My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other Episode 7
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other Episode 7 Of My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other by Amaka Ember Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other:
Chioma and Cynthia’s closeness became stronger every day and Charles became worried and more eager to know what they discuss each time they are together.
Charles, with his friends, went for a sit-out to have a bottle of beer.
Charles could not hold it other than to share his worry with his friends. Ekene and Chucks.
Man, I’m worried about Chioma and Cynthia.
Ekene laughed! Are they now fighting cat and rat?
Not that at all. They are too close like best friends.
That’s a good thing. I mean is every man’s desire to see his two wives live as friends and enjoy peace in his house or do you prefer they break bottles every day in your house? Chucks asked.
No Chucks, no man with two wives wishes for such closeness from his wives. Do you think men with more than one wife don’t enjoy seeing their wives fight or quarrel with each other? They do. With that, they will expose each other if there’s any plot they have plotted against the man. Who knows they might be talking about me any time they are together. And you all know how I met Cynthia? Talk leads to another talk. The way their closeness is One day Cynthia might end up telling Chioma about it. You know women and gossip.
Charles, your marriage to Cynthia is barely six months and you have started complaining bitterly about it. I warned you when you started making this move of getting another wife. I did, everybody did but you keep saying, your father this, and your grandfather that. Olugo kwa na ómume (it has started) you better go and resurrect your ancestors to give you tips on how to set Armageddon war between Chioma and Cynthia since that’s what you want in your home.
Come of it, man! Stop all this you warned me everybody warned me. I’m a man…
You are a man what? Ekene shuts Charles up. Nwoke’m ónani gi bu nwoké kwurû amu bikó ma ajua gi(Are you the only man that has prîck Please let me ask you) all the time you are a man. I’m I, not a man? Is Chukwudi here not a man too oge óbula (all the time) I’m a man.
Ekene, If you like, shout from now till tomorrow, that doesn’t change the fact that men are polygamous…
Is this your mentality that men are polygamous that made you a husband of two women? This is eight years since I got married to Vera. I’ve never cheated on her or even thought of doing so. Stop making it look like all men cheat! It is just something that runs in your lineage which you as an educated man and a Christian would have put an end to. But no! All the time I’m a man. Ekene spoke angrily.
Hahaha! Look at Ekene who is talking. Ekene dated Angela for four good years back then in school and still later dumped her for Vera. Charles jokingly said to Ekene.
Chucks, you see why I don’t like going out with Charles? With just one bottle of Stout, he has started speaking through his anus. I’m out of here. Ekene angrily picked up his cell phone from the table and left them.
Bro, go and enjoy the peace your wives are giving you at home. I’ve got to go now my wife was preparing oha soup when I left I guess she must have done preparing it now. Chuks shook hands with Charles and left.
Charles got home and met Cynthia and Chioma seeing a movie together Chioma’s leg was on Cynthia’s lap and Cynthia was giving her a massage on her leg.
Charles removed Chioma’s leg and sat in between them.
Today I want to enjoy that discussion you both enjoy together always Charles said to Chioma and Cynthia as he was feeling a bit tipsy.
Cynthia smiled and told him no specific discussion. We just gist with anything we recall.
Oh, I see. You… gist with anything you recall? So many thoughts ran through Charles’s mind.
Well, I’m exhausted let me go and shower and rest my head. Charles excused himself
Charles went upstairs and fall on the bed. His head was facing up.
Why I’m I having this feeling that Chioma and Cynthia are up to something? I need to think fast and come up with something meaningful before this closeness goes out of hand.
Or should I open a saloon for Chioma? In the morning she will leave the house and come back in the evening. Charles thought in his mind.
Yes!! I think is now for me to let her have something to do.
Charles hurriedly went to the bathroom and freshened up when he thought he has gotten a brilliant idea.
Charles went back to the sitting room. This time around Chioma had slept while resting her head on Cynthia’s lap only Cynthia was awake seeing the interesting show.
I want to be with you this night Cynthia. Charles said to Cynthia as he’s already started feeling like a man.
Now? Cynthia replied.
What do you mean now? I said I want to be with you and you’re asking me now.
Charles, I’m having pains all over my body. My back, my neck. I don’t know but everywhere is just paining me. Cynthia gave excuses to Charles.
Charles tried to be a gentle guy by not pushing the talk further cause he doesn’t want Chioma to wake up or overhear them. Charles Angrily left Cynthia and headed to the bedroom. He angrily turned back and went straight to where Chioma is sleeping and her head on Cynthia’s lap and tapped her so hard for her to wake up.
Chioma, stand up from there! Are you new in this house to know this couch is not meant to be slept on? Stand up and go to the room and sleep.
TO Be Continued