Pregnant Virgin Episode 39
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Pregnant Virgin Episode 39 Of Pregnant Virgin by Faith Lucky Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Pregnant Virgin:
(???? Pregnant For A Prince )
Zoey’s Pov:
After spending lovely hours of intimacy, Zosar and I finally got dressed and left for the market.
He drove levelly in the car while I sat beside him, playing with his hair.
“What would you want for dinner, huh?” He asked along the way and I sighed and touched my big round tummy.
“Well…I think the baby would want some beef stew” I replied and he chuckled.
“Baby indeed” he muttered.
I smiled and looked down at my tummy.
Gosh! It gave me so much joy. And every passing day, every passing second, I felt the baby closer and closer and couldn’t wait to see his face and hold him in my hands.
“Zosar” I called after a while and he just spared me a glance since he was driving.
“When will you go back home?” I asked and his countenance changed.
“I don’t know, Zoey. I don’t think that’s important” he replied non-challantly.
“Of course, it is! You can’t just abandon your parents, Zosar. You need them and they need you”.I said.
“So, what do you want me to do? Go back and let them push me around? If I hadn’t eloped with you, I’d probably be married to Rana by now. So, please Zoey, you should understand me when I find it difficult going back to them” .
“So…will you continue being away from them forever?”
“Of course, not. I’ll…”
He paused and sighed.
“I’ll go back at the right time. But for now, I need to see my baby.
“As soon as you put to bed, we’re getting married and then, I can go home to my parents with my wife and son” he replied and my cheeks blushed.
I smiled and kissed him.
“Okay, then. If you say so” I cooed, rubbing his cheeks.
After a while, we got to the market and he looked for a suitable place to park.
The place was so busy.
As soon as he parked the car, I opened the door and stepped out, having a crazy desire to stretch my legs and waist.
He seemed busy in the car, trying to fix somethings and I just stood outside and waited for him.
Suddenly, I saw something alarming.
A lady – a very familiar lady – staring at me!
Of course!!
She’s the same maid that had warned me in the palace the first day I arrived here.
The one that had said something about me trusting no one.
Her words rang in my head:
Don’t trust anyone. They might all seem nice to you; but trust no one. Not even the prince
I recoiled as I remembered everything. She was definitely the one!
And…I didn’t get to see her in the palace again after that incidence.
What’s she doing here? And why’s she staring at me?
Immediately, she turned around and started walking away, but I ran after her.
“Hey!” I called as I got close to her and and stopped and turned to look at me..
She had pretty blue eyes.
“Hi…Do you recognize me?” I asked, taking a proper look at her.
Her hair was covered with the cap from the cardigan she wore.
She stared at me silently and slowly took her eyes to my tummy.
She gave it its own stare as if admiring it or something. And without saying any other word, she scurried away.
“Zoey?” I heard Zosar call from behind and turned to see him coming towards me.
I looked back at the direction of the lady but couldn’t find her anymore.
She had gotten mixed up with the crowd already.
Damn it.
“Hey, is there a problem?” Zosar asked as he got to where I was and held my hand.
“I’m…” I stuttered and looked at the lady’s direction again.
“I just thought I saw someone familiar” I replied, dazed.
“Someone familiar?” He scoffed.
“Who could it possibly be?”
I thought for a while and shook my head.
“Let’s forget about. Come on” I told him as I held his hand and led him away.
We went into the market and bought the things we needed.
As usual, he made use of a face cap so he wouldn’t be easily recognized.
After shopping enough, we drove back to the house and I couldn’t stop eating in the car.
I licked ice cream with unwrapped chocolates, biscuits and candies still on my laps.
Well, you wouldn’t blame me. I tend to eat excessively these days. Maybe its because my delivery time is near.
“Here, have a taste” I said to Zosar as I held the ice cream close to his lips and he licked from it.
“You eat too much Zoey; I hope this baby won’t come out as a balloon” he said while driving and I slapped his shoulder.
“Come on Zosar. Don’t be a kill-joy” I pouted.
“What? I’m damn serious, okay? I want my son to be as cute as me”. He replied and I laughed.
“Woaaah!! And whoever said you’re cute??”
“What the…Oh! Please, Zoey. You and I both know you can kill for my good looks alone. you think I don’t catch you staring at my face when you should be sleeping at night?”
“Ewww! You must be dreaming, darling. Wake up”.
“Whatever. Just be sure my baby comes out handsome. Else…”
“Else what?”
“I’ll f**k you for three days straight!”
I gasped and slapped his arm.
“Are you okay? What the heck?”
And we both laughed simultaneously.
After a while, we got home and by that time, I was already on my last candy.
We came out of the car at the same time and he went straight to the booth to get the items we bought.
“Please, I need a massage. Hurry up and come inside” I said tiredly as I approached the house, my hands on my waist.
I didn’t even bother helping him with any of the items.
“Yeah – a massage with a good c**k. You can count on me” he replied from behind and I laughed.
I had gotten to the payment and was about opening the door when I suddenly heard him groan.
I turned swiftly and saw a short arrow in his neck.
“Zosar?” I called and widened my eyes in shock and he fell on his knees.
Immediately, six boys popped out from nowhere and released another arrow at him.
Oh my God!! They were the palace guards!!!
I flinched as Zosar fell on the floor and passed out after the arrows turned red.
Oh my God!
Please, no!
How did they find out?
“Zosar!!” I screamed in fright and recoiled back in fear as the guards approached me.
“No! Please, stay away. Please” I cried but they got to where I was and covered a napkin over my nose.
“No!!?” I struggled in a muffled breath as they held my hands and soon, I blacked out.
TO Be Continued
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