My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other Episode 14
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other Episode 14 Of My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other by Amaka Ember Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
My Two Wives Are In Love With Each Other:
The next day Cynthia organized to visit Nk because the way she sounded on the phone got her confused and threatened.
Where are you taking off to? That’s Chioma asking Cynthia.
Nowhere serious I just want to stroll and also buy my toiletries down the estate that’s all. Cynthia answers.
An hour later Cynthia got to Nk’s house. Nk prepared Cynthia’s favorite food (beans) they ate together.
I couldn’t place my hand on what you were saying over the phone yesterday. What were you telling me exactly? Cynthia asked
I didn’t expect you to understand so easily but I only have one question for you. Who exactly are you marrying to, is it Charles or Charles’s wife?
Cynthia was so startled by the question but still pretended as if she knows nothing about Nk’s question.
I still do not understand your question.
Before you got married to Charles, You said you have ceased girls’ affairs so why screw your co-wife which is just the height of it? Nk threw another shocking question to Cynthia.
Who was here Nk?
Charles was here. Nk didn’t hesitate to tell her Charles came. And he told me everything. How could you Cynthia? Of all the ladies in this town, why must it be your co-wife?
Karma has a way of visiting people who lure others to do what they preach against. I wanted to marry someday but not to become a second wife to any man because of what my Mom went through when my Dad picked a second wife. It would have been me and Elvis but Charles surfaced from nowhere.
Cynthia was still complaining bitterly when Nk interrupted her.
Cynthia, you had all the power to cancel the marriage when we found out Charles is married but you were busy minding what people will say if you didn’t marry Charles. Charles didn’t lure you into anything you made your choice and decided to be a second wife.
I decided to be a second wife you say? At least her first wife is now madly in love with me. Cynthia said.
Wake up, baby girl. She is never in any in love with you. She is only using you to get back at Charles. Would she have fallen in love with you if Charles loves you more than her? Count your teeth with your tongue
Nk, you always have a way of twisting people’s heads but I won’t allow you to do that with my head. Meanwhile, what did you discuss with Charles? Cynthia asked.
Your husband drove from the main town down here with his friend Chuks just to ask me if you were a lésbian and still drove back without me giving him a response. Hahaha! That your husband is a big Scrotum!
Eh! Eh oo that’s my husband you are calling scrotum. Stop it now. Cynthia jokingly warns Nk. But what if you had told him yes, what would he have done with the answer?
That’s why I called him a scrotum. That one doesn’t need a mirror to check what he/she is wearing on his wrist isn’t when it comes to your husband’s case. Babe enough of Charles and his wife’s talk. I’ve missed your soft tender lips a lot. Nk, said as she sits on Cynthia’s lap and touched her lips on Cynthia’s lips.
They both had enough of each other and it was as if they rekindled their love.
Cynthia dressed and headed home because it was almost getting dark. When she got home what kept ringing in her head was what Nk said about Chioma doesn’t love her and that She was using her to get back at Charles.
You now keep late night too? Look at the time a married woman like you comes home. You people should turn my house into whatever you both want one day we shall know who is the man in this house. Charles said referring to Cynthia and Chioma.
What kept you? You told me you were going for strolling? Chioma asked Cynthia
I went to see a friend of mine Cynthia answered her and walked into her room.
Cynthia couldn’t sleep all night because she has been thinking about what Nk said and came to the conclusion that Nk is right. She suddenly got fed up with everyone in the house including Chioma.
It was morning already. Both the children and Charles have all left the house but Cynthia still locked herself in the room. Chioma went to find out if all is alright with her. She knocked and knocked but Cynthia wasn’t opening.
Hey, Cynthia. I know you can hear me. I just want to know if you are fine. Please open the door. Whatever it is you can confide in me. Chioma pleaded to Cynthia outside the door.
Cynthia opened the door and let her in… Good morning Chioma. Cynthia greeted.
Chioma was kind of surprised because Cynthia doesn’t call her by her full name but she waved it.
Are you okay Babe? You have been acting strange since yesterday you came back from your friend’s place. What is the matter?
Why did you act like you care? Did you call to know where I was since you saw it was getting late yesterday? Cynthia quarried Chioma.
Sorry babe, I was going to do that before you walked in. Chioma explained.
You were going to call before I walked in? But that’s fine though I’ve heard you.
It’s almost eleven. Just take your bath and come out let’s gist. Chioma told Cynthia.
Alright, give me some minutes I’m coming… Chioma left and shut the door behind her.
Cynthia picked up her phone and called Nk.
Hey! Babe how are you doing? Nk speaking on the other side of the phone.
I’m not fine at all. I couldn’t sleep last night. I suddenly got tired of the whole marriage last night. I’m going to run away from here anytime soon. Cynthia lamented.
Shiiii, not so fast baby. You ain’t leaving there empty-handed. I’ve got big plans for you. Just know when you will be free again for us to see. Nk instructed Cynthia
Okay then, I think I will be coming this weekend. I can’t wait to leave here.
TO Be Continued