My Stay In India Chapter 12
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “My Stay In India Chapter 12 Of My Stay In India by Davidson Perfect Jim Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? My Stay In India CHAPTER TWELVE: ????
The next day I decided, come rain come sun I will never talk to Krishna and Devya again because of all the troubles I have gone through this past few days in India. New Delhi University was a cool place to study, I am learning a lot from here but trouble never cease to come my way thinking about my background is more than enough reason for me to push ahead.
“Raymond” Ami called as if someone is in danger “ won’t you go to school today this is Friday and not Saturday”
“ I will Ami” I said “ I want to take my bath now”
“ okay, be fast prakash is waiting for you” she said.
I decided not to eat I will just buy snacks or better still go to the African market which Ami told me to get some Nigeria food stuff. Gosh their food is like poison to my stomach. I barely sleep well anytime I taste their food.
I have biology class today and if I miss it that lecture will make sure I fail his course as he already hates me with everything in him.
I hurriedly dressed up, after having my bath and brushing my teeth. I knelt down and commune with my maker before leaving my room.
I went downstairs just to see prakash leaving.
“ prakash” I called “ I am here now”
“ what took you so long” he uttered in an angry tune “ I won’t wait for this long next time. I am late for work let’s go”
“ all this Nigerian rascals, they barely keep to time” Dev murmured.
“ stop that nonsense” Ahuja said looking angrily at him.
I did as if I did not hear anything. One thing I was thought back in Nigeria by my mom, she said “ if you hear everything one utter to you, you will get into troubles every time. But when you shut your ears that is thus considered as wisdom”.
I had to think on that and keep my cool maybe that will also help me with my problems in the tertiary institution of higher learning.
I and prakash entered the bike and zoom of. Prakash first dropped me at the school gate and I had to walk into the school. I bid him goodbye before he drove away heading to his work place.
Wow! I am back to experience another round of insult. I promised myself not to fight with anyone even if I will be bullied. I don’t care all I want now is to finish my course and be the best doctor I always wanted to be in life.
On my way to my lecture hall I came across Devya, I did as if I did not see her and she never noticed my present. I dodged Krishna and Devya. You will say am a smart boy, not untill you hear that after thee the lecture I went to the university canteen to have some food. I sat at the end of the canteen for me not to be noticed by anyone.
I neither had friends. What are friends when I have many in the house I am temporarily staying. Will eating I had someone saying while hitting the desk my food was on. When I looked up I saw Krishna and Devya staring at me with sad countenance.
“ why are you avoiding us?” Devya asked
“ I em ammmm no” I stammered finding words that will suit the question at hand but non came out.
“ you are now dumb” Krishna uttered.
I loved Krishna so much but can’t tell her Devya on the other hand is in love with me and she has told Krishna of her intention and also told me she loves me but the fact is am not in love with her. Also I don’t want to break her heart.
“ I am not like I am not trying like trying to like to emmmm” I continued my stammering
“ no need to answer we will go and not border you again” Devya said
“ nooo is not like that I was busy with something” I liked “ I had a fight with some morrons on my way to school….”
“ I understand no need to worry” Krishna concluded “ we are leaving”
“ oh no stay and eat with me, it will make me feel better” I said with a smile on my face but deep down I never wanted it
“ it is now you know we can make you happy right? Krishna said in an angry tune.
“ no it is not like that am so sorry” I said almost getting on my kneels “ it won’t happen again I promised”
They stayed for a while contemplating whether to forgive me or not. Before accepting my apology it took me a great effort. Making girls to believe you is harder than pounding fufu. Gosh they are like Nigerian girls very hard to convince. They forgave me and sat with me to eat. Not quite long Ansh and his gang walked in on us. They dragged me out and beat me.
I did not retaliate, neither did I push back. I was beating to stupor.
“ can’t you fight” Ansh said breathing heavily
“get up and fight rascal” Akshay uttered
“ I don’t want to fight, please leave me alone” I barely uttered those words.
“Don’t say a word endure the pains” Rayman uttered
“ Raymond” prakash called running towards me but they held home back so that Ansh and his crew will beat me. I tried to play my roll as an actor but to no avail. Devya and Krishna couldn’t do anything. While I was down on the ground helpless be I saw with much struggle with my eye a tall man standing beside me. God I am done for.