Nurse Sandra Season 1 Episode 29
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Nurse Sandra Season 1 Episode 29 Of Nurse Sandra Season Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Nurse Sandra Season One Episode Twenty Nine:
Deborah had spent three frustrating days trying to find some guy at school who would Bleep her. It seemed that all the boys considered her as Meka’s girl, and no matter how much she hinted, none of them would ask her out. Home alone, a few evenings later, the pretty little teen was spread out on the couch jerking off. Her sister was working the night shift at the hospital, and being home alone, the Hot teen had discarded her panties to leave her hotly oozing Kittycat more accessible to her fingers.
Twisting around on the sofa as she urgently finger-bleeped herself, she was wearing nothing but a short little dress that was pulled up above her hips. Unable to get the vision of Meka Bleeping Sandra out of her mind, she knew she’d go crazy if she didn’t soon get laid.
Her fingers frantically manipulating her clit, Deborah was almost on the verge of an orgasm when the silence in the room was broken by the sound of the doorbell. Quickly getting up, her face filled with lust, she pulled down her rumpled dress and answered the door. She was surprised to see Lekan Woyo standing in the hall. “Hi, Lekan,” she said to the handsome med student. “Come on in.” “Hello, Deborah,” grinned the man.
“You look pretty this evening.” “Thank you,” beamed the girl who’d had a secret crush on her sister’s boyfriend for a long time. Staring up at him, Deborah suddenly thought how much fun it would be to get even with her sister by getting Lekan to Bleep her. After all, Sandra had screwed Deborah’s boyfriend, so why shouldn’t she have Lekan? The more she thought about it, the more the idea appealed to her. After all, an med student would be very knowledgeable and gentle when it came to popping her cherry.
“Won’t you sit down,” she asked. “I really don’t have the time,” he explained. “Sandra asked me to drop by and pick up a large black folder that she says is in the top drawer of her desk.” “I’ll see if I can find it,” Deborah said, wondering how she could detain the man long enough to seduce him. Watching the girl as she scattered through the desk across the room, the handsome young doctor was very much aware of the teen’s soft bare thighs exposed beneath her short dress.
He thought what a delicious Bleep material she’d be when she grew up. Deborah spotted the folder immediately, but she quickly hid it under some papers so he wouldn’t see it. “It doesn’t seem to be here,” she said to him. “Let me look in her bedroom. She sometimes puts papers on the top shelf of her wardrobe.”
Stepping into Sandra’s room, she placed a high chair by the wardrobe door. “Lekan,” she called out, “will you please come here and help, me?” When he entered the room, Deborah asked him to steady the chair while she stood on the backrest to reach the shelf. “That’s not necessary,” he said.
“I can reach them without a chair.” “No,” she insisted. “I know what I’m looking for.” Bending down, Lekan steadied the piece of furniture while she stood up on the backrest. While Deborah was rummaging through the things on the top shelf, the med student happened to glance up. He was greeted by the sight of her Unclad little Kittycat exposed only inches above his eyes.
He stared with disbelief at the youngster’s juicy pink Kittycat which was surrounded by soft dark Kittycat-curls and glistening with droplets of creamy Well-juice. The faintly strong aroma of her fresh young Kittycat blew down to his wildly expanded nostrils. He could plainly see the shiny, moist inner flesh of her partially open Kittycat-lips as she stretched and reached.
His Joystick rocked violently as he realized how easily it would be to slip his tongue up into her open Kittycat from this position. Her cute Kittycat sure looked like it was made for Bleeping.
TO Be Continued