Prayer Of A Child Poem
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Prayer Of A Child Poem Of Prayer Of A Child Poem Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? Prayer Of A Child POEM: ????
God i want to be the best
like king Kong I want to beat mine chest
like the eagle I want to reach for the Stars
building my house and riding my own cars
God help me to make my parents proud
I want my success to pull crowd
let my mockers don’t take the last laugh
let me be the one to give them autograph
oh! God help me to wipe the tears of my mother
help me let me clean the sweat of my father
in struggle they build me up
in pains they gave me water to drink from a broken cup
I want to become something oh Lord
so that they can depend on me In there old age my dear lord
I don’t want to die Young oh God
give me longlife so that I can feed them my God
written by Davidson Perfect Jim