Pregnant For A Madman Episode 11
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Pregnant For A Madman Episode 11 Of Pregnant For A Madman by Sammy Asuquo Teachable Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Pregnant For A Madman Episode ELEVEN: ????????
“After Obinna hanged himself in a ceiling fan in his room, Ada came to his room and when she saw him she screamed Jeeeessssusss and woke up.
“Jesus, Jesus, Thank God it was a dream. Ada muttered.
“My love, what happened? Are you okay? Obinna asked.
“My Prince, all is not well, I had a terrible nightmare concerning you and your brother. Ada replied.
“What was the dream all about? Obinna asked.
“Ada narrated the dream to him.
“My love come on, that was just a mare dream. Obinna replied.
“Did you just say a mare dream? Ada asked.
“Yes, a mare dream and that will never change My mind, Ebuka must be burned alive and die pa’infully the same way he wanted me to die pa’in’fully.
“My Prince, please listen to me, my dream always come true, instead of burning him alive ba’nish him from this kingdom. Ada said.
“No, I can’t ba’nish him, the law said whoever that try to k’ll or ki’ll the king or the future king of this kingdom he or she must either be buried or burned alive irrespective of his status. So therefore, my brother must be burned alive this morning. Excuse me, my Princess, i am off to the bathroom. Obinna said.
“Ada, rush to the Queen’s room and when she got there, the Queen was having conversations with the king.
“Good morning, Your Majesty, Good morning your Highness. Ada greeted.
“Morning my adorable Princess, how are you doing?
“I am not fine. She replied
“What happened my Princess? The Queen asked
“Ada disclosed the dream to them and the King said
“My Princess, there is absolutely nothing one can do at this point Because nobody is above the law and if I decided to use my power and my influence as a king to stop the youth of this kingdom from Burning or burying Ebuka alive that means I have violated the law and none of my subjects would abide by the law of this land anymore. So I have to show a good example to my subjects.
“Ada left the room sadly
3 hours later
“Everybody came to the palace, So they brought Ebuka out from the palace’s cell, they tied his hands and his legs and he was wearing only boxers and when Ada discovered that it was exactly What she saw in her dream, she sadly ran inside her room, locked herself inside and she began to pray and cry heavily.
“So when the Onowu told Obinna to decide whether the youth should bury or burn Ebuka alive. Suddenly, Ebuka began to ask very strange questions.
“What is going on here?
“What happened to me?
“Father, why am I almost na’ked in front of the people of Ameke Kingdom?
“Brother Obinna, What happened to me? and when did you come back Abroad?
“Someone should answer me na? Mother What is going on?
“Originally written by Teachable stories”
“Everybody began to crumble Because they were confused.
“Ebuka, stop fooling yourself, we already know What you are doing. Obinna please go ahead and decide. Chief Maxwell the King’s younger Brother said.
“Uncle, What are you talking about? Ebuka asked
“Ebuka, you attempted to k’ll your Brother and you also made him ma’d for almost 2 years, So the youth of this Kingdom are waiting for your Brother to decide whether they should bury or burn you alive. Onowu said.
“Onowuuu!!! meeeeee!!!! Attempted to k’ll my beloved Brother? How? Ebuka asked.
“Will you sh’ut up your mouth and stop pretending as if you don’t know What you did. Prince Obinna, you have been silent since you came here. Please decide What the youth should do your Brother. Chief Maxwell said.
“I will never allow the only brother I have to be burned or buried alive Because of none’sense custom and tradition. Obinna said.
“My Prince, I hope you know that, if you violate the law of this land as the heir to the throne of Ameke Kingdom you are not going to be the next King of this Kingdom. Onowu said.
“Onowu, I would rather lose the throne than lose my only Brother. Guaaard untie my brother right now. Obinna said.
“When Ada realized that the power had changed hands she stopped praying and crying and came outside.
“Your Majesty please say something. One of the King’s cabinet said.
“Okoro, I stand by my son’s decisions. The king replied.
“Your Majesty, I am very dis’appointed in you, I can’t believe you’re supporting your son, when you know too well about our customs and traditions. Chief Maxwell said.
“While they were interacting, the chief priest walked in.
“Ezemuo, the people of this great Kingdom are confused, please tell us what is happening in my Kingdom. The king said.
“Igwee.. Your Majesty the gods has finally spoken, Ebuka, is an innocent.
“2 years ago Maxwell your Brother cast a spell on Ebuka After he went to several deadly shrines and Rivers to k’ll Prince Obinna he couldn’t succeed Because of the strong ancestral powers that were assigned to protect the King and the future King of this Kingdom.
“He intended to use Ebuka to k’ll the King and Prince Obinna Because Ebuka was the only soul that could k’ll the King and Prince Obinna.
He has been the one controlling Ebuka both spiritually and physically for the past 2 years.
,He planned to k’ll all the king’s family so that he would become a king but one soul saved the entire King’s family and if not because of that soul, the entire king’s family could’ve been wiped away by his brother Maxwell. The chief priest.
TO Be Continued…
Who do you think the soul is?