Pregnant For A Madman Episode 12
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Pregnant For A Madman Episode 12 Of Pregnant For A Madman by Sammy Asuquo Teachable Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Pregnant For A Madman Episode TWELVE: ????????
The people of Ameke Kingdom are confused. Please explain to us what is happening in my Kingdom. The king said.
“Igwee.. Your Majesty the gods has finally spoken, Prince Ebuka, is innocent.
“2 years ago Maxwell, the king’s Brother cast a spell on Prince Ebuka after he went to several de’adly sh’rines and Rivers to k’ll Prince Obinna, and he couldn’t succeed Because of the strong ancestral powers that were assigned to protect the King and the future King of this Kingdom.
“He intended to use Prince Ebuka to k’ll the King and Prince Obinna Because Ebuka was the only soul that could k’ll the King and Prince Obinna.
“Maxwell has been the one controlling Prince Ebuka both sp’iritually and physically for the past 2 years.
“He planned to k’ll his brother’s family so that he would become a king, but one soul saved the entire King’s family and if not because of that soul, the entire king’s family could’ve been wiped away by his brother Maxwell.
“Prince Obinna’s wife is the soul who saved the entire King’s family, she has fought both physical and spiritual battle to save the King and his family.
“Your majesty, great people of Ameke Kingdom, I take my leave. The chief priest said.
“Maaaxwell, youuu!! Youu!! So it was you all this while. The king screamed.
I have no idea what Ezemuo is talking about, Your Majesty. Maxwell said.
Prince Ebuka stormed inside and pulled out a gun to shoot Chief Maxwel, but Obinna stopped him.
“Uncle, you had the guts to use me to almost d’estroy my family, I will k’ll you today..Ooohhhhh..Brother, please leave me let me k’ll this man. Prince Ebuka screamed.
“Ebuka, do not k’ll him just yet; let him confess. Obinna said.
“No ooo, I want to k’ll this man for tarnishing my reputation in this kingdom.”
“Please, Ebuka, listen to your elder brother. The Queen said.
I am going to k’ll you right now if you do not start confessing in the next five seconds. Ebuka issued a command.
“My Prince, I am innocent; what Ezemou said is not true. Chief Maxwell gave a low murmur.
“Oh!! You do not want to confess, right? Ebuka threatened to shoot him, so he screamed
“Nooo..stoop..I will confess, I will confess oo!
“Confess before I explode your head right now.
“Everything Ezemou said is true; I planned to use Prince Ebuka to de’stroy my brother’s family……
*2 years ago*
“Chief Maxwell went to a deadly sh’rine to k’ll obinna.
“Eyes of the gods, I want to dethrone my brother and become King, but his first son is my greatest ob’stacle, and I have been to several places to k’ll that boy, but I couldn’t, so please help me k’ll him so that I can dethrone his father. Chief Maxwell said.
“Drop his photo or clothes here. Hmmm. No power can k’ll this young man; he is protected by powerful and mysterious forces in your kingdom. The Chief priest said.
“Ezemuo, please do something.
“There is only one solution.
“Which is? Chief Maxwell asked.
“The only person who can truly k’ill him is his younger brother, so in order to fulfill your goals, you must make him your spi’ritual sla’ve.” The Chief priest Said.
“How can I make him my sla’ve spiritually, Ezemuo? Chief Maxwell said.
“Take this ch’arm, call his name three times, and command him to do whatever you want him to without hesitation.
“Ebuka!! Ebuka!! Ebuka!! I command you to be my sla’ve; from now on, do whatever I ask you to do quickly and without hesitation.
“It is finished; you may leave. The Chief priest Said.
*A Few hours later*
“Honey, welcome Back. Said Maxwell’s wife.
“Thank you my future Queen.
“How did it go? She asked.
“Honey, that man is truly powerful.
“I told you the man is powerful. She said.
“Yes, you did; Ebuka is now my s’lave, so I will use him to ki’ll all of my brother’s family and become king. Chief Maxwell said.
“Wow, I can not wait to be the queen of this kingdom.
“You can say that again, my lovely Queen.
“Your Majesty, your meals are ready. Maxwell’s wife said.
“My queen, I know you made my favorite meal.
“I do, my king. She replied.
* The next morning*
“Prince Ebuka received a call from Chief Maxwell.
“Hello, Ebuka; where are you?
“Good morning, Uncle. I am at the Palace.Prince Ebuka replied.
“Ebuka, stop whatever you are doing and come to my house right now.
“Okay, Uncle, I will come when I finish eating. Prince Ebuka replied.
“Ebuka, are you ma’d? My friend, will you suspend that food and come to my house right now? Chief Maxwell commanded
“Okay, I am on my way. Mummy, daddy, I am coming.
“My Prince, where are you rushing to without finishing your breakfast? The Queen asked.
“Mother, my uncle called me for something very significant, so I have to go and meet him now, I will continue with my breakfast when I return. Ebuka replied.
“What is wrong with our son, Your Majesty?” The Queen questioned.
“I am just as perplexed as you are, my queen.
*A few moments later*
“I am sorry for the delay, Uncle. Ebuka apologised.
“Is alright. Ebuka, I need your assistance with something extremely important.
“What is that, Uncle? I am willing to do anything for you. Ebuka replied.
“Ebuka, I want to be a King.
“That is amazing, so what do you want me to do? Ebuka asked.
“I would like you to k’ll your brother Obinna first as he is returning overseas tomorrow for his coronation.” Chief Maxwell said.
“Okay, but this is quite complicated, so how do I proceed to k’ll him? Ebuka asked.
“Okay, I will send you two boys to assist you in carrying out the task, but you will be responsible for their payment. Chief Maxwell said.
“Okay, no problem uncle
“Ebuka, Listen to me attentively. Immediately after Obinna arrives at the airport tomorrow, go there with the two boys and k’idnap him. After you k’idnap him, take this substance and give it to those boys to give him, after which they should k’idnap him and throw his c’orpse into a river. Chief Maxwell directed.
“Consider it done, Uncle.
“You may leave now. Hey!! Come back here; if you reveal these plans to anyone, I will ki’ll you.
“I won’t, uncle, I swear with my life. Ebuka replied and then left.
“When I am done with Obinna, I will tell Ebuka to po’ison the King and accuse the Queen of k’lling the King, after which the youth of this Kingdom will burn or bury the Queen alive. And after everything I will k’ll Ebuka and become king. Chief Maxwell said.
*The Next Day*
“Obinna arrived at the Airport and called his brother Ebuka.
“Hello, Ebuka, I have arrived. Obinna Said.
“I am coming brother. Ebuka replied.
“After the phone call, he rushed to carry the King and Queen’s phones so they would not realize Obinna had arrived at the airport.
“When Ebuka arrived at the airport with those two b’ad boys, Obinna asked.
“Why were you answering the Queen’s and King’s calls?
“The King and Queen are attending an important meeting with a Governor and Senators.Ebuka replied.
“Who are these 2 boys? Obinna asked.
“My bodyguards.
“What about our Palace guards? Obinna asked.
“Brother, we do not have time for all of these questions; it is getting late, so let us go. Ebuka replied.
“They dru’gged Obinna the moment he got into the car.
“Hey!! Boys take him away and k’ill him quietly while everyone is sleeping, and do not forget to throw his co’rpse into a river.
“Okay boss. Po’son replied.
“I will be expecting good news tomorrow. Ebuka said.
“Originally Written by Teachable Stories”
“Your Majesty, pls forgive me it was a de’vil’s handwork. Chief Maxwell exclaimed.
“One more word from you, I will sho’ot you right away. Ebuka Said.
“Uncle, how could you be this w’cked and heart’less? You wanted to ru’in your brother’s family solely for the sake of Kingship. Uncle, you’re very very w’cked. Obinna said
“Youth of Ameke Kingdom, take this man to the market square and burn him to ashes. The King ordered.
“Igwee….. Your wish is our command. W’cked Man mooove.
“Your Majesty, I am sorry oo, please forgive me oo.
“Thereafter, the youth burned him alive.
“After the youth burned Chief Maxwell to death, Ebuka was still dissatisfied because of the tragedies the man caused his family, so he went to set Maxwell’s house on fire.
“Woman, if you know what is best for you, pack up all of your valuables because I want to set this house on fire right now. Prince Ebuka commanded.
“Please, my prince have mercy on me. Chief Maxwell’s wife exclaimed.
“Woman, you are wasting my time; you were aware of all the e’vil your husband did to my family, and you supported your husband in turning me, the great prince of Ameke Kingdom, into his s’lave. Woman, i am giving you 3 minutes to pack out. Ebuka said
“My prince, I swear with my life that I had no idea what my husband were doing secretly, let alone supporting him. Please do not set my house ablaze. She cried out
“Prince Ebuka stormed out of the house, went to Chief Maxwell’s hotel, and set it on fire. However, Prince Obinna and the Queen were fur’ious with him for burning down the hotel.
“What is wrong with you, Ebuka?” Why would you burn down your late uncle’s hotel? Have you lost it? Obinna asked.
“Brother, I am so sorry; I could not sleep last night thinking about everything that w’cked man made us go through. Ebuka explained.
“It is okay, I understand how you feel, but He is gone; you could not have done it. Obinna said.
*The next morning*
“The king sent for Ada”
“My Adorable Princess, get ready; on Friday, I, my family, and cabinet members will travel to your town to express our gratitude to your family and also reward them for raising such a wonderful and amazing soul as you, and when we return, I will surprise you greatly. The King stated.
*2 days later*
” Eric went to Ada’s parents and confessed that he had k’ll Ada, and her spirit has been disturbing him nonstop ever since.
“Ada’s mother gripped Eric tightly and told him that if he did not provide her daughter, he would k’ill her as well.
“As Ada’s mother was dragging Eric, something incredible happened.
TO Be Continued
What do you think happened?