My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other Episode 16
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other Episode 16 Of My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other by Amaka Ember Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other:
Nk, Chioma is asking for a divorce. Cynthia told Nk
Woohoo! That’s good news and it called for celebration. Nk rejoiced
Nay, I don’t want that.
You don’t like what exactly? Listen baby girl the Bible says one man one wife. God is pushing her out so you will be the only wife to Charles don’t you Gerrit?
My problem with you is that you quote Bible in a very wrong situation. Why bring God and Bible into this when you and I know we are destroying another woman’s marriage? Are you reminding God to come and punish us now? Please leave God out of this.
Run your mouth na shey na you get am. But why is she asking for divorce if I may ask?
You asked the question on time. What you would have asked first, you are here quoting what you don’t know where it’s jotted down in the Bible. Well, Chioma is living like she’s not existing in that house. Charles detests her badly because he believed she was the one that lured me into lesbianism. I’m feeling guilty every day. Please what’s the next plan to take let me do and leave this cursed marriage it is killing me already
How many landed properties does Charles have? Nk asked.
I only know of two. Maybe that’s all he has. Cynthia, I answered
Good, that’s your assessment from now. Know how many he has and know where and how to lay your hands on the documents. Once you have done this, it is finished.
Hmm, Nk this is not going to be easy. I mean who is careless about his property’s documents? It might not be in that house. If that’s the plan you are telling me about, forget it because I don’t think is going to work.
Will you do as I told you or not?
Until I get home!
Nk didn’t waste much time in Cynthia’s shop because is already getting late and she must not be seen there by Charles. Right from the shop they headed home together as usual.
Baby, I think you should grant Chioma an audience. The way you walked out on her in the morning isn’t the best. Cynthia pleaded to Charles
No, honey. I will listen to everything you tell me but you see this one, it’s a no-no for me. How can she walk up to me and tell me about divorce? What for! Do I beat her? Haven’t I been taking care of her needs and the Children’s needs? What else have I not been providing for her?
Cynthia as a woman knows that what Charles mentioned he’s providing for Chioma isn’t enough she keeps begging Charles to hear Chioma out.
Baby, I know you are trying but just this once hear her out, please.
I’ve heard you. Can I focus and drive now?
Yes, baby. That’s why I love you.
Chioma and the Children were in the sitting room watching cartoons when Charles and Cynthia walked in. Cynthia went upstairs. The children gave their father a welcome hug and Charles asked them to go to their room.
I’m all ears now. Charles began a conversation.
Is that all you have to say about what I said in the morning? Chioma asked.
Chioma, as you can see I’m just coming back from work. I don’t have all the time you need cause I’m exhausted already.
I need a space of my own. I’m losing my sanity here. The torture I’m receiving from you is too much for me. I’ve been calm enough I don’t want to lose it.
Just shut up! You have been calm enough that you don’t want to lose it. If I were you I will be calmed forever. Are you not ashamed of yourself that you turned my house into a Sodom and Gomorrah? If I were you I will take every treatment and torture coming to me because you deserve it. I thought you wanted a divorce. I’m surprised you now need a space. I give you all the permission. Go and have your space anywhere you can get…
Look at who is calling one shameless. Charles, you should be the one ashamed of yourself that a woman’s finger satisfies a woman more than that thing dangling in between your legs. Go and ask all the women you have slépt with including this one who is managing you now if you have ever satisfied them! All you know how to do is to steal people’s identities just to claim their woman. For your empty head, Cynthia thinks you are Elvis huh?
Those words from Chioma knocked Charles off his fit. He was surprised Chioma knows about Elvis and how he met Cynthia. Charles started looking up to know if Cynthia was there and heard what Chioma said not knowing Cynthia was at the corner smiling and applauding Chioma silently on what she was saying.
You haven’t seen any torture yet. I will so frustrate you. Charles said to Chioma silently and left.
Everything Chioma said to Charles got to him. He seated and was wondering how Chioma got to know about Elvis. Could it be that Cynthia told Chioma about Elvis when they were on good terms or any of my friends did? Charles could not place his hand on how Chioma found out and he doesn’t want to ask Cynthia so he wouldn’t complicate issues as it is already.
Charles and Cynthia have gone to their working places as they use to. Cynthia in her boutique was thinking about what Chioma told Charles that she satisfies her more than him. She thought Chioma still have the same feelings for her as her feelings for Chioma has not died. She told her sales girl if Charles comes she should tell him she went to the bank. Cynthia took a taxi home to know if she can sort things out with Chioma. To Cynthi’s greatest surprise. on her arrival, she saw a vehicle in the compound children and a few of Chioma’s belongings are already in the vehicle. She quickly moved and entered the room.
Hey Chioma! what are you doing? You are moving out? Cynthia asked with so much concern.
Chioma didn’t utter a word. She was busy picking her things.
Please Oma don’t do this. Nothing has ever changed. I love you still. Even if you will leave please can you give me the address? She was moving to Chioma slowly. As she reaches Chioma’s shoulder. Chioma angrily slapped her and hit her with an electric iron.
you have the guts to touch me and still talk to me after what you did? You are a traitor, home breaker, and worse than the devil. I can kill you here if I want to but I’m not wicked like you. Stay away from me anywhere you see me. I’ve left Charles for you have him all to yourself. Chioma left Cynthia as blood was gushing down from the wound she gave her.
TO Be Continued