Red Flags Chapter 43
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Red Flags Chapter 43 Of Red Flags Story by Naomi Cindy B Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Red Flags:
♥️???????? (Badasses • Bad • Jerks) ????♥️
Conrad and Hyce jumped over the table, running madly out of the library.
Rebekah and the others followed.
No one believed their eyes when they arrived at the restroom wing.
The door is on fire already, and it’s spreading to the walls.
Choky smokes are rushing out of the room from the door spaces.
“Shit! Shit Emory!!!!” Nina screamed in horror.
Sybil joined the crowd in a rush, and she gasped.
“Emmy? She’s not in there, right?”
Rebekah tried moving closer to the burning door, but Conrad pulled her back.
“You wanna die?” He glared.
“Emz is in there jerk! My best friend!” She shouted at his face.
“She’ll be fine just calm the eff!” Conrad retorted heatedly.
Hyce got a steel pole from the storage room, and he began hitting it on the door body from a safe distance.
Chadwick joined the crowd too, holding a fire extinguisher.
He released it on the fire, but it’s not doing anything.
Even the metal pole has no hold on the door, so Hyce dropped it and took off his shirt, ready to enter the fire, but someone else picked up the pole he dropped, and all eyes widened when they saw who it is.
“Banks” Conrad and Hyce chorused, but he wasn’t even looking at them as he hit the pole on the ceiling, breaking it violently.
The students had to shift back as the pieces fell on the ground, then Conrad quickly got a ladder.
Levi climbed up the roof, and when he got to the middle, he broke the ceiling with his boot, and it caved in, giving him space.
He jumped in, and he was immediately choked by the smokes, so he had to use his mask.
The grounds are madly on fire except for the spots that are free from gasoline, so he stood on one of such spots and stretched his hand to the water dispenser, turning it on without opening the zinc bowl.
The water filled the bowl and started pouring on the ground in handfuls, meeting with the fire and reducing it’s energy.
He was able to cross to the other side and open the inner stall where he saw Emory at.
She’s still deeply asleep right there, looking oblivious of the chaos going on around her.
He quickly hoisted her up in his arms so easily since she’s so small, and she let out a gasp unconsciously.
He stepped out of the stall and met the fire still burning despite the pouring water, so he waited and gave the door a short look.
It’s still burning vivaciously.
He stood still, counting the minutes with his mind.
And in the fifth minute, the door fell from the frame, creating room to escape.
He ran out of the room with just four steps, and immediately he arrived outside, Rebekah was already waiting with a bowl of water which she poured on them.
Levi placed her down gently, offing his mask.
“Emz!” Nina and Lizzy knelt beside them, and Sybil let out a relieved sigh.
Rain bit her tongue hard. Why can’t she just die?.
The water seemed to do the magic cos Emory’s eyes opened slightly, and when she saw the people around her, she opened them wide.
“What’s … Going on?” She muttered.
Levi released a harsh breath, the water in his hair dropping on her face in droplets.
“Levi?” She muttered again, sitting up.
Then she saw the place is full of students staring at her and the burning restroom!
Her eyes widened, and she immediately remembered going inside and sleeping off as if someone added sedative to her coffee.
“No” She gasped, her eyes getting wider.
Did someone just try to burn her alive?
Last was the freezer, and now this?
What if she really burned? She’d look like barbecue right now.
She started fighting back her tears, staying still as the realization hit her.
“Are you ok?” Lizzy asked, touching her wet hair.
“Emz, say something” Nina said.
“Wifey?” Rebekah shook her, and she looked up at them with glassy eyes.
“I could have died” she sniffled.
“You didn’t, gosh…I’m so relieved” Rebekah replied, hugging her.
Nina and Lizzy stood, leaving just Levi on his squat.
He’s still breathing harshly, and his eyes are so red from the smokes, his wet hair sprawling sinfully over his eyes.
Emory broke the hug with Rebekah and faced him, but she doesn’t even know what to say.
He was supposed to be in Madrid, right?
It’s only 10am, why is he back already?
It’s obvious he brought her out of the restroom, but she couldn’t form a word as their eyes mirrored.
“Levi” That was the only thing she could say, and his throat moved shortly as he broke the eye contact and stood, facing the guys
“I told you to watch over her, I strictly said follow her wherever she goes” he said sternly.
“We couldn’t possibly follow her to the restroom” Conrad replied.
“You could have fuçking waited outside, don’t give me that crap!” Levi snapped, and students flinched at the harshness of his voice, even Emory herself.
“We’re sorry, bro.” Conrad replied.
“Don’t get mad, Banks. It’s scary” Hyce added, unable to hold eyes with Levi as he talked.
“I’m sorry” he concluded.
Levi looked at Emory who’s just standing up with the help of Rebekah, and before she could say a word, he took her hand and started dragging her down the hall.
She just followed.
Sybil couldn’t blink as she watched them leave.
They finally went out of sight, and then the firefighters arrived.
“That was one hell of a thriller drama” Nina released a heavy breath.
“Tell me about it” Lizzy replied, and Rebekah made to talk too, but her eyes met with Conrad’s.
She tightened her lips, and he turned his back, walking out too.
She released her breaths.
Hyce tried following Conrad, but Chadwick blocked him.
“Hey Hyce, I need your help on something” he said, and Hyce scoffed.
“What the hell gave you the confidence that I…. Hyce McCall will help you. Are you high?” Hyce said dramatically, gave him a death glare and started leaving.
“It’s about the person trying to off Emory” Chadwick said, and Hyce stopped, turning back immediately.
“Come again” he said, walking back to him.
Chadwick brought out the wrapped inhaler.
“Your father is the General at the metropolitan station, right? There are fingerprints scanner in his office and I need them to analyze the fingerprints on this inhaler. The culprit held it I think” Chadwick explained.
“How did you even get this? In your dreams?” Hyce replied calmly.
“I saw things in Omar’s diary, and I knitted them together, so I stole this from him” Chadwick said.
Hyce gave him a long look and started leaving again
“Still not interested”
“I’ll help you get Issac!” Chadwick shouted, and Hyce came back automatically.
He snatched the wrapped inhaler from him.
“Meet me in front of the station, 5PM. If you come late, oh I’ll kill you” he said seriously, leaving finally.
Chadwick smiled and left the corner, but then he saw Lizzy just leaving the fire scene.
“Hey!” He stopped her.
“You smile more than required these days, wow! People really change” she said.
“I’m only grateful for being alive, no shits” he smiled again, his bushy brows almost joining in the middle.
“You should trim your brows, it’s too much” she noticed.
“Not doing that, my father likes it” he replied.
“Whatever” she shrugged, moving away.
“Let’s go back to the library together ” he went after her.
“Then walk faster!” She replied.
Chadwick joined her with a bigger smile.
Levi brought Emory in ten minutes ago, and though the nurses offered to take care of her, he declined.
He took over a ward, and a tray full of treatments is ready.
Emory came out of the adjoining room, dressed in new clothes. A short jean jumpsuit…not too short though and not too tight, but her curvy hips are obvious.
“You should go change too” she told Levi who’s standing beside the bed.
“Sit down” he told her, and she could even feel the coldness in her system.
She sat grudgingly in bed and he gave her a bottle of flusher liquid.
She took it and drank from it.
They only had to wait for a minute before she retched and threw it up, but the liquid is slightly black this time, containing all the smokes she inhaled.
He raised her head up and flicked her lids open with his fingers, then he released eyedrop inside.
After her eyes calmed, she made to stand, but he pushed her back down.
She tried it again, and he did the same thing, then she broke down.
“Why are you like this? Say something, anything! Talk to me ok? You’ve been acting distant since you knew about my trauma last night and it’s not funny! You answer my questions in monosyllables and you didn’t even tell me you’d be going to Madrid today. Then you came back and saved me from the fire only to go back to pretending not to see me! What’s the purpose of seeing you when I can’t fuçking talk to you! I want you to talk to me like a human, I’m right here in front of you!” She ranted, standing up to him.
The tray fell, and everything on it shattered and scattered on the ground, but she doesn’t seem to care.
Her chest was rising and falling as she stood in front of him like a kid, her height only reaching his chest.
“Are you done?” Levi said, still blank.
Her shoulders fell.
“The coffee you drank, who bought it?” He asked.
“It was Rebekah who suggested it, but Lizzy payed when we got there” she muttered, turning her face down.
He gave her a stare for long before raising his hand to her face, making her look up.
His hands are still gloved, and it’s warmer.
“Are you hurt anywhere else?” He asked softly.
“No” she shook her head, and a nurse came in.
“Clean the mess” he told her
“Sure” she replied, and Levi took Emory out.
They met Sybil and Rain waiting in front of the clinic.
“You guys didn’t go back to the library?” Emory asked.
“How could I when my cousin is hurt?” Sybil made to take Emory from Levi, but he pulled Emory to his side.
“We’ll take her from here” Rain tried too, but Levi pulled Emory away again.
Rain fell on her knees.
“Ahh!” She winced as the knees began bleeding.
Emory said nothing, just looking at Levi who looks satisfied with Rain’s fall.
“Rain!” Sybil squatted beside her.
Levi pulled Emory away, and she didn’t even look back once.
“Will you eat lunch with me?” She suddenly asked before she could stop herself.
“What ya eating?” He faced her, still not letting go of her hand.
“Fish, I love fish” she smiled.
“I know” he replied, pulling her towards the school cafeteria.
Emory wouldn’t stop smiling.
TO Be Continued