My Sugar Daddy And i Chapter 2
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Sugar Daddy And i Chapter 2 Of My Sugar Daddy And I Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? My Sugar Daddy And I Chapter TWO:
I was now back home, I went online and saw the delegates messages. He had announced that he wasn’t taking any assignments again, since he had already submitted to the Prof.
I texted him and explained everything to him, sent pictures but he told me that the lecturer was not going to be in school for at least three months because he was bereaved. So, the only way he could help me was to go with me to explain to him so that he could take my Assignments. I quickly accepted but didn’t tell him I happened to have been present the day the prof’s wife died.
We agreed we will meet Upstation at Ten since that’s where the man lived.
I Got up the next day did my laundry and that of my siblings since it was a Saturday. It’s been a week since I had that accident I was feeling better now and strong, so I decided to do laundry. My Eldest Brother Hillary had gone to his store to check out how things were unfolding. He teaches during the week and on weekends he sells at his store.
I was the only girl and the last child too. My father had longed abandoned us, Married a new wife and travelled With her abroad. Well as for my mum she died while giving birth to me and so my father blamed me for her death. He despised and hated me, so he didn’t care never thought of how I will feel.
My brothers were my only support system they took care of my schooling. They did their best to make sure I never lacked anything.
Before our family got separated my father and mother were civil servants who worked in the government and made much money. My mom was a principal and my Dad worked at the regional delegation as a secretary. My brothers had a full time education and luckily the incident happened when they had completed secondary school.
My elder Brother Hillary was a math Teacher at my mum’s school and my Second elder Brother was writing the Advance level GCE. My mum died at Forty due to her stubbornness. She wanted a female child so badly but had been cautioned by the Doctor not to get pregnant again and she didn’t intend to until it happened.
My father advised that she get rid of it so that it shouldn’t cause her problems but after finding out through echography , that it was a girl she was happy to keep. She had always wanted a female child but couldn’t bear one until this opportunity presented itself. Everyone was against it but she didn’t listened so after giving birth to me, she spent eight days in the hospital and died.
My father in one of his drunken states had narrated this to me and kept calling me names. My brothers on the other hand told me that after I was born my mum refused giving me to anyone she had me in her arms for days and she named me Bright.
After washing I made sure I cooked something before leaving the house . Stephen my second elder Brother never jokes with his stomach. Whenever he came home and there wasn’t any food he would get really annoyed. He hated eating out , sometimes he would go to the market get groceries and come home to cook whenever he came back early from work.
I left home at 9:30 and by 10:00am I was Upstation waiting for the Delegate. Fifteen minutes later he arrived and apologized for keeping me waiting.
“Good morning David you are late” I said
“I am sorry dear, It was the traffic you know it’s still very early in the morning and the buses at matezen are still entering town now so it’s difficult to avoid traffic”
“Well it’s alright I understand”
We went on took a bike that took us directly to the man’s entrance we stepped down and paid him.
The compound was very busy with people streaming in and out of it giving Their condolences to the bereaved Mr Atabong Pierre
“Please you have to wait here, you know how strict Mr Atabong is.”
” Let me go in and see him first he had called me to come and let’s discuss something which I think it’s personal, after that I will let him know about you.”
David said.
“Ok no problem” I said as I rolled a chair that was sleeping on the wall and sat down.
I sat there observing his beautiful big house which had four floors. He had three Cars which could be spotted in his garage, a beautiful lawn surrounded by Rose plant
I sat there manipulating my phone when someone tapped me
“Young lady can I help you?”
I turned only to notice he was the one
“No sir I…. “
“Aren’t You the lady I hit on a bike the other day?”
“What are you doing in my house” ?
“Are the drugs not responding well”?
“No sir that’s not why I am here.”
“I am here with David to explain to you why I couldn’t submit my assignment last week sir”
“And which David are you talking about”?
“Awah David sir”
“Ooh ooh I see so you’re my student?”
“Yes sir”
“It’s alright I understand.”
He turned to his younger Cousin who was just coming in from running an errand and told her to please usher me in, but before she could, David came back and meet us
“Good morning Prof my Condolences”
“Thank you David”
“I was told you stepped out to get something “
“Yes I did I needed fresh air and I also needed to clear my Head”
He told me to go in while he stayed back to talk with David.
We had finished and I submitted my Assignment to him and also apologized.
“I am sorry about yesterday sir I shouldn’t have….. “
“No no no you don’t need to apologize I am the one to apologize, I mean I was the one who ran you down and still scolded you even when you had been kind to me.”
“So my dear I am sorry and I hope your wound Is gradually healing.”
“Hopefully Prof but I am fine though. I am no longer feeling any pains again.”
“Oh that’s great news. I am happy to hear that”
I thought of asking him so many things but my inner self wouldn’t let me. I felt I had bordered him enough so I went on to go see David where he was arranging some Documents.
That’s how I became acquainted with Mr Atabong Pierre. He was a profound intellect and ambitious man who was rather friendly from the inside and strict in the outside. He became the only Lecturer I was close with. I actually found him very interesting and entertaining. He was old but very Charming and kind hearted.