped the car then faced him.
Isaac continued blinking…
“Just that….”
“Hmm…mm?” Hyce lifted his face.
“Rain…she… nearly sucked me off earlier” he said, and Hyce’s eyes narrowed.
“But i stopped it before she could go further! I’d have stopped it from the beginning, but she took me by surprise and I wasn’t able to…
“Shhh” Hyce placed his finger on his lips, and Isaac went silent with an innocent blink.
“You don’t have to explain to me, silly boy. We’re not a thing…yet” Hyce said, and Isaac licked his lips when he took his finger away.
Hyce stroked his hair fondly, and Isaac almost entered the leather seat of the car
“Cute” Hyce smiled, flaunting his chin dimple before finally driving off.
“Emz! Emz!! Emz!!!” Rebekah kept shouting hopefully as she ran into the hospital with Levi who’s still carrying Emory’s body in his arms.
She’s not moving at all, and it’s worse cos her heartbeats are so slow and faint.
They’d have gone to the school clinic, but according to Levi, he doesn’t trust them enough.
Levi took her into a VIP ward himself, and doctors crowded the room immediately with several nurses.
They were told to leave, but they might as well be talking to a mountain cos Levi didn’t move at all, and Rebekah stayed too.
She was shivering as Emory got attended to, but Levi’s eyes didn’t leave Emory.
The fact that this happened inside the school only means one thing.
Fred is back, and he’s lurking around with a new face.
Maybe he got plastic surgery done or anything, his name is written all-over the incident.
Or is it his missing daughter?
The whole thing messed with his head so much that he couldn’t think straight.
Immediately the doctors were able to revive Emory back to life, Mr. Carson rushed into the ward.
He was actually called by the hospital.
“She’s still unconscious, but she’ll be fine after receiving IV for some hours. The shock took a big toll on her memory, Mr. Carson” the head doctor explained.
“When will she open her eyes?” Levi asked before Mr. Carson could talk.
“Soon, before today ends” the doctor replied and excused himself before leaving the ward.
“You again? You’re the one who gave me car keys in front of the house the other time… The biker boy” Mr. Carson said.
“His name is Banks” Rebekah chirped in.
“And what’s his relationship with Emory? Why is he always hovering around her?” Mr. Carson replied almost immediately.
He didn’t hide his dislike… it’s obvious he doesn’t like him, and Levi is totally fine with that.
“Actually he’s… He’s Emz’s boy…
“I’m her shadow, that should be enough for an answer ” Levi cut Rebekah off, cast a worried glance at Emory in bed before leaving the ward
“That little ___”
Mr. Carson almost followed him, but Rebekah held him back.
“Calm down, sir. Emz is still unconscious this isn’t the time for this. I think Fred is back” she said.
“That bastard…I should have convinced our mother to abort him in the womb back then. He shouldn’t see the world at all. So after ruining my daughter, he ran off and had the guts to come back? I’m going to kill him myself. I’m going to!” He threatened.
“We should be devising ways to capture him instead. So far no one knows where he is in this country, he’s still ahead of us” Rebekah replied, and Mr. Carson sighed before going to Emory’s bedside.
He sat beside her and stroked her hair gently, sadness falling in his eyes.
“She doesn’t deserve this…she doesn’t” he muttered, getting his phone.
He dialled Tate’s line, but she’s not answering, so he dialled again.
During that moment, Rebekah went out to dial Nina’s line too, but then he saw Levi still waiting in front of the hospital, looking like he’s drowning in his own thoughts.
“Banks” she joined him, but he didn’t spare her a glance.
“Why did you cut me off when I wanted to introduce you as Emz’s boyfriend earlier?” She asked politely.
“Cos I’m not” he replied, and she walked to stand in front of him.
“Seriously? Banks we both know she sees you more than her shadow. You broke several limits with her already and don’t you see how often she smiles whenever you’re around her? Banks…
“I need to gather the boys and start hunting for Fred. I can’t allow that arsehole to hit again… Meet at the mansion when you’re done here” he replied dryly, walking away from her.
He began striding towards the park, and she sighed.
“He’s too much”
Tate has a black scarf over her head plus an hat, then black shades as she walked into the building with a small briefcase.
Only the sound of her heels echoed behind her as she took each step, and till she got to the right spot, she never looked sidewards.
She settled on a couch in a closed off area, and after dropping the briefcase on the table, she got her phone and made a call.
“I’m here” she muttered, hanging up almost immediately.
She was about to adjust on her seat when two guys appeared.
One tall and buff, the other lean but muscular too, and they’re wearing ski masks.
Omar and Romeo.
They settled in front of her, and she quickly took the briefcase to her laps.
“Tate Carson? Hand over the money” Romeo’s voice boomed.
“Where’s Fred himself, and who’re you guys?” Tate replied, fighting her fidget.
“He sent us to come for the money. Now will you let go?” Omar stood, and Tate immediately stood too.
“I’m not letting go of the money without seeing Fred himself. He ruined my daughter’s life and now he’s gonna milk my money? Where is Fred!!!!” She yelled, but that was replied with a hit from Romeo to her shoulder.
Tate fell back to the chair, and the briefcase fell from her.
Before she could reach it, Omar already picked it.
He opened it and saw the cheque, then he nodded and closed it.
“You’re the one who should be careful, and you better reply anytime Fred calls, else….the secret you’re desperately trying to keep from your husband and daughter will be out in your face like poof!” He said.
“Let’s go” Romeo told him, and they rounded the table, making Tate shift back on the ground before they finally left.
Tate covered her mouth tightly as tears came out of her eyes, and she couldn’t even stand from the ground despite the fact that they’re gone.
She was interrupted by the vibration from her phone, so she fished it out of her bag and saw several missed calls from her husband.
She quickly wiped her tears and stood before swiping green.
“Hello honey” she spoke.
“Fred is back I think… Emory got the trigger and is still unconscious at the hospital” Mr. Carson announced, and she almost fainted.
“What! No no no…not my baby again…which hospital?” She asked, breathlessly rushing out of the place.
Master X stood to his feet immediately Levi entered his office.
He’s with Hazzan who’s helping him with some records, but Hazzan stood and left after bowing to Levi who’s not even looking at him.
“Fred is back” Levi announced.
“Do you have a plan?” Master X asked.
“I do, but it’s useless if he doesn’t show his face” Levi replied, and Master X sat.
“And are her parents doing about this?” He asked with an unusual calm.
“Are you really asking that? He escaped from them years ago, so they’re basically helpless, and the fact that they kept the case from the public and the cops is another thing. They’re on their own” Levi replied.
“I’ll take it from here” Master X said.
“Meaning?” Levi replied.
“You can stop being her shadow… I only told you to do that cos he’s absent. Now that he’s back, I’ll take it. My boys will handle it” Master X said.
Levi’s throat moved as he tried to talk again, but Master X beat him to it.
“You can’t get too attracted to her, Levi. Did you forget? You’re like a female poison, and she’s bound to die if you go too close” he said, and Levi’s brow tensed, his eyes lowering as he had a rerun of the day of the accident.
The sound of police sirens woke little Levi up from his unconsciousness, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the tarred road.
The cops are just arriving with the firefighters, and when he saw them running towards a direction, he stood and faced that direction only to see his father’s car in flames.
It’s burning viciously in the middle of the road, and his eyes widened when he saw his father getting dragged away from the car with a bleeding and broken left leg.
“No Silver is still in there! Silver is in the car I can’t lose her too! Get Silver! Get my daughter out! Silver is in there! Silver!!”
Levi made to run towards the car too, but he was held back by the cops
“My sister is in the car let me go! She’s inside the burning car!!! She’s in!!!”
His struggles are tantamount to an ant’s cos they overpowered him and held him in place till the fire was completely put out, but shockingly, Silver isn’t in.
Not her bones, skull, burnt body or anything.
It’s like she disappeared.
“Silver didn’t die… she’s somewhere alive” Levi muttered.
“But she’s not here, is she? She’s probably suffering wherever she is, and we probably won’t see her till we die… Stop watching over the girl. I’ll take over from here like I said. Don’t jinx her with your curse too” Master X said emotionlessly.
“You care about her more than your own fuçking son? Do you think I threw a party when I learnt my mother died after birthing me? Or you think I did a thanksgiving when we lost Silver? You probably think I drink myself to oblivion each time a female dies because of me but I am in the fuçking dark too! I’ve been mourning all my fuçking life and I did nothing but wear black and smile, roll with my fuçking friends when in fact I’m always fuçking bleeding inside! Yeah I’m a devil who takes female sacrifices like you said but I didn’t make my fuçking self Xavier!” Levi shouted.
“You will not call me by my name!” Master X stood.
“Xavier… Fuçking bloody Xavier!” Levi yelled, and Master X pulled out the sword from his walking cane.
TO Be Continued