Pregnant For A Madman Episode 9
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Pregnant For A Madman Episode 9 Of Pregnant For A Madman by Sammy Asuquo Teachable Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Pregnant For A Madman Episode NINE: ????????
“A few days after Ada and Obinna the ma’d man went for the DNA test, the result came out and Obinna was truly the biological father of Destiny.
“Thereafter, Obinna arranged to go back to his town with Ada, Destiny, and Kenny the following day, and it was exactly the day for Prince Ebuka’s Coronation.
“While the ceremony was going on in the palace, suddenly, a taxi driver drove Obinna, Ada, Kenny, and Destiny entered the palace. And when the King, Queen, Prince, and other people who were at the palace saw Obinna they began to shout ghost!! ghost!! ghost!!
“He was not dead that midnight, my sister here saved him. Kenny said.
“Young man, what are you saying? Onowo(The prime Minister asked.
“Yes, He’s right, Obinna here has been with us for a year+ now. Ada replied.
“This is extremely strange. Please can you tell us what happened? Because right now we are still finding it very difficult to believe. The king said.
“Okay, A year and 7 months ago, “I woke up at midnight when heavy rain was falling to close my windows that I left half opened, while I was trying to close my windows, I heard some interactions outside,
“ let’s just k’ill this man and commot for here before someone sees us na.
“ Don’t stab this man, remember our boss said we should k’ll him painfully, we’ve already drug’ged him, so let’s tie his legs, hands, and mouth and throw him inside this big gutter so that the Erosion would carry him away.
“I was extremely touched when I heard that, I wanted to scream from the upstairs that I was staying, but I was too fearful to scream.
“They brought him out of the white Lexus 570, and I was watching them from upstairs and heavy rain was falling, they tied his hands, legs, and mouth and they threw him inside the big gutter and drove away.
“ So I hastily sneaked out of the house while everybody was asleep to save his life when I got to the place that they threw him inside, I brought out my touch light and pointed at the gutter and I saw him inside the gutter struggling. I quickly rushed inside the gutter to bring him out but I couldn't lift him because of his weight, so I hastily ran to my brother's room and persuaded him to come and help me, and he followed me.
“My brother and I struggled so hard to bring him out of the gutter and when we eventually brought him out of the gutter, we hurriedly took him to a nearby Hospital that was very close to our house because he was extremely feeble and strengthless.
“When we got to the Hospital, fortunately, we met Nurses and Doctors who were on duty that midnight and the Hospital requested money before they could start treating him We didn’t carry any money or our phone to transfer to the Hospital, but we disclosed everything that happened to Obinna lately to them and we pleaded with them to treat him, that we would bring money as soon as daybreak. So they quickly attended to him.
“The next day, the Doctor conducted a test and told me that, Obinna had been taken very dan’gerous substances, and that substances had da’mage his brain completely. So the Doctor told me to quickly take him to a psychiatric hospital before his condition was beyond control.
“My brother and I took him to a Psychiatric Hospital and we went home.
“When I left him in the mental hospital I couldn’t stay comfortably and stably in the house and my shop without seeing him because I fell extremely in love with him, So I had to go to the Psychiatric hospital occasionally to see him. And because of him, the guy who intended to marry me became extremely a’ngry with me because I unminded him, and I didn’t care because I was obsessed with Obinna. And it was just a week+ to my wedding.
“ Originally written by TEACHABLE STORIES
“A few days, after I took Obinna to the psychiatric hospital, I told the Psychiatrists to discharge him and that I would take care of him because I couldn’t stay a day without him.
“A few days to my wedding, my fiancé con’fronted me badly because the circumstances were unbearable to him. So I had to make it known to him unashamedly that I was extremely in love with the ma’d man and I had Uncontrollable feelings for him. He told me to k’ll the ma’d man but I swore never to k’ll Obinna, He became extremely fru’strated and a’ngried.
“When the circumstances were beyond my control, I had to seek counsel from my best friend, and she also advised me to k”ll Obinna, because he was a barrier to me and my fiancé.
“When I got home, I began to think and recall all the wondrous things, my fiancé had done for me and my family, so I made up my mind to k”ll Obinna.
“Thereafter, I went to my fiancé’s house and told him I was ready to k’ll Obinna, he became very happy and he eventually gave me po’ sonous substance to put in the Obinna’s food.
“After I collected the substance, I prepared Obinna’s favorite meal and put the substance and when I wanted to go and give him the food, my fiancé called me and after the call, I dozed off and immediately after I dozed off, I had a very teachable dream and when I woke up, I threw the po’sonous food away and packed good food for Obinna.
“The next day, I returned my engagement ring to my fiancé and told him that I was done with him completely. He reported me to my family and his. The families summoned us to resolve the issues, however, I stood by my decisions because of the mysterious feelings and love I had for Obinna. At the end of the meeting, my fiancé’s family requested a refund of the Bride price my fiancé paid and my family promised to refund as soon as possible.
“After the meeting, my fiancé seized everything he bought for me, including my shop and my parents threw me out of the house because my fiancé rented the house for us. But I didn’t mind, I went to another town and rented self-contained for me and Obinna and where the house was situated was unknown to everyone.
“One night, I was deeply in a mood that I couldn’t control, so I decided to persuade Obinna and sleep with him without protection because I didn’t want to cheat on him by going to sleep with another man
“A few weeks later, I became pregnant for him.
“9 months later, I gave birth to this baby and I named him “Destiny”
“Onowuuu did you hear that? One of the king’s cabinet asked.
“Onowu couldn’t utter a word because he was stunned
“Those were the signs we had in the palace a few months ago. Wonder shall never end ooo. One of the King’s cabinets screamed.
“My love please continue. The Queen said while hugging Obinna very tight
“The king removed the crown on his head and said please my daughter continue.
“Cor.. Cor.. Cor continue… Prince Ebuka stammered and Obinna was staring at him with fa’ke smile on his face.
“After I gave birth to Destiny, life became as hard as Chinese algebra for us, because I went through surgery before I could give birth to Destiny and I spent all the money I had during the child’s delivery. And I didn’t have any helper or supporter.
“3 months after I gave birth, I began to hawk sachet water and I was backing Destiny to sell the water.
“One morning, my Landlord came and threatened me for not being able to pay my rent and he promised to arrest me if I didn’t pay him before that week ran out, after he left, one of my customers whom I usually used to collect baby’s food in credit came and harassed me badly for not being able to pay my debt. I sat on the ground and began to lament and cry heavily.
“While I was crying and lamenting, Obinna came and give me a golden necklace and I became very happy because he had never surprised me before or did such a thing for me. So I happily wore it and went out to hawk my sachet water.
“I never knew it was an expensive necklace until one day, one man who wanted to buy water from me asked me why I wore a necklace that was millions of naira worth and was hawking sachet water, I responded to him that I didn’t know and he told me to sell it and when I sold it, it was a breakthrough.
“After I sold it, I took Obinna to several Mental hospitals, but no Hospital could cure him from the ma’dness, and I was super dis’appointed and regretful because of the money I spent on those hospitals.
“3 weeks ago, my brother here came to my place after he finished his youth service, so when he came I told him everything I went through. Thereafter he disclosed the condition of Obinna to his best friend who is based in Lagos.
“A few days later, his best friend called and told him about a certain private hospital that was newly opened in Lagos, and he told him the hospital was well-equipped and the majority of Doctors were Foreigners. So he recommended the hospital for us.
“I didn’t have money to take Obinna to the Hospital because the hospital was very expensive. I had to sacrifice the only property I had in life to take Obinna to the Hospital.
“After I sold the only property I had, my brother and I took Obinna to the Hospital and we spent a week in the Hospital before they discharged Obinna.
“When they discharged him, he was still ma’d, there was no improvement at all, but the Doctors told me that he would recover from the ma’d ness sooner or later, I became very frus’trated and down in the mouth because I was expecting him to recover instantly.
“3 days after we came back from the hospital that was Last week Thursday, he woke up from sleep and was completely recovered from the ma’dness. So that was the whole story. Ada said.
“After she narrated the story finished the king who was s!ck and was not able to walk properly, got up strongly and healthily from his throne and went and hugged Ada, Obinna, and Kenny and everybody was extremely happy apart from Prince Ebuka.
“Who could’ve committed such an abo’mination in my kingdom? The king asked.
“Please, your majesty let’s consult Ezemou to tell us the person. Onowu said.
“No need, I know the person who conspired to k”ll me. Obinna(Ma’d man) said
“Whoooooo? They asked coincidentally.
“My brother, Ebuka, was the one because he came with that white Lexus 570 and 2 unknown boys to carry me at the Airport.
“When I landed at the Airport, that evening, I called the king and the queen to inform them that I had arrived at the Airport, but Ebuka was the one who picked up their calls and when I asked him why he was picking the King and the Queen’s calls, he responded to me that the King and the Queen were having a very important meeting with Governor and senators, so they told him to pick up the calls, and I believed him
“A few moments later he came to Airport with 2 unknown boys to pick me up and when I entered the car, I wasn’t myself anymore and I didn’t know what they did to me. Obinna responded.
“The king and the Queen held Ebuka’s neck to str’angle him but the king’s cabinets stopped them.
“Your Majesty, my Queen, my Prince, Great people of Ameke kingdom, there is a law that is governing this great kingdom, this law was written in the year 1890 by our forefathers, the law stated that if any man or woman be it old or young attempt to k!ll or k!ll the King or the future king of this kingdom that such a person should be either burn alive or burry alive regardless of his or her status. Therefore, Prince Ebuka must be buried or burned alive in an attempt to k’ll Obinna. Onowu(The prime minister said.
“Onowu you are very right, my beloved son, Prince Obinna, you’re the one to decide whether the youths of this great kingdom should burn or bury your younger brother. Everything is in your hands whatever you decide is final. So should the youth burn or bury Ebuka alive? The King asked.
“Long live the great king of Ameke Kingdom, I am very sorry to interrupt, did you just call Obinna your son? Ada asked very confusingly